Official implementation of the paper Do pedestrians pay attention? Eye contact detection for autonomous driving

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Do pedestrians pay attention? Eye contact detection for autonomous driving

Official implementation of the paper Do pedestrians pay attention? Eye contact detection for autonomous driving

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Image taken from : . Results obtained with the model trained on JackRabbot, Nuscenes, JAAD and Kitti. The model file is available at models/predictor and can be reused for testing with the predictor.


In urban or crowded environments, humans rely on eye contact for fast and efficient communication with nearby people. Autonomous agents also need to detect eye contact to interact with pedestrians and safely navigate around them. In this paper, we focus on eye contact detection in the wild, i.e., real-world scenarios for autonomous vehicles with no control over the environment or the distance of pedestrians. We introduce a model that leverages semantic keypoints to detect eye contact and show that this high-level representation (i) achieves state-of-the-art results on the publicly-available dataset JAAD, and (ii) conveys better generalization properties than leveraging raw images in an end-to-end network. To study domain adaptation, we create LOOK: a large-scale dataset for eye contact detection in the wild, which focuses on diverse and unconstrained scenarios for real-world generalization. The source code and the LOOK dataset are publicly shared towards an open science mission.

Table of contents


Use 3.6.9 <= python < 3.9. Run pip3 install -r requirements.txt to get the dependencies


Get predictions from our pretrained model using any image with the predictor. The scripts extracts the human keypoints on the fly using OpenPifPaf. The predictor supports eye contact detection using human keypoints only. You need to specify the following arguments in order to run correctly the script:

Parameter Description
--glob Glob expression to be used. Example: .png
--images Path to the input images. If glob is enabled you need the path to the directory where you have the query images
--looking_threshold Threshold to define an eye contact. Default 0.5
--transparency Transparency of the output poses. Default 0.4

Example command:

If you want to reproduce the result of the top image, run:

If you want to run the predictor on a GPU:

python --images images/people-walking-on-pedestrian-lane-during-daytime-3.jpg

If you want to run the predictor on a CPU:

python --images images/people-walking-on-pedestrian-lane-during-daytime-3.jpg --device cpu --disable-cuda

Create the datasets for training and evaluation

Please follow the instructions on the folder create_data.

Training your models on LOOK / JAAD / PIE

You have one config file to modify. Do not change the variables name. Check the meaning of each variable to change on the training wiki.

After changing your configuration file, run:

python --file [PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE]

A sample config file can be found at config_example.ini

Evaluate your trained models

Check the meaning of each variable to change on the evaluation wiki.

After changing your configuration file, run:

python --file [PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE]

A sample config file can be found at config_example.ini

Annotate new images

Check out the folder annotator in order to run our annotator to annotate new instances for the task.


Credits to OpenPifPaf for the pose detection part, and JRDB, Nuscenes and Kitti datasets for the images.

Cite our work

If you use our work for your research please cite us :)

      title={Do Pedestrians Pay Attention? Eye Contact Detection in the Wild}, 
      author={Younes Belkada and Lorenzo Bertoni and Romain Caristan and Taylor Mordan and Alexandre Alahi},
VITA lab at EPFL
Visual Intelligence for Transportation
VITA lab at EPFL
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