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[technical live broadcast] how to rewrite tdengine code from 0 to 1 with vscode

2022-07-05 09:43:00 Tdengine

VSCode Is a cross platform free source code editor developed by Microsoft . The software supports syntax highlighting 、 Code auto completion 、 Code refactoring 、 View definition function , And built-in command-line tools and Git Version control system . Users can change themes and keyboard shortcuts to personalize , You can also install extensions through the built-in extension store to expand software functions .

TDengine It's one for C Language timing database (Time-Series Database), The operating environment is mostly Linux. similarly , We also focus on the development environment Linux Next . And Java Different ,C Language program development has different tool support on different platforms .

A good workman does his work well , You must sharpen your tools first ,VSCode With its lightweight and powerful code editing function and rich plug-in ecosystem , highly TDengine Internal R & D students' favor .

2022 year 6 month 23 Japan ( Thursday ) 20:00-21:00,TDengine Solution architect Chen weican will share how to Linux + Docker Under the environment of , Quickly build TDengine And write code . meanwhile , Will also pass several Bug Fix Example , Let's get familiar with and understand TDengine Code for .

Chen weican ,TDengine Solution architect , Participated in search engine 、Ranking Algorithm 、 Business system 、 Data platform 、Database And other fields . At present, he is engaged in TDengine Solution architecture work .

He will share :

1. VSCode + Docker + Linux Principles of development environment

2. adopt Dockerfile build TDengine development environment

3. How to get started quickly Bug Issue

4. Repair  Bug Some of the tips


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