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Number structure (C language -- code with comments) -- Chapter 2, linear table (updated version)
2022-07-02 09:11:00 【Qigui】
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List of articles
- One 、 Definition of linear table —— Logical structure
- Two 、 The basic operation of linear table ( Memory thinking : Create sales, add, delete, modify and check )—— operation
- 3、 ... and 、 The order sheet
- ( One )、 Definition
- ( Two )、 Static allocation
- ( 3、 ... and )、 Dynamic allocation
- ( Four )、 The characteristics of the sequence table
- ( 5、 ... and )、 Establishment of sequence table 、 The destruction 、 Sentenced to empty 、 Length and output
- ( 6、 ... and )、 Insertion and deletion of sequence table
- ( 7、 ... and )、 Look up the sequence table
- ( 8、 ... and )、 Merge and of sequence table “ hand over ” operation
- Four 、 Linked list
- ( One )、 Single chain list
- ( Two )、 Destruction of Single Chain Watch 、 Air judgment and output
- ( 3、 ... and )、 Insertion and deletion of single linked list
- ( Four )、 Search and length of single linked list
- ( 5、 ... and )、 The establishment of single linked list
- ( 6、 ... and )、 Double linked list
- ( 7、 ... and )、 Circular linked list
- ( 8、 ... and )、 Static list
- 5、 ... and 、 The comparison between sequential list and linked list ( summary )
Three elements of data structure : Logical structure 、 The operation of data 、 Storage structure ( Physical structure ). The storage structure is different , The operation is implemented in different ways .
One 、 Definition of linear table —— Logical structure
( One )、 Definition
Linear tables have the same ( Each data element occupies the same space ) Data type n ( n ≥ 0 ) n(n\geq 0) n(n≥0) individual data elements Of Finite sequence ( There is order ), among n For the long table , When n=0 Time linear table is an empty table .
If use L Name the linear table , Then it is generally expressed as L = ( a 1 , a 2 , . . . , a i , a i + 1 , . . . , a n ) L=(a_{1},a_{2},...,a_{i},a_{i+1},...,a_{n}) L=(a1,a2,...,ai,ai+1,...,an)
Concept :
1、 a i a_{i} ai It's in the linear table “ The first i individual ” Bit order in element linear table . Be careful : Bit order from 1 Start , Array index from 0 Start
2、 a 1 a_{1} a1 Is the header element , a n a_{n} an Is the footer element .
3、 In the linear table , The first element has no direct precursor , The last element has no direct successor .
4、 Apart from the first element , Each element has and has only one direct precursor ; Except for the last element , Each element has and has only one direct successor .
5、 Each node in the linear table has at most one direct precursor and one direct successor
( Two )、 Reference type parameters “&”
** Focus, focus, etc !!!** Understand when to pass in the reference symbol of the parameter “&”—— The modification structure of parameters needs “ Bring it back ”
void test(int &x) // Pass in reference symbols “&”
printf("test Internal function x=%d\n",x);
int main()
int x=1;
printf(" call test front x=%d\n",x);
printf(" call test after x=%d\n",x)
return 0;
call test front x=1
test Internal function x=1024
call test after x=1024
void test(int x) // When reference symbols are not used “&” when
printf("test Internal function x=%d\n",x);
int main()
int x=1;
printf(" call test front x=%d\n",x);
printf(" call test after x=%d\n",x)
return 0;
call test front x=1
test Internal function x=1024
call test after x=1
Two 、 The basic operation of linear table ( Memory thinking : Create sales, add, delete, modify and check )—— operation
Initialize linear table . Construct an empty linear table L, Allocate memory space .
Destroy the linear table , And release the linear table L Memory space occupied .( From scratch , From have to no )
The insert . In the linear table L No i Insert the specified element at position e.
Implementation steps :
- ① Will be the first n To i The element of bit moves back one position ;
- ② Write the element to be inserted to the i A place ;
- ③ Watch length plus 1.
Be careful : Judge in advance : Insertion position i Is it legal ? Is the table full ?
Should meet the conditions : 1≤i≤n+1 or i=[1, n+1]
// Core statement :
for (j=n; j>=i; j--)
a[j+1]=a[ j ];
a[ i ]=x;
Delete operation . Delete linear table L pass the civil examinations i Elements of position , And use e Returns the value of the deleted element .
Implementation steps :
- ① Will be the first i+1 To n The element of bit moves forward one position ;
- ② Watch length minus 1.
Be careful : You need to judge in advance , Delete location i Is it legal ?
Should meet the conditions :1≤i≤n or i=[1, n]
// Core statement :
for ( j=i+1; j<=n; j++ )
According to the value lookup . In the linear table L Find the element with the given keyword value in .
Search by bit . Get the linear table L pass the civil examinations i The value of the element in position .
Find the length of the linear meter , namely L Number of data elements in .
Output operation . Output the linear table in sequence L All element values of .
Empty operation . if L Is an empty table , Then return to true, Otherwise return to false.
3、 ... and 、 The order sheet
( One )、 Definition
The sequential storage of linear table refers to the sequential storage of each element of linear table with a piece of storage space with continuous addresses in memory , A linear table in this storage form is called The order sheet .
characteristic : The sequential storage of linear table is realized by sequential storage . Store logically adjacent elements in a physical location that is also adjacent to each other , The relationship between elements is represented by the adjacency of storage units .
Only data elements are stored in each node
Array : There are upper and lower bounds , The elements of an array are continuous within the upper and lower bounds .
Characteristics of array : The data is continuous , Random access is fast .Array is a little complicated ⼀ Points are multidimensional arrays and dynamic arrays . about C language ⾔⽽⾔, Multidimensional array is also essentially through ⼀ Dimension array implementation .⾄ For dynamic arrays , Is the capacity of the exponential group can increase dynamically ⻓ Array of ; about C language ⾔⽽⾔, To provide a dynamic array , need ⼿ Move to achieve ;⽽ about C++⽽⾔,STL Provides Vector; about Java⽽⾔,Collection The collection provides ArrayList and Vector.
( Two )、 Static allocation
// Implementation of sequence table
// Static allocation —— Once the size is determined, it cannot be changed
#define MaxSize 10 // Define the maximum length of the order table
typedef int ElemType; // Assume that the data element type in the table is int
typedef struct
int data[MaxSize]; // Use static “ Array ” Storing data elements --ElemType Represents the type of data element int
int length; // The current length of the sequence table
}SqList; // Type definition of sequence table ( Static allocation )
// Initializes a sequence table
void InitList(SqList &L)
( 3、 ... and )、 Dynamic allocation
key: Dynamic applications malloc And release free Memory space
Dynamic allocation statement :L.data=(ElemType *)malloc(sizeof(ElemType)*InitSize);malloc Function returns a pointer , You need to force a pointer to the type of data element you define ;malloc The parameters of the function , Indicates how much contiguous memory space to allocate .
malloc Functions and free Function header file ——># include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdlib.h> // Contains malloc Functions and free function
// Dynamic allocation
#define InitSize 10 // The default maximum length
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct
int *data; // Pointer to dynamically allocate array
int MaxSize; // The maximum capacity of the order table
int length; // The current length of the sequence table
// Initializes a sequence table
// When the sequence table is full , It can be reused malloc The maximum capacity of dynamic expansion sequence table
void InitList(SdqList *&L)
// use malloc Function to apply for a continuous piece of storage space
L.data=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*InitSize); // Allocate space for storing the sequence table
L.length=0; // The length of the empty sequence table is 0
// Increase the length of the dynamic array —— You need to copy the data elements to the New Area , And use free Function to release the original region
void IncreaseSize(SdqList *&L,int len)
int *p=L.data;
L.data=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(L.length+len));
for(int i=0;i<L.length;i++)
L.data[i]=p[i]; // Copy the data to the New Area
L.MaxSize=L.MaxSize+len; // The maximum length of the sequence table increases len
free(p); // Free the original memory space
( Four )、 The characteristics of the sequence table
1、 advantage :
(1)、 Random access , That is to say, you can O(1) Find the second one in time i Elements . Code implementation :data[i-1];( static state 、 The dynamics are the same )
(2)、 High storage density , Each node only stores data elements
(3)、 It is inconvenient to expand capacity ( Even with dynamic allocation , The time complexity of expanding the length is also relatively high )
(4)、 Insert 、 It is not convenient to delete , You need to move a lot of elements
2、 shortcoming :
- (1)、 It requires a lot of continuous space , It's not convenient to change the capacity
( 5、 ... and )、 Establishment of sequence table 、 The destruction 、 Sentenced to empty 、 Length and output
1、 Create sequence table
void CreateList(SdqList *&L,ElemType a[],int n) // from a Medium n Create a sequence table of elements
int i=0,k=0; //k Express L The number of elements in , The initial value is 0
L=(SDqList *)malloc(sizeof(SDqList)); // Allocate space for storing the sequence table
while(i<n) //i Scan array a The elements of
L->data[k]=a[i]; // Put the element a[i] Store in L in
L->length=k; // Set up L The length of is k
2、 Destruction sequence table
void DestoryList(SdqList *&L)
free(L); // Release L Refers to the sequential table space
3、 Judge whether the sequence table is empty
bool EmptyList(SdqList *L)
return (L->length==0);
4、 Find the length of the sequence table
int LengthList(SdqList *L)
return (L->length);
5、 Output sequence table
void DispList(SdqList *L)
for(int i=0;i<L->length;i++)
( 6、 ... and )、 Insertion and deletion of sequence table
In the length of n In the order table , Inserting a new element requires moving the table on average n/2 Elements , Deleting an element requires moving on average (n-1)/2 Elements .
1、 The insert
InsertList(&L,i,e): The insert . In the linear table L No i A place ( A sequence ) Insert the specified element on the e.
All elements after the insertion position should be moved back .
Insertion of sequence table :n The elements are i Bit insertion , Should move (n-i+1) Bit elements .Time complexity : best O(1)、 The worst O(n)、 Average O(n)
// Realize the sequence table with static allocation
// The insert —— Pay attention to the bit order 、 The relationship between array subscripts , And move from the following elements
bool InsertList(SqList *&L,int i,ElemType e)
if(i<1||i>L.length+1) // Judge i Whether the scope of the
return false;
if(L.length>=MaxSize) // The current storage space is full , Can't insert
return false;
for(int j=L.length;j>=i;j--) // Will be the first i Elements and subsequent elements are moved back
L.data[j]=L.data[j-1]; //j Is the index of the array
L.data[i-1]=e; // In position i Place e
L.length++; // length +1
return true; // Insert the success
2、 Delete operation
DeleteList(&L,i,&e): Delete operation . Delete linear table L pass the civil examinations i Elements of position , And use e Returns the value of the deleted element .
All elements before the deletion position should be moved forward
Deletion of sequence table :n The elements are i Bit insertion , Should move (n-i) Bit elements .Time complexity : best O(1)、 The worst O(n)、 Average O(n)
bool DeleteList(SqList *&L , int i ,Elemtype &e) // Note the reference symbol “&”
if(i<1 || i>=L.length)
return false; // Judge i Whether the scope of the
e = L.data[i]; // Assign the deleted element to e
for(int j=i ; j<=L.length ; j++) // Will be the first i individual The element after the position moves forward
L.data[j]=L.data[j+1]; // Pay attention to the bit order 、 The relationship between array subscripts , And move from the previous elements
L.length--; // Linear meter length minus 1
return true; // Delete successful
3、 Summarize the key points :
1、 Pay attention to the bit order in the code i And array subscripts
2、 Pay attention to judgment i Legitimacy
3、 When moving elements , Start with the front element ? Or start with the footer element ?
4、 Understand why some parameters need to use reference symbols “&”
( 7、 ... and )、 Look up the sequence table
1、 Search by bit
GetElem(L,i): Search by bit . Get the linear table L pass the civil examinations i The value of the element in position .
Using the array subscript, you can get the second i Elements L.data[i-1]
Time complexity : best 、 The worst 、 The average is O(1)
Because each data element of the sequence table is continuously stored in memory , Therefore, the first... Can be found immediately according to the starting address and the size of the data element i Elements ——“ Random access ” characteristic .
int GetElem(SdqList L,int i)
if(i<1||i>L->length) // Parameters i Error false
return false;
return L.data[i-1]; // Pay attention to the bit order i Relationship with array subscript
2、 According to the value lookup
LocateElem(L,e): According to the value lookup . In the linear table L Find the element with the given keyword value in .
In the sequence table L Find the value of the first element equal to e The elements of , And return its bit order , Start with the first element and search back in turn .
Time complexity :
- best O(1)— The target element is in the first position
- The worst O(n)— The target element is in the last position
- Average O(n)— The probability of the target element at each location is the same
// In the sequence table L Find the value of the first element equal to e The elements of , And return its bit order
int LocateElem(SdqList &L,int e)
for(int i=0;i<L.length;i++)
return i+1; // The array index is zero i The element value of is equal to e, Returns its bit order i+1
return 0; // Exit loop , Description search failed
( 8、 ... and )、 Merge and of sequence table “ hand over ” operation
1、 Merge order table
Expand the sequence table LA, Will exist in the sequence table LB Middle two does not exist in the sequence table LA The data elements in are inserted into LA In the middle . Just from the sequence table LB Get each data element in turn in , And according to the value in the sequence table LA Visit in , If it does not exist , Insert it .( Only one repeating element is left )
void Merge(SqList &La,SqList &Lb)
int n=LengthList(La),m=LengthList(Lb),i,k,x;
x=Lb.data[i-1]; // stay Lb One of the elements
k=LocateElem(La,x); // stay La Find it in
if(k==0) // If in La No , Then insert it into La in
2、“ hand over ” operation
seek La,Lb Common elements in , The result lies in La in .
void Intersection(SqList &La,SqList &Lb)
int n=LengthList(La),m=LengthList(Lb),i=1,k,x;
x=La.data[i-1]; // stay La One of the elements
k=LocateElem(Lb,x); // stay Lb Find it in
if(k==0) // If in Lb No , From La Delete it from
Four 、 Linked list
( One )、 Single chain list
1、 Definition and structure definition
Chain storage of linear table , also called Single chain list , It refers to storing data elements in a linear table through a set of arbitrary storage units . To establish a linear relationship between data elements , For each linked list node , In addition to storing the information of the element itself , You also need to store a pointer that only needs its successor .
Link list node structure :
Data elements in a linear table can be stored in any set of storage units , Representing logical relationships with pointers , The storage space of two logically adjacent elements can be discontinuous .
Chain storage ( Storage structure ) The linear structure is realized ( Logical structure ), The storage addresses of the elements in the table are not necessarily continuousA node stores a data element , The sequential relationship between nodes is represented by a pointer
The storage density of single linked list is less than 1
In addition to storing data elements, each node , Also store a pointer to the next node .** advantage :** It doesn't require a lot of continuous space , It's easy to change the capacity
** shortcoming :** No random access , It takes some space to store pointers
Add a new node : Apply for the space required for a node in memory , And use the pointer p Point to this node .
Initialization statement :LNode *p=(LNode *)malloc(sizeof(LNode));To represent a single linked list , Just declare a header pointer L, Point to the first node of the single linked list . There are two ways :
First of all :LNode *L; // Declare a pointer to the first node of the single linked list
second :LinkList L; // Declare a pointer to the first node of the single linked list
LNode Equivalent to struct LNode;*LinkList Equivalent to struct LNode *
// Define a single chain table
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct LNode // Define single linked list node type
int data; //data For data fields —— Each node stores a data element
struct LNode *next; //next Is the pointer field —— The pointer points to the next node , The address of its successor node
}LinkNode,*LinkList; // Single linked list node type
// The realization of single linked list
// Emphasize that this is a single linked list —— Use LinkList
// Emphasize that this is a node + Use LNode *
LinkNode *GetElem(LinkList L,int i)
int j=1; // Calculation , For the initial 1
LNode *p=L->next; // The head node pointer field is assigned to p
if(i==0) // if i be equal to 0, Then go back to the node
return L;
if(i<1) // if i Invalid , Then return to NULL
return NULL;
while(p!=NULL&&j<i) // From 1 A node starts to find , Find the first i Nodes
return p; // Back to page i Pointers to nodes , if i If it is larger than the table length, it returns NULL
// The time complexity is O(n)
2、 Single linked list without leading node
The header pointer points directly to the start node , Head pointer L be equal to NULL when , Linked list is empty. .
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct LNode // Define single linked list node type
int data; // Data fields —— Each node stores a data element
struct LNode *next; // Pointer to the domain —— The pointer points to the next node
// Initialize an empty single linked list
bool InitList(LinkList &L)
L=NULL; // Empty table , There are no nodes yet —— Prevent dirty data
return true;
// Determine whether the single chain table is empty
bool EmptyList(LinkList L)
return true;
return false;
//return (L==NULL);
3、 A single chain table with leading nodes
- Generally, the header pointer is used to identify a single linked list , Such as single chain list L, The head pointer is NULL It means an empty table . In order to facilitate the implementation of operation , Attach a node before the first node of the single linked list , be called Head node .
- The head pointer L Point to the head node , The data field of the head node can not store any information , Store data information from the successor nodes of the head node . The pointer field of the head node points to the first element node of the linear table . The head pointer L Never equal to NULL,L->next be equal to NULL when , Linked list is empty. .
- The distinction between head node and head pointer : No matter with or without , The header pointer always points to the first node of the linked list , The head node is the first node in the linked list of the leading node .
- Advantages of introducing head nodes :1、 Since the position of the first data node is stored in the pointer field of the header node , Therefore, the operation in the first position of the linked list is the same as that in other positions in the list ;2、 Whether the list is empty or not , The head pointer points to the non null pointer of the head node ( The pointer field of the header node in the empty table is empty )
- How to represent an empty table ?
- (1) When there is no head node , When the value of the header pointer is null, it indicates that the null table is (L be equal to NULL);
- (2) When there is a head node , When the pointer field of the header node is empty, it indicates that the empty table is (L->next be equal to NULL).
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct LNode // Define single linked list node type
int data; // Data fields —— Each node stores a data element
struct LNode *next; // Pointer to the domain —— The pointer points to the next node
// Initialize a single linked list ( Leading node )
bool InitList(LinkList &L)
L=(LinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode)); // Assign a head node
if(L==NULL) // Out of memory , Allocation failed
return false;
L->next=NULL; // Create a header node , Its next Domain set to NULL, There is no node after the head node
return true;
( Two )、 Destruction of Single Chain Watch 、 Air judgment and output
1、 Destroy the single chain table
void Destroy(LinkNode *&L)
LinkNode *pre=L,*p=L->next; //pre( Head node ) Point to the node p( Head node ) The precursor node of
while(p!=NULL) // Scan single linked list L
free(pre); // Release pre node
pre=p; //pre、p Move one node back in sync
free(pre); // At the end of the loop p by NULL,pre Point to the tail node , Release it
2、 Determine whether the single chain table is empty
bool EmptyList(LinkNode *L)
return (L->next==NULL);
3、 Output single chain table
void DispList(LinkList *L)
LinkNode *p=L->next; //p Point to the head node
while(p!=NULL) //p Not empty , Output p Node data Domain
p=p->next; //p Move to the next node
( 3、 ... and )、 Insertion and deletion of single linked list
1、 The insert
- InsertList(&L,i,e): The insert . In the linear table L No i A place ( A sequence ) Insert the specified element on the e. Find No i-1 Nodes , Insert the new node after it .
- Will be worth x Insert the new node into the... Of the single linked list i In a position . Check the legitimacy of the insertion position first , Then find the precursor node to be inserted , That is to say i-1 Nodes , Then insert a new node after it .
// The order cannot be reversed
(1)、 Insert... In bit order
Leading node
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct LNode // Define single linked list node type
int data; // Data fields —— Each node stores a data element
struct LNode *next; // Pointer to the domain —— The pointer points to the next node
// In the i Location insert element e( Leading node )
bool InsertList(LinkList &L,int i,ElemType e)
return false;
// Search by bit
LinkNode *p; // The pointer p Point to the currently scanned node
int j=0; // Pointer to the current p Which node is it pointing to
p=L; //L Point to the head node , The head node is the second node 0 Nodes ( No data )
while(p!=NULL&&j<i-1) // Loop to find number i-1 Nodes
// Post insert operation
if(p==NULL) //i Illegal value
return false;
LinkNode *s=(LinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
p->next=s; //2- The nodes s Connected to the p after
return 0; // Insert the success
No leading node
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct LNode // Define single linked list node type
int data; // Data fields —— Each node stores a data element
struct LNode *next; // Pointer to the domain —— The pointer points to the next node
// In the i Location insert element e( No leading node )
bool InsertList(LinkList &L,int i,ElemType e)
return false;
if(i==1) // Insert first 1 The operation of one node is different from that of other nodes
LinkNode *s=(LinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
L=s; // The head node points to the new node
return true; // Insert the success
LinkNode *p; // The pointer p Point to the currently scanned node
int j=1; // Pointer to the current p Which node is it pointing to
p=L; //L Point to the head node , The head node is the second node 0 Nodes ( No data )
while(p!=NULL&&j<i-1) // Loop to find number i-1 Nodes
// Post insert operation
if(p==NULL) //i Illegal value
return false;
LinkNode *s=(LinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
p->next=s; // The nodes s Connected to the p after
return 0; // Insert the success
Algorithm ideas : 1. Take the precursor node pointing to the insertion position The pointer to ① p=GetElem(L,i-1); 2. Make the new node s The pointer field of refers to towards p The successor node of ② s->next=p->next; 3. Let the node p The pointer field of refers to Insert a new node s③ p->next=s;
bool InsertList(LInkList &L , int i ,ElemType e)
if( i<1 || i>=L.length)
return false;
int j = 1;
LinkNode *p = L->next , *s;
s = (LinkNode*)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
while (p!=NULL&&j<i-1)
s->next = p->next; //2
p->next = s; //3
return true;
(2)、 Specify the back insert operation of the node
Post insert operation ( Also insert between tables )
For one with n A single linked list of nodes , The time complexity of inserting a new node after the node is known is (O(1)); When the given value is x The time complexity of inserting a new node after the node is (O(n)).
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct LNode // Define single linked list node type
int data; // Data fields —— Each node stores a data element
struct LNode *next; // Pointer to the domain —— The pointer points to the next node
// Post insert operation : stay p Insert element after node e
bool InsertNextList(LinkNode *p,ElemType e)
return false;
LinkNode *s=(LinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
if(s==NULL) // memory allocation failed
return false;
s->data=e; // Use node s Save data elements e
p->next=s; //2-- The nodes s Connected to the p after
return true; // Insert the success
(3)、 Specify the forward operation of the node
** Forward operation ( You can also insert )** It refers to inserting a new node in front of a node . still s Insert into p Behind , And then p->data and s->data In exchange for , In this way, the new node s Inserted into node p In front of .
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct LNode // Define single linked list node type
int data; // Data fields —— Each node stores a data element
struct LNode *next; // Pointer to the domain —— The pointer points to the next node
// Forward operation : stay p Insert element before node e
bool InsertNextList(LinkNode *p,ElemType e)
return false;
LinkNode *s=(LinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
if(s==NULL) // memory allocation failed
return false;
p->next=s; //2-- The nodes s Connected to the p after
// Exchange two values
//s->data=p->data; // take p Copy element values in to s in
//p->data=e; //p The element values in the are overwritten to e
return true; // Insert the success
2、 Delete operation
- DeleteList(&L,i,&e): Delete operation . Delete linear table L pass the civil examinations i Elements of position , And use e Returns the value of the deleted element . Find No i-1 Nodes , Point its pointer to the i+1 And release the second node i Nodes .
- Put the... Of the single linked list i Delete nodes . Check the legitimacy of the deletion location first , Look up the second in the table i-1 Nodes , That is, the precursor node of the deleted node , Then delete it .
(1)、 Delete... In bit order ( Leading node )
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct LNode // Define single linked list node type
int data; // Data fields —— Each node stores a data element
struct LNode *next; // Pointer to the domain —— The pointer points to the next node
bool DeleteList(LinkList &L,int i,ElemType &e) // Reference symbol “&”
return false;
LinkNode *p; // The pointer p Point to the currently scanned node
int j=0; // Pointer to the current p Which node is it pointing to
p=L; //L Point to the head node , The head node is the second node 0 Nodes ( No data )
while(p!=NULL&&j<i-1) // Loop to find number i-1 Nodes
if(p==NULL) //i Illegal value
return false;
if(p->next==NULL) // The first i-1 There are no more nodes after nodes
return false;
LinkNode *q=p->next; //1- Make q Point to the deleted node —— First save b The pointer to q, Rely on it to find c
e=q->data; // use e Returns the value of the element
p->next=q->next; //2- take *q The node is disconnected from the chain , take a、c The two nodes are connected
free(q); // The release of the node b Storage space
return true; // Delete successful
Algorithm ideas : 1. Take the precursor node pointing to the deletion location The pointer to p=GetElem(L,i-1); 2. Take the pointer to the deletion position q=p->next; 3.p Subsequent points to nodes are deleted Follow up to point p->next=q->next ;4. Release delete node free(q)
bool LinkListDelete(LInkList &L , int i ,ElemType &e)
if( i<1 || i>=L.length)
return false;
int j = 1;
LinkNode *p = L->next ,*q ;
while (p!=NULL&&j<i-1)
q = p->next; //1- Make q Point to the deleted node ——q Temporarily save the deleted node
p->next = q->next; //2- take *q The node is disconnected from the chain
e = q->data; //3
free(q); //4- Free the memory space of the node
return true;
(2)、 Specifies the deletion of the node
Deleting the specified node cannot be completed by one pointer , You have to use the second pointer .
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct LNode // Define single linked list node type
int data; // Data fields —— Each node stores a data element
struct LNode *next; // Pointer to the domain —— The pointer points to the next node
// Delete the specified node p
bool DeleteNode(LNode *p)
if(p==NULL) //i Illegal value
return false;
LinkNode *q=p->next; //1- Make q Point to the deleted node
p->data=p->next->data; //2- Exchange data fields with subsequent nodes
p->next=q->next; //3- take *q The node is disconnected from the chain
free(q); //4- Free the storage space of the node
return true; // Delete successful
( Four )、 Search and length of single linked list
1、 Search by bit
- GetElem(L,i): Search by bit . Get the linear table L pass the civil examinations i The value of the element in position .
- Starting from the first node in a single linked list , Forward pointer next Search down the fields one by one , Until I find the i Up to nodes , Otherwise, return the last pointer field NULL
// Search by bit , Back to page i Elements ( Leading node )
LNode *GetElem(LinkList L,int i)
if(i<0) // if i Invalid , Then return to NULL
return NULL;
LinkNode *p; // The pointer p Point to the currently scanned node
int j=0; // Pointer to the current p Which node is it pointing to
p=L; //L Point to the head node , The head node is the second node 0 Nodes ( No data )
while(p!=NULL&&j<i) // Loop to find number i Nodes
return p; // Back to page i A pointer to a node , If i Longer than the watch , Go straight back to p that will do
// The time complexity is O(n)
2、 According to the value lookup
- LocateElem(L,e): According to the value lookup . In the linear table L Find the element with the given keyword value in .
- Starting from the first node of a single linked list , Compare the values of the data fields of each node in the table from front to back , If the value of a node's data field is equal to the given value e, Returns the pointer of the node , If there is no such node in the whole single linked list , Then return to NULL
// According to the value lookup , Find data field ==e The node of
LNode *LocateElem(LinkList L,ElemType e)
LinkNode *p=L->next;
// From 1 A node starts to find data Domain is e The node of
return p; // Return the node pointer after finding , Otherwise return to NULL
// The time complexity is O(n)
3、 Find the length of the linked list
LengthList(L): Find the length of the linear meter , namely L Number of data elements in .
// Find the length of the table
int LengthList(LinkList L)
int len=0;
LinkNode *p=L; //p Point to the head node ,len Set as 0( That is, the serial number of the head node is 0)
return len; // The loop ends ,p Point to the tail node , Its serial number len Is the number of nodes
( 5、 ... and )、 The establishment of single linked list
- If there are many data elements , They should be stored in the single chain list , First initialize a single linked list , Take one data element at a time , Insert into header or footer .
- Core operations : Initialization operation 、 Specify the back insert operation of the node
Initialize single chain table
Set a variable length Record chain length
while loop
Take one data element at a time e;
InsertList(L,length+1,e); Into the tail
1、 The tail interpolation
- Insert a node at the end of the linked list to establish a single linked list , The reading order of data elements is exactly the same as the logical order in the linear table
- Add a tail pointer r, Make it point to the end of the current single linked list
LinkList CreatLinkListR(LinkNode *&L) // Creating a single linked list
int x; // set up ElemType Is an integer
L=(LinkNode)malloc(sizeof(LNode)); // Create a header node
LinkNode *s ,*r = L; //r Point to the footer for the footer pointer —— Always point to the end node , Initially, point to the head node
scanf("%d" , x) ; // Enter the value of the node
while(x != 9999) // Input 9999 End of the said —— Circular establishment of data nodes s
s->data = x;
r->next = s; // The nodes s Insert into node r after
r= s; //r Point to the new tail node
scanf("%d" , x);
r->next = NULL; // Null tail pointer
return L;
2、 The first interpolation
- Insert a node in the head of the linked list to establish a single linked list , The reading order of data elements is the opposite of the logical order in the linear table
- Important application of head interpolation : Reverse of linked list
LinkList CreatLinkListF(LinkNode *&L,)
LinkNode *s ; // Auxiliary pointer
int x ;
L=(LinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode)) ; // Create a header node
L->next = NULL ; // The initial is an empty linked list
scanf("%d" , &x) ; // Enter the value of the node
while(x != 9999) // Input 9999 End of the said —— Circular establishment of data nodes s
s= (LinkNode*)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode)); // Create a new node
s->data = x ;
s->next = L->next ; // The nodes s Before inserting into the original first node , After the head node
L->next = s ; // Insert the new node into the table ,L For the head pointer
scanf("%d" , &x) ; // Read in the next node value
return L;
3、 Inverted single linked list
Take each node in the original linked list in turn , Insert it as the first node into the new linked list , The pointer p Used to point to the current node ,p It ends in space time .
void reverse(LinkList &L)
LinkNode *p,*q;
p=L->next; //p Point to the first data node
L->next=NULL; // The original linked list is empty
q->next=L->next; // Insert the current node behind the head node
( 6、 ... and )、 Double linked list
1、 initialization
- Definition : Add a pointer field to its predecessor in each node of the single linked list prior, In this way, there are two chains with different directions in the linked list , Call it a double linked list .
- There are two pointers in the double linked list node prior and next, The distribution points to its predecessor nodes and successor nodes , The first node prior、next All point to NULL
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct DNode // Define double list node type
int data; // Data fields
struct DNode *prior,*next; // Precursor and successor pointers
// Initialize double linked list ( Leading node )
bool InitDLinkList(DLinkList &L)
L=(DLinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(DLinkNode)); // Assign a head node
if(L==NULL) // Out of memory , Allocation failed
return false;
L->prior=NULL; // The first node prior Never point to NULL
L->next=NULL; // There are no other nodes after the head node
return true;
// Judge whether the double linked list is empty ( Leading node )
bool EmptyDLinkList(DLinkList L)
return true;
return false;
//return (L->next==NULL);
2、 Create a double linked list
(1)、 The tail interpolation
void CreateListR(DLinkNode *&L,ElemTypea[],int n)
// By containing n Array of elements a Create a double linked list of leading nodes L
L=(DLinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(DLinkNode)); // Create a header node
r=L; //r Always point to the end node , Start with the head node
for(int i=1;i<n;i++) // Circular establishment of data nodes
s=(DLinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(DLinkNode));
s->data=a[i]; // Create data node s
r->next=s; // take s The node is inserted into r After node
r=s; //r Point to the tail node
r->next=NULL; // At the end next Domain set to NULL
(2)、 The first interpolation
void CreateListF(DLinkNode *&L,ElemTypea[],int n)
// By containing n Array of elements a Create a double linked list of leading nodes L
L=(DLinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(DLinkNode)); // Create a header node
L->prior=L->next=NULL; // The front and back pointer fields are set to NULL
for(int i=1;i<n;i++) // Circular establishment of data nodes
s=(DLinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(DLinkNode));
s->data=a[i]; // Create data node s
s->next=L->next; // take s After the node is inserted into the head node
if(L->next!=NULL) // if L There are data nodes , modify L->next The forerunner of
3、 The insert
(1)、 Post insert operation
- In a double list p Insert a node after the node you are referring to *s
- Note the newly inserted node 、 Precursor node 、 Pointer modification of subsequent nodes
- Boundary situation : Insert the new node to the last position
// stay p Insert after the node s node
bool InsertDLinList(DLInkList *p,DLInkList *s )
if( p==NULL||s==NULL) // Illegal parameters
return false;
s->next = p->next; //1
if(p->next!=NULL) // If p Nodes have successors
p->next->prior = s;//2
s->prior = p; //3
p->next = s; //4 1 And 2 The position can be changed ,3 And 4 Also is ,1,2,3,4 The position between them cannot be changed and 1、2 Must be in 4 Before
return true;
(2)、 Forward operation
Be careful : In the code 1 and 2、3 and 4 The order of statements can be reversed , but 1、2、3、4 Can't be reversed .
// stay p Insert before node s node
bool InsertDLinList(DLInkList *p,DLInkList *s )
if( p==NULL||s==NULL) // Illegal parameters
return false;
s->prior = p->prior; //1
if(p->prior!=NULL) // If p The node has a precursor node
p->prior->next = s;//2
s->next = p; //3
p->prior = s; //4
return true;
4、 Delete operation ( Delete after )
- Delete the node in the double linked list p The successor node of q
- Note: delete the precursor node of the node 、 Pointer modification of subsequent nodes
- Boundary situation : If the deleted node is the last data node
// Delete p Successor node q
bool DeleteNextDLinkList(DLinkList *p)
return false;
DLinkNode *q = p->next; // find p Successor node q
if(p==NULL) //p There is no successor
return false;
p->next=q->next; //1
if(q->next!=NULL) //q Node is not the last node
q ->next->prior = p;//2
free(q); //3
return true;
// Delete p node
//p->next->prior=p->prior;//2 The order can be changed
5、 Destroy operation
void DestroyList(DLinkList &L)
// Destroy and release each data node
free(L); // Release the head node
L=NULL; // The head pointer points to NULL
6、 Traverse
Linked lists do not have random access characteristics , The search operation can only be realized through sequential traversal
(1)、 Backward traversal
(2)、 Forward traversal
(3)、 Forward traversal ( Skip over node )
( 7、 ... and )、 Circular linked list
Every element in the circular linked list has a successor
1、 Circular single chain table
- Single chain list : End of table node next Pointer to NULL, Starting from one node, you can only find subsequent nodes
- Circular single chain table : End of table node next Pointer to head node , Starting from one node, you can find any other node
- In a circular single linked list , If it is a node *r Of next Domain points to L, So no pointer field in the table is NULL The node of , therefore , The null judgment condition of circular single linked list indicates whether the pointer of the head node is null , It's whether it's equal to the head pointer L.
- characteristic : Change the pointer field of the last node of the single linked list from NULL Instead, point to the head node or the first node in the linear table , The circular linked list in the form of single linked list is obtained , And called circular single linked list .
- Empty circular single linked list with leading nodes respectively 、 There are three kinds of circular single linked list with leading pointer and circular single linked list with trailing pointer .
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct LNode // Define single linked list node type
int data; // Data fields —— Each node stores a data element
struct LNode *next; // Pointer to the domain —— The pointer points to the next node
// Initializes the circular single linked list
bool InitList(LinkList &L)
L=(LinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode)); // Assign a head node
if(L==NULL) // Out of memory , Allocation failed
return false;
L->next=L; // Head node next Point to the head node
return true;
// Judge whether the circular single linked list is empty
bool EmptyList(LinkList L)
return true;
return false;
//return (L->next==L);
// Judge nodes p Whether it is the tail node of circular single linked list
//** Use backward / Forward traversal to determine the node p Whether it is the end of the table / Header node **
bool isTail(LinkList L,LinkNode *p)
return true;
return false;
- characteristic :
- 1、 Starting from any node in the table, you can access all nodes in the table ;
- 2、 The circular linked list is symmetrical , To determine the starting position , Generally set the header node ; The setting of header node can also unify the logical state and operation of empty table and non empty table .
2、 Circular double linked list
- Double linked list : Of the header node prior Point to NULL, End of table node next Point to NULL
- Circular double linked list : Of the header node prior Point to the end of the table , End of table node next Point to the head node
- In a circular double list L in , A node *p When it is a tail node ,p->next=L; When the circular double linked list is an empty list, the of a head node prior Domain and next Fields are equal to the header pointer L.
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct DNode // Define double list node type
int data; // Data fields
struct DNode *prior,*next; // Precursor and successor pointers
// Initialize an empty circular double linked list
bool InitDLinkList(DLinkList &L)
L=(DLinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(DLinkNode)); // Assign a head node
if(L==NULL) // Out of memory , Allocation failed
return false;
L->prior=L; // The first node prior Point to the head node
L->next=L; // The first node next Point to the head node
return true;
// Judge whether the double linked list is empty
bool EmptyDLinkList(DLinkList L)
return true;
return false;
//return (L->next==L);
// Judge nodes p Whether it is the tail node of circular double linked list
//** Use backward / Forward traversal to determine the node p Whether it is the end of the table / Header node **
bool isTail(DLinkList L,DLinkNode *p)
return true;
return false;
// The insert —— stay p Insert after the node s node
// The insertion operation of the two-way circular linked list of the leading node needs to be modified 4 A pointer to a domain
bool InsertDLinList(DLInkList *p,DLInkList *s )
s->next = p->next; // The nodes *s Insert into node *p after
p->next->prior = s;
s->prior = p;
p->next = s;
// Delete p Successor node q
bool DeleteNextDLinkList(DLinkList *p)
q ->next->prior = p;
( 8、 ... and )、 Static list
1、 What is a static list
- Static list : Allocate a whole contiguous piece of memory space , All nodes are centrally arranged . Linked list implemented by array
- advantage : increase 、 Deletion does not require a large number of moving elements
- shortcoming : No random access , You can only start from the node and find it later ; The capacity is fixed and immutable
2、 How to define a static linked list
#define MaxSize 50 // Maximum length of static linked list
typedef int ElemType // The data type of the static linked list is assumed to be int
typedef struct // Definition of static linked list structure type
ElemType data; // Data fields : Store data elements
int next; // Pointer to the domain : The array subscript of the next element
3、 The implementation of basic operations
(1)、 Initialize static linked list
Head node next Set to -1, Put the... Of other nodes next Set as a special value to represent an empty node
(2)、 Search operation
Start from the beginning and traverse the nodes one by one
(3)、 The insert
The insertion bit order is i The node of :
Find an empty node , Store data elements , Starting from the ab initio node, find the bit order is i-1 The node of , Modify the of the new node next, Amendment No i-1 And node's next
(4)、 Delete operation
Starting from the original node, find the precursor node , Modify the cursor of the precursor node , Deleted node next Set to special value
5、 ... and 、 The comparison between sequential list and linked list ( summary )
( One )、 Logical structure
All belong to linear tables , It's all linear .
( Two )、 Physical structure / Storage structure
1、 The order sheet ( Sequential storage )
- advantage : Support random access 、 High storage density
- shortcoming : The distribution of large continuous space is inconvenient , It's not convenient to change the capacity
2、 Linked list ( Chain store )
- advantage : Discrete small space allocation is convenient , It's easy to change the capacity
- shortcoming : No random access , Low storage density
( 3、 ... and )、 The operation of data / Basic operation ( Create sales 、 Additions and deletions )
1、 gen
- The order sheet : Static allocation —— Static array ( The capacity cannot be changed ); Dynamic allocation —— The dynamic array (malloc、free; Capacity can be changed , But you need to move a lot of elements )
- Linked list : Just assign a header node ( You can also do without header nodes , The pointer declares only one header )
2、 pin
- The order sheet : Static array —— The system automatically reclaims space ; The dynamic array —— Manual required free
- Linked list : Delete each node in turn (free)
- Be careful :malloc and free They have to come in pairs ——># include <stdlib.h>
- gen (malloc):L.data=(ElemType *)malloc(sizeof(ElemType)*InitSize);
- pin (free):free(L.data);
3、 Add or delete
- If the main operation of a linear table is to insert an element after the last element , Or delete the last element , Then The order sheet The storage structure saves the most computing time .
- The order sheet : Insert / To delete an element, move all subsequent elements back / Move forward
- Linked list : Insert / To delete an element, just modify the pointer
4、 check
- The order sheet : Search by bit ——O(1); According to the value lookup ——O(n), If the elements in the table are in order , Can be found in O ( l o g 2 n ) O(log_{2}n) O(log2n) Find... In time
- Linked list : Search by bit ——O(n); According to the value lookup ——O(n)
( Four )、 Use the sequence table or Linked list
- The order sheet : The length of the watch can be estimated 、 Inquire about ( Search for ) More operations
- Linked list : The length of the watch is hard to predict 、 Always add / Remove elements
( 5、 ... and )、 Linked list comparison
The most common operation in a two-way circular linked list is to insert or delete elements at the end of the list , This method saves the most computing time
Number structure (C Language )—— The third chapter 、 Stacks and queues
Long summary ( With code ) Number structure (C Language )—— Chapter four 、 strand ( On )
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