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WSL installation, beautification, network agent and remote development
2022-07-02 09:02:00 【Sky_ Tree_ Delivery】
Studying recently CMU15445, Need to use c++ complete project, Official recommendation based on linux Build and compile . Consider efficiency , Do not want to configure on cloud services linux Environmental Science , I heard it just before WSL, So based on WSL+Clion+CMake Build a development environment . stay Clion Write code , And then use it Clion The remote development tools provided are in WSL Build and compile in . This paper records the configuration process of the development environment .
List of articles
NOTE: This article mainly provides the source of the solution , Don't be a porter of official documents and other blogs , Please refer to the link in the article for specific operation steps .
WSL install 、 beautify 、 Network agent and remote development
1. install WSL and Linux Distribution version
WSL It is launched by Microsoft for Windows Specially optimized Linux virtual machine .
If WSL It's not turned on , We first need to open WSL. Then restart the computer .
WSL It can be installed with various Linux System , Can pass Windows Store install , You can also install from the command line .
because Windows Store There may be network problems ( Network problems 0x800704cf Solution : stay Windows Fix error codes on 0x800704cf Methods ), It is recommended to use the command line to install .
See Official documents - Install Linux on Windows with WSL.
2. Terminal beautification
default Windows terminal The terminal is not good-looking , And lack of necessary information . Recommended Oh My Posh beautify PowerShell, Use oh my zsh beautify linux terminal .
Oh My Posh
install Oh My Posh, For details, see Official website tutorial - install
To configure profile, stay Powershell The default loading style when opening , For details, see Official website tutorial - prompt
The theme
Configuration style , Configuration method see Official website tutorial - customize.Oh My Posh There are many default styles , Can be in theme Page view .oh my posh By specifying styles json File style , If the method provided on the official website cannot find the file , You can also provide the absolute path of the style directly .
I choose jandedobbeleer The theme ,profile as follows
oh-my-posh init pwsh --config C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Programs\oh-my-posh\themes\jandedobbeleer.omp.json | Invoke-Expression
Solve the mess
Oh My Posh Some topics of use special characters , A specific font is required to display correctly .
Generally, two fonts are installed :Powerline fonts & Nerd fonts
Powerline Is a Vim statusline Plug in for , It uses many special icon character .Powerline fonts Is a font set , The essence is to type some existing fonts patch, hold powerline icon Add characters to these existing fonts , At present 30 The programming font is typed patch.
Nerd font Principle and Powerline fonts It's the same , Also for existing fonts patch, Some of the icon Insert characters . however Nerd font It's more powerful , It's a “ A great integrator ”, He almost put the current mainstream icon All the characters are typed in , Including the one just mentioned above powerline icon Characters and Font Awesome Wait for thousands icon character .
After installing fonts , Need to be in windows terminal Of JSON Set the font in the setting file , To take effect .
The final effect is as follows :
oh my zsh
See... For the installation process Official documents . First installation zsh, Then install oh my zsh.
The theme
Powerlevel10k is a theme for Zsh. It emphasizes speed, flexibility and out-of-the-box experience.
powerlevel10k It's a zsh A very popular theme . See the official website document for the installation method getting-started. The first installation will provide a setup wizard , Just follow the prompts .
3.WSL go Windows agent
By default ,WSL Not going Windows Agent for , It needs to be set separately .
WSL and Windows Under the same LAN ,WSL It's a virtual host . So you need to open it first Clash Switch that allows LAN access , And set up firewall domain network . Principle that .
Due to the use of other anti-virus software , I choose to turn off the firewall directly .
Tried different schemes , Ultimately based on TAP Agent success . Turn on TAP See Official documents - TAP Pattern . It mainly refers to wsl2 How to set it to go clash Agent for ?37 Building solutions .
Tried TAN Pattern , But it didn't work .
4.JetBrain Remote development
about C++ Development , First, in the Linux Install a make Tools , for example CMake, then Clion Set up WSL As the default development tool chain ,Clion Will automatically identify the build and compile tools . See... For the specific operation process Official documents - WSL.
After setting successfully ,Clion Will use WSL Environment for building and compiling .
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