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What are the advantages of the live teaching system to improve learning quickly?

2022-07-05 09:34:00 shangrenbao

With the deepening of the Internet , Many educational institutions are increasingly focusing on the online , Through the online training system , Solve the teaching problems of institutions , And get more resources for teaching institutions , So what are the benefits of using live teaching system ?

1、 The popularization of teaching resources

Different from the traditional teaching mode , Online training system can better achieve precision education , In this environment of more students, fewer teachers and fewer famous teachers , The scarcity of high-quality teachers leads to the biggest obstacle to educational equity , And online live education can make excellent teacher resources to be shared . Live online systems don't take time 、 place 、 The limits of space , Support ten thousand people to learn online at the same time , As long as students have computers or mobile phones or wechat or app, You can hear the best teachers from all over the country and even the world .

2、 Optimize learning scenarios

With the development of the Internet , Information display in all aspects of people's life , A person's behavior is easily influenced by his environment , Learning is the same , Pay more attention to the scene shaping . Of course , The scene here doesn't just mean “ Classroom ” This venue , It is “ Teaching atmosphere ”. Whether it's offline or online , such “ Teaching atmosphere ” They can be shaped , But through the live teaching system , It will be built faster , Except for the voice of the system itself 、 Besides electronic whiteboard teaching , It can also analyze students' learning parameters through big data technology and other means , For example, class hours 、 Online class purchase rate 、 Course types, preferences and other data , According to the change of data, we can guide students' learning direction , Optimize learning scenarios .

3、 Real time monitoring of learning state

The online training system uses face-to-face live broadcast , Can better let the teacher can control the state of students in class , And do real-time monitoring , At the same time in the process of teaching constantly to revise their own lecture content and knowledge points , And it can improve students' learning efficiency , In the live broadcast room, students' learning enthusiasm can be well aroused , At the same time, students' self-control ability can be cultivated through the live teaching system , At the same time, urge parents to control their children's learning ability .

4、 Personalized education services

Teachers through the live teaching system data analysis , Get the students' learning data , Achieve accurate data acquisition , Students' learning behavior and process will gradually move towards data , The future teaching live broadcast system will gradually mature and take advantage of this feature , And big data 、 Artificial intelligence is further integrated , Model the massive data generated in the process of learning , It is not only convenient for educational institutions to carry out statistics and collation , We can also find the relevant rules of students in the learning process , According to the learning performance of the students, make the corresponding learning plan for everyone , Individualized teaching , Accurate service to every student , Let them learn relevant knowledge by the most effective means in the limited time .

With the development of Internet , More and more people acquire knowledge through live broadcast , Online training is a tool to assist the development of education , If there are other doubts , You can communicate with us through private letters .

