当前位置:网站首页>15 medical registration system_ [appointment registration]
15 medical registration system_ [appointment registration]
2022-07-06 10:02:00 【Learn from Tao Ge】
One 、 Reservation registration details
Demand analysis
1、 Interface Analysis
(1) According to the appointment period , Display the date data that can be reserved , Display by page
(2) Select the date to display the list of appointments available on that day ( The interface has been implemented in the background )
2、 Page presentation analysis
(1) Display the scheduled date in different pages , According to the number 、 No sign 、 About full and other states show different colors , To differentiate
(2) The last date you can make an appointment is the date when the number will be released , Display the countdown according to the number release time page
api Interface
2.1 add to service Interface
stay ScheduleService Class add interface
/** * Get the scheduled date data * @param page * @param limit * @param hoscode * @param depcode * @return */
Map<String, Object> getBookingScheduleRule(int page, int limit, String hoscode, String depcode);
2.2 add to service Interface implementation
2.2.1 stay ScheduleServiceImpl Class implementation interface
public Map<String, Object> getBookingScheduleRule(int page, int limit, String hoscode, String depcode) {
Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>();
// Get appointment rules
Hospital hospital = hospitalService.getByHoscode(hoscode);
if(null == hospital) {
throw new YyghException(ResultCodeEnum.DATA_ERROR);
BookingRule bookingRule = hospital.getBookingRule();
// Get the page data of the bookable date
IPage iPage = this.getListDate(page, limit, bookingRule);
// The current page can be booked
List<Date> dateList = iPage.getRecords();
// Get the remaining appointments of the Department on the available appointment date
Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("hoscode").is(hoscode).and("depcode").is(depcode).and("workDate").in(dateList);
Aggregation agg = Aggregation.newAggregation(
Aggregation.group("workDate")// Grouping field
AggregationResults<BookingScheduleRuleVo> aggregationResults = mongoTemplate.aggregate(agg, Schedule.class, BookingScheduleRuleVo.class);
List<BookingScheduleRuleVo> scheduleVoList = aggregationResults.getMappedResults();
// Get the number of remaining appointments in the Department
// Merge data Put statistics ScheduleVo according to “ Schedule a date ” Merge into BookingRuleVo
Map<Date, BookingScheduleRuleVo> scheduleVoMap = new HashMap<>();
if(!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(scheduleVoList)) {
scheduleVoMap = scheduleVoList.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(BookingScheduleRuleVo::getWorkDate, BookingScheduleRuleVo -> BookingScheduleRuleVo));
// Get reservation scheduling rules
List<BookingScheduleRuleVo> bookingScheduleRuleVoList = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i=0, len=dateList.size(); i<len; i++) {
Date date = dateList.get(i);
BookingScheduleRuleVo bookingScheduleRuleVo = scheduleVoMap.get(date);
if(null == bookingScheduleRuleVo) {
// It means that there is no shift doctor on that day
bookingScheduleRuleVo = new BookingScheduleRuleVo();
// Number of doctors
// Number of appointments left in the Department -1 Indicates no sign
// Calculate the current appointment date as the day of the week
String dayOfWeek = this.getDayOfWeek(new DateTime(date));
// The last record on the last page is about to make an appointment state 0: normal 1: The number will be released soon -1: Registration has been stopped on that day
if(i == len-1 && page == iPage.getPages()) {
} else {
// If you make an appointment on the same day after the stop time , Can't make an appointment
if(i == 0 && page == 1) {
DateTime stopTime = this.getDateTime(new Date(), bookingRule.getStopTime());
if(stopTime.isBeforeNow()) {
// Stop appointment
// Reservation date rule data
result.put("bookingScheduleList", bookingScheduleRuleVoList);
result.put("total", iPage.getTotal());
// Other basic data
Map<String, String> baseMap = new HashMap<>();
// Hospital name
baseMap.put("hosname", hospitalService.getHospName(hoscode));
// department
Department department =departmentService.getDepartment(hoscode, depcode);
// Name of major department
baseMap.put("bigname", department.getBigname());
// Department name
baseMap.put("depname", department.getDepname());
// month
baseMap.put("workDateString", new DateTime().toString("yyyy year MM month "));
// Number issuing time
baseMap.put("releaseTime", bookingRule.getReleaseTime());
// Stop time
baseMap.put("stopTime", bookingRule.getStopTime());
result.put("baseMap", baseMap);
return result;
/** * Get the page data of the bookable date */
private IPage<Date> getListDate(int page, int limit, BookingRule bookingRule) {
// Date of the day
DateTime releaseTime = this.getDateTime(new Date(), bookingRule.getReleaseTime());
// Appointment cycle
int cycle = bookingRule.getCycle();
// If the time of the day has passed , Then the day after the appointment cycle is the time to be released , Periodic plus 1
if(releaseTime.isBeforeNow()) cycle += 1;
// All dates can be booked , The last day shows that the countdown is about to be played
List<Date> dateList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < cycle; i++) {
// Calculate the current appointment date
DateTime curDateTime = new DateTime().plusDays(i);
String dateString = curDateTime.toString("yyyy-MM-dd");
dateList.add(new DateTime(dateString).toDate());
// Date Pagination , Because the appointment cycle is different , A row of pages displays at most 7 Day data , If there are too many, it will be displayed in pages
List<Date> pageDateList = new ArrayList<>();
int start = (page-1)*limit;
int end = (page-1)*limit+limit;
if(end >dateList.size()) end = dateList.size();
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
IPage<Date> iPage = new com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.Page(page, 7, dateList.size());
return iPage;
/** * take Date date (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm) Convert to DateTime */
private DateTime getDateTime(Date date, String timeString) {
String dateTimeString = new DateTime(date).toString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " "+ timeString;
DateTime dateTime = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm").parseDateTime(dateTimeString);
return dateTime;
2.2.2 Getting department information
1、 stay DepartmentService Class add interface
/** * Acquisition Department */
Department getDepartment(String hoscode, String depcode);
2、 stay DepartmentImpl Class implementation interface
public Department getDepartment(String hoscode, String depcode) {
return departmentRepository.getDepartmentByHoscodeAndDepcode(hoscode, depcode);
2.3 add to controller Method
stay HospitalApiController Class add method
private ScheduleService scheduleService;
@ApiOperation(value = " Get the scheduled shift data that can be reserved ")
public Result getBookingSchedule(
@ApiParam(name = "page", value = " The current page number ", required = true)
@PathVariable Integer page,
@ApiParam(name = "limit", value = " Records per page ", required = true)
@PathVariable Integer limit,
@ApiParam(name = "hoscode", value = " The hospital code", required = true)
@PathVariable String hoscode,
@ApiParam(name = "depcode", value = " department code", required = true)
@PathVariable String depcode) {
return Result.ok(scheduleService.getBookingScheduleRule(page, limit, hoscode, depcode));
@ApiOperation(value = " Get shift scheduling data ")
public Result findScheduleList(
@ApiParam(name = "hoscode", value = " The hospital code", required = true)
@PathVariable String hoscode,
@ApiParam(name = "depcode", value = " department code", required = true)
@PathVariable String depcode,
@ApiParam(name = "workDate", value = " Scheduling date ", required = true)
@PathVariable String workDate) {
return Result.ok(scheduleService.getDetailSchedule(hoscode, depcode, workDate));
3、 front end
3.1 encapsulation api request
stay /api/hosp.js Add method
getBookingScheduleRule(page, limit, hoscode, depcode) {
return request({
url: `${
method: 'get'
findScheduleList(hoscode, depcode, workDate) {
return request({
url: `${
method: 'get'
3.2 The page display
establish /pages/hospital/schedule.vue Components
<!-- header -->
<div class="nav-container page-component">
<!-- The left navigation #start -->
<div class="nav left-nav">
<div class="nav-item selected">
<span class="v-link selected dark" :onclick="'javascript:window.location=\'/hosp/'+hoscode+'\''"> Make an appointment for registration </span>
<div class="nav-item ">
<span class="v-link clickable dark" :onclick="'javascript:window.location=\'/hosp/detail/'+hoscode+'\''"> Hospital details </span>
<div class="nav-item">
<span class="v-link clickable dark" :onclick="'javascript:window.location=\'/hosp/notice/'+hoscode+'\''"> Appointment instructions </span>
<div class="nav-item "><span class="v-link clickable dark"> Stop information </span>
<div class="nav-item "><span class="v-link clickable dark"> Inquire about / Cancel </span>
<!-- The left navigation #end -->
<!-- Right side content #start -->
<div class="page-container">
<div class="hospital-source-list">
<div class="header-wrapper" style="justify-content:normal">
<span class="v-link clickable" @click="show()">{
{ baseMap.hosname}}</span>
<div class="split"></div>
{ baseMap.bigname }}</div>
<div class="title mt20"> {
{ baseMap.depname }}</div>
<!-- Number source list #start -->
<div class="mt60">
<div class="title-wrapper">{
{ baseMap.workDateString }}</div>
<div class="calendar-list-wrapper">
<!-- item.depNumber == -1 ? 'gray space' : item.depNumber == 0 ? 'gray' : 'small small-space'-->
<!-- selected , index == activeIndex ? 'selected' : ''-->
<div :class="'calendar-item '+item.curClass" style="width: 124px;" v-for="(item, index) in bookingScheduleList" :key="item.id" @click="selectDate(item, index)">
<div class="date-wrapper"><span>{
{ item.workDate }}</span><span class="week">{
{ item.dayOfWeek }}</span></div>
<div class="status-wrapper" v-if="item.status == 0">{
{ item.availableNumber == -1 ? ' No sign ' : item.availableNumber == 0 ? ' About full ' : ' There are signs ' }}</div>
<div class="status-wrapper" v-if="item.status == 1"> The number will be released soon </div>
<div class="status-wrapper" v-if="item.status == -1"> Stop registration </div>
<!-- Pagination -->
<el-pagination class="pagination" layout="prev, pager, next" :current-page="page" :total="total" :page-size="limit" @current-change="getPage">
<!-- The number will be released soon #start-->
<div class="countdown-wrapper mt60" v-if="!tabShow">
<div class="countdonw-title"> {
{ time }}<span class="v-link selected">{
{ baseMap.releaseTime }} </span> Release numbers </div>
<div class="countdown-text"> pour meter when
<span class="number">{
{ timeString }}</span>
<!-- The number will be released soon #end-->
<!-- Number source list #end -->
<!-- Morning source #start -->
<div class="mt60" v-if="tabShow">
<div class="">
<div class="list-title">
<div class="block"></div>
Morning source
<div v-for="item in scheduleList" :key="item.id" :v-if ="item.workTime == 0">
<div class="list-item">
<div class="item-wrapper">
<div class="title-wrapper">
<div class="title">{
{ item.title }}</div>
<div class="split"></div>
<div class="name"> {
{ item.docname }}</div>
<div class="special-wrapper">{
{ item.skill }}</div>
<div class="right-wrapper">
<div class="fee"> ¥{
{ item.amount }}
<div class="button-wrapper">
<div class="v-button" @click="booking(item.id, item.availableNumber)" :style="item.availableNumber == 0 || pageFirstStatus == -1 ? 'background-color: #7f828b;' : ''">
<span> The remaining <span class="number">{
{ item.availableNumber }}</span></span></div>
<!-- Morning source #end -->
<!-- Afternoon source #start -->
<div class="mt60" v-if="tabShow">
<div class="">
<div class="list-title">
<div class="block"></div>
Afternoon source
<div v-for="item in scheduleList" :key="item.id" :v-if ="item.workTime == 1">
<div class="list-item">
<div class="item-wrapper">
<div class="title-wrapper">
<div class="title">{
{ item.title }}</div>
<div class="split"></div>
<div class="name"> {
{ item.docname }}</div>
<div class="special-wrapper">{
{ item.skill }}</div>
<div class="right-wrapper">
<div class="fee"> ¥{
{ item.amount }}
<div class="button-wrapper">
<div class="v-button" @click="booking(item.id, item.availableNumber)" :style="item.availableNumber == 0 || pageFirstStatus == -1 ? 'background-color: #7f828b;' : ''">
<span> The remaining <span class="number">{
{ item.availableNumber }}</span></span></div>
<!-- Afternoon source #end -->
<!-- Right side content #end -->
<!-- footer -->
<script> import '~/assets/css/hospital_personal.css' import '~/assets/css/hospital.css' import hospitalApi from '@/api/hosp' export default {
data() {
return {
hoscode: null, depcode: null, workDate: null, bookingScheduleList: [], scheduleList : [], baseMap : {
}, nextWorkDate: null, // First date on next page preWorkDate: null, // The first date of the previous page tabShow: true, // The registration list and the upcoming registration switch activeIndex: 0, page: 1, // The current page limit: 7, // Number of pages total: 1, // Total page number timeString: null, time: ' today ', timer: null, pageFirstStatus: 0 // The first data status on the first page } }, created() {
this.hoscode = this.$route.query.hoscode this.depcode = this.$route.query.depcode this.workDate = this.getCurDate() this.getBookingScheduleRule() }, methods: {
getPage(page = 1) {
this.page = page this.workDate = null this.activeIndex = 0 this.getBookingScheduleRule() }, getBookingScheduleRule() {
hospitalApi.getBookingScheduleRule(this.page, this.limit, this.hoscode, this.depcode).then(response => {
this.bookingScheduleList = response.data.bookingScheduleList this.total = response.data.total this.baseMap = response.data.baseMap this.dealClass() // After paging workDate=null, The first... Is selected by default if (this.workDate == null) {
this.workDate = this.bookingScheduleList[0].workDate } // Judge whether to stop making an appointment on the same day status == -1 Stop appointment if(this.workDate == this.getCurDate()) {
this.pageFirstStatus = this.bookingScheduleList[0].status } else {
this.pageFirstStatus = 0 } this.findScheduleList() }) }, findScheduleList() {
hospitalApi.findScheduleList(this.hoscode, this.depcode, this.workDate).then(response => {
this.scheduleList = response.data }) }, selectDate(item, index) {
this.workDate = item.workDate this.activeIndex = index // Cleaning timing if(this.timer != null) clearInterval(this.timer) // Whether the number will be released soon if(item.status == 1) {
this.tabShow = false // Number issuing time let releaseTime = new Date(this.getCurDate() + ' ' + this.baseMap.releaseTime).getTime() let nowTime = new Date().getTime(); this.countDown(releaseTime, nowTime) this.dealClass(); } else {
this.tabShow = true this.getBookingScheduleRule() } }, dealClass() {
// Handling styles for (let i = 0; i < this.bookingScheduleList.length; i++) {
// depNumber -1: No sign 0: About full >0: There are signs let curClass = this.bookingScheduleList[i].availableNumber == -1 ? 'gray space' : this.bookingScheduleList[i].availableNumber == 0 ? 'gray' : 'small small-space' curClass += i == this.activeIndex ? ' selected' : '' this.bookingScheduleList[i].curClass = curClass } }, getCurDate() {
let datetime = new Date() let year = datetime.getFullYear() let month = datetime.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? '0' + (datetime.getMonth() + 1) : datetime.getMonth() + 1 let date = datetime.getDate() < 10 ? '0' + datetime.getDate() : datetime.getDate() return year + '-' + month + '-' + date }, countDown(releaseTime, nowTime) {
// Count down time let secondes = 0; if(releaseTime > nowTime) {
this.time = ' today ' // The length of time from the current time to the registration time secondes = Math.floor((releaseTime - nowTime) / 1000); } else {
this.time = ' Tomorrow, ' // Calculate the number issuing time tomorrow let releaseDate = new Date(releaseTime) releaseTime = new Date(releaseDate.setDate(releaseDate.getDate() + 1)).getTime() // The length of time from the current time to the release time tomorrow secondes = Math.floor((releaseTime - nowTime) / 1000); } // Timing task this.timer = setInterval(() => {
secondes = secondes - 1 if(secondes <= 0) {
clearInterval(timer); this.init() } this.timeString = this.convertTimeString(secondes) }, 1000); // adopt $once To monitor the timer , stay beforeDestroy The hook can be removed . this.$once('hook:beforeDestroy', () => {
clearInterval(timer); }) }, convertTimeString(allseconds) {
if(allseconds <= 0) return '00:00:00' // Count the days let days = Math.floor(allseconds / (60 * 60 * 24)); // Hours let hours = Math.floor((allseconds - (days * 60 * 60 * 24)) / (60 * 60)); // minute let minutes = Math.floor((allseconds - (days * 60 * 60 * 24) - (hours * 60 * 60)) / 60); // second let seconds = allseconds - (days * 60 * 60 * 24) - (hours * 60 * 60) - (minutes * 60); // Splicing time let timString = ""; if (days > 0) {
timString = days + " God :"; } return timString += hours + " when " + minutes + " branch " + seconds + " second "; }, show() {
window.location.href = '/hospital/' + this.hoscode }, booking(scheduleId, availableNumber) {
debugger if(availableNumber == 0 || this.pageFirstStatus == -1) {
this.$message.error(' Can't make an appointment ') } else {
window.location.href = '/hospital/booking?scheduleId=' + scheduleId } } } } </script>
Appointment confirmation
- According to the schedule id Get shift information , Show... On the page
- Select the patient
- Make an appointment and place an order
api Interface
1.1 add to service Interface
1、 stay ScheduleService Class add interface
/** * according to id Get roster * @param id * @return */
Schedule getById(String id);
2、 stay ScheduleServiceImpl Class add implementation
public Schedule getById(String id) {
Schedule schedule = scheduleRepository.findById(id).get();
return this.packSchedule(schedule);
1.2 add to controller Method
stay HospitalApiController Class add method
@ApiOperation(value = " According to the schedule id Get shift scheduling data ")
public Result getSchedule(
@ApiParam(name = "scheduleId", value = " Scheduling id", required = true)
@PathVariable String scheduleId) {
return Result.ok(scheduleService.getById(scheduleId));
front end
2.1 encapsulation api request
stay /api/hosp/hospital.js Add method
getSchedule(id) {
return request({
url: `${
method: 'get'
2.2 The page display
establish /pages/hospital/booking.vue Components
<!-- header -->
<div class="nav-container page-component">
<!-- The left navigation #start -->
<div class="nav left-nav">
<div class="nav-item selected">
<span class="v-link selected dark" :onclick="'javascript:window.location=\'/hospital/'+schedule.hoscode+'\''"> Make an appointment for registration </span>
<div class="nav-item ">
<span class="v-link clickable dark" :onclick="'javascript:window.location=\'/hospital/detail/'+schedule.hoscode+'\''"> Hospital details </span>
<div class="nav-item">
<span class="v-link clickable dark" :onclick="'javascript:window.location=\'/hospital/notice/'+schedule.hoscode+'\''"> Appointment instructions </span>
<div class="nav-item "><span class="v-link clickable dark"> Stop information </span>
<div class="nav-item "><span class="v-link clickable dark"> Inquire about / Cancel </span>
<!-- The left navigation #end -->
<!-- Right side content #start -->
<div class="page-container">
<div class="hospital-order">
<div class="header-wrapper">
<div class="title mt20"> Confirm registration information </div>
<div class="sub-title">
<div class="block"></div>
Select the patient :
<div class="patient-wrapper">
<div >
<div class="v-card clickable item ">
<div class="inline" v-for="(item,index) in patientList" :key="item.id" @click="selectPatient(index)" style="margin-right: 10px;">
<!-- Choose selected Uncheck remove selected-->
<div :class="activeIndex == index ? 'item-wrapper selected' : 'item-wrapper'">
<div class="item-title">{
{ item.name }}</div>
{ item.param.certificatesTypeString }}</div>
{ item.certificatesNo }}</div>
<img src="//img.114yygh.com/static/web/checked.png" class="checked">
<div class="item space add-patient v-card clickable">
<div class="">
<div class="item-add-wrapper" @click="addPatient()"> +
Add patient
<div class="el-loading-mask" style="display: none;">
<div class="el-loading-spinner">
<svg viewBox="25 25 50 50" class="circular">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="20" fill="none" class="path"></circle>
<!-- the patient , Check to show -->
<div class="sub-title" v-if="patientList.length > 0">
<div class="block"></div>
Choose a clinic card : <span class="card-tips"><span class="iconfont"></span> If you go to see a doctor with a social security card , Please be sure to select medical insurance appointment registration , To ensure normal medical insurance reimbursement </span>
<el-card class="patient-card" shadow="always" v-if="patientList.length > 0">
<div slot="header" class="clearfix">
<div><span class="name"> {
{ patient.name }} {
{ patient.certificatesNo }} Resident ID card </span></div>
<div class="card SELF_PAY_CARD">
<div class="info"><span class="type">{
{ patient.isInsure == 0 ? ' At his own expense ' : ' Health care '}}</span><span class="card-no">{
{ patient.certificatesNo }}</span><span class="card-view"> Resident ID card </span></div>
<span class="operate"></span></div>
<div class="card">
<div class="text bind-card"></div>
<div class="sub-title">
<div class="block"></div>
Registration information
<div class="content-wrapper">
<el-form ref="form">
<el-form-item label=" Date of visit :">
<div class="content"><span>{
{ schedule.workDate }} {
{ schedule.param.dayOfWeek }} {
{ schedule.workTime == 0 ? ' In the morning ' : ' Afternoon ' }}</span></div>
<el-form-item label=" See a hospital :">
<div class="content"><span>{
{ schedule.param.hosname }} </span></div>
<el-form-item label=" Department of medical treatment :">
<div class="content"><span>{
{ schedule.param.depname }} </span></div>
<el-form-item label=" Name of doctor :">
<div class="content"><span>{
{ schedule.docname }} </span></div>
<el-form-item label=" Doctor title :">
<div class="content"><span>{
{ schedule.title }} </span></div>
<el-form-item label=" Doctor's expertise :">
<div class="content"><span>{
{ schedule.skill }}</span></div>
<el-form-item label=" Medical service fee :">
<div class="content">
<div class="fee">{
{ schedule.amount }} element </div>
<!-- User information #start-->
<div class="sub-title">
<div class="block"></div>
User information
<div class="content-wrapper">
<el-form ref="form" :model="form">
<el-form-item class="form-item" label=" Mobile phone number of the patient :">
{ patient.phone }}
<!-- User information #end -->
<div class="bottom-wrapper">
<div class="button-wrapper">
<div class="v-button" @click="submitOrder()">{
{ submitBnt }}</div>
<!-- Right side content #end -->
<!-- footer -->
<script> import '~/assets/css/hospital_personal.css' import '~/assets/css/hospital.css' import hospitalApi from '@/api/hosp/hospital' import patientApi from '@/api/user/patient' export default {
data() {
return {
scheduleId: null, schedule: {
param: {
} }, patientList: [], patient: {
}, activeIndex: 0, submitBnt: ' Confirm registration ' } }, created() {
this.scheduleId = this.$route.query.scheduleId this.init() }, methods: {
init() {
this.getSchedule() this.findPatientList() }, getSchedule() {
hospitalApi.getSchedule(this.scheduleId).then(response => {
this.schedule = response.data }) }, findPatientList() {
patientApi.findList().then(response => {
this.patientList = response.data if(this.patientList.length > 0) {
this.patient = this.patientList[0] } }) }, selectPatient(index) {
this.activeIndex = index; this.patient = this.patientList[index] }, submitOrder() {
}, addPatient() {
window.location.href = '/patient/add' } } } </script>
<style> .hospital-order .header-wrapper {
display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: block !important; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; } .hospital-order .sub-title {
letter-spacing: 1px; color: #999; margin-top: 60px; display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; } .hospital-order .content-wrapper .content {
color: #333; } .el-form-item {
margin-bottom: 5px; } .hospital-order .content-wrapper {
margin-left: 140px; margin-top: 20px; } </style>
Make an appointment and place an order
Due to the appointment, the order is placed in the background api The interface is relatively complex , Let's first implement the front end , Front end debugging api Interface
3.1 encapsulation api request
add to /api/order/orderInfo.js file , Define single interface
import request from '@/utils/request'
const api_name = `/api/order/orderInfo`
export default {
submitOrder(scheduleId, patientId) {
return request({
url: `${
method: 'post'
3.2 Page modification
stay /pages/hosp/booking.vue Improve the ordering method of components
submitOrder() {
if(this.patient.id == null) {
this.$message.error(' Please select the patient ')
// Prevent duplicate submissions
if(this.submitBnt == ' Submitting ...') {
this.$message.error(' Repeated submission ')
this.submitBnt = ' Submitting ...'
orderInfoApi.submitOrder(this.scheduleId, this.patient.id).then(response => {
let orderId = response.data
window.location.href = '/order/show?orderId=' + orderId
}).catch(e => {
this.submitBnt = ' Confirm registration '
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Single chip microcomputer realizes modular programming: Thinking + example + system tutorial (the degree of practicality is appalling)
C杂讲 文件 初讲
Contest3145 - the 37th game of 2021 freshman individual training match_ C: Tour guide
Random notes
112 pages of mathematical knowledge sorting! Machine learning - a review of fundamentals of mathematics pptx
Notes of Dr. Carolyn ROS é's social networking speech
A new understanding of RMAN retention policy recovery window
C miscellaneous lecture continued