Implementation of Feedback Transformer in Pytorch


Feedback Transformer - Pytorch

Simple implementation of Feedback Transformer in Pytorch. They improve on Transformer-XL by having each token have access to the representations of all previous layers through time. This is achieved by aggregating the outputs of all layers into a shared memory, which each token across layers can attend to at each time step.

The main drawback is longer training time, due to its non-parallel nature. But I thought I'd build it to further exploration and research into this line of work.

Yannic Kilcher video

I also took the liberty to add some various enhancements, including pre-normalization, GLU gated feedforwards, as well as simplified T5 relative positional embeddings.


$ pip install feedback-transformer-pytorch


import torch
from feedback_transformer_pytorch import FeedbackTransformer

model = FeedbackTransformer(
    num_tokens = 20000,           # number of tokens
    dim = 512,                    # dimension
    depth = 6,                    # depth
    seq_len = 2,                  # the sequence length of each segment or window
    mem_len = 256,                # length of the memory buffer
    dim_head = 64,                # dimension of each head
    heads = 8,                    # number of heads
    attn_dropout = 0.1,           # attention dropout
    ff_dropout = 0.1              # feedforward dropout

x = torch.randint(0, 20000, (2, 64)).cuda()
model(x)  # (2, 64, 20000)

If you would like to have fine control over the memory (when to detach, etc), you can do it with some extra keyword arguments on .forward

import torch
from feedback_transformer_pytorch import FeedbackTransformer

model = FeedbackTransformer(
    num_tokens = 20000,
    dim = 512,
    depth = 6,
    seq_len = 32,
    mem_len = 256

x1 = torch.randint(0, 20000, (2, 32)).cuda()
x2 = torch.randint(0, 20000, (2, 32)).cuda()
x3 = torch.randint(0, 20000, (2, 32)).cuda()

out1, mem1 = model(x1, return_memory = True)
out2, mem2 = model(x2, memory = mem1, return_memory = True)
out3, mem3 = model(x3, memory = mem2, return_memory = True)  # (2, 32, 20000)


    title   = {Addressing Some Limitations of Transformers with Feedback Memory}, 
    author  = {Angela Fan and Thibaut Lavril and Edouard Grave and Armand Joulin and Sainbayar Sukhbaatar},
    year    = {2021},
    eprint  = {2002.09402},
    archivePrefix = {arXiv},
    primaryClass = {cs.LG}
  • Should it really be using lower layers output for keys and values?

    Should it really be using lower layers output for keys and values?

    Could you explain the logic of how the key-value pairs are formed at these lines and whether it is necessary?

    It looks to me that line 146 transforms the output of the layer below (x) to keys and values, and the following lines combine these keys and values with the memory. I thought that x should only be used for forming the query here, and only the existing memory is used for keys and values.

    opened by tarvaina 6
  • In place operation with gradient

    In place operation with gradient I think this is an error.

    opened by hadaev8 4
  • Bug in weighted sum

    Bug in weighted sum

    Bug in

    Should be layer_weight = rearrange(layer_weight, 'd -> d () () ()')

    opened by Victor0118 1
  • Input/Output dimensions

    Input/Output dimensions

    Hey @lucidrains

    Can I check the dimensions of the input and output, is it (seq_len, dim) -> (? ,dim, tokens)?

    model = FeedbackTransformer(
        num_tokens = 20000,           # number of tokens
        dim = 512,                    # dimension
        depth = 6,                    # depth
        seq_len = 2,                  # the sequence length of each segment or window
        mem_len = 256,                # length of the memory buffer
        dim_head = 64,                # dimension of each head
        heads = 8,                    # number of heads
        attn_dropout = 0.1,           # attention dropout
        ff_dropout = 0.1              # feedforward dropout
    x = torch.randint(0, 256, (2, 512)).cuda()
    model(x)  # (1, 512, 20000)
    opened by iiSeymour 1
  • Non intuitive memory usage with cross attention

    Non intuitive memory usage with cross attention

    Give simple 256 dim and 512 len tensor and memory len 16 feedback transformer uses 3.6gm memory after forward pass. With cross attention on 100 len tensor usage grows to 14gb.

    While parallel version uses 3.1gb and 3.5gb.

    Notebooks for testing

    opened by hadaev8 0
  • I think mask padding value should be False

    I think mask padding value should be False


    opened by hadaev8 0
  • ETA for the enwiki8 example

    ETA for the enwiki8 example

    Hey @lucidrains,

    Any eta on the example for auto-regressive enwiki8 example? I and others would really appreciate it as always :)

    Also, if you can provide an example for training on custom line-by-line TXT datasets, it would be absolutely fantastic.

    Thank you.

    opened by asigalov61 0
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