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Solution to failure or slow downloading of electron when electron uses electron builder to package
2022-07-03 14:08:00 【Cheat the old traditional Chinese medicine in the Jianghu】
error message
Building app with electron-builder:
• electron-builder version=22.14.5 os=10.0.19042
• description is missed in the package.json appPackageFile=E:\h-world\hscmweb-diagrams\dist_electron\bundled\package.json
• author is missed in the package.json appPackageFile=E:\h-world\hscmweb-diagrams\dist_electron\bundled\package.json
• writing effective config file=dist_electron\builder-effective-config.yaml
• packaging platform=win32 arch=x64 electron=12.2.3 appOutDir=dist_electron\win-unpacked
• downloading url=https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/electron/12.2.3/electron-v12.2.3-win32-x64.zip size=83 MB parts=8
• downloaded url=https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/electron/12.2.3/electron-v12.2.3-win32-x64.zip duration=2m22.249s
• default Electron icon is used reason=application icon is not set
• building target=nsis file=dist_electron\HSCM Setup 2.2.6.exe archs=x64 oneClick=true perMachine=false
⨯ Get "https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder-binaries/releases/download/nsis-resources-3.4.1/nsis-resources-": dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the con
nected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
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