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Line test - graphic reasoning - 1 - Chinese character class

2022-07-07 22:56:00 Caspian�

Recently, I'm preparing for school recruitment , I read some questions about line test graphic reasoning , Want to summarize .

This article will mainly summarize Chinese characters .

First, let's take a look at the ideas you can consider when you get a Chinese character topic :


One 、 Quantitative relation

1. Number of strokes

2. Number of parts

3. Number of enclosed areas

4. Number of special strokes

Two 、 Overall properties

1. structure

2. The same part

3. Regular superposition

4. symmetry

5. Closed and open

6. Straightness

3、 ... and 、 other

1. comprehensive

2. Minority class

Here are some examples for each test site .

One 、 Quantitative relation

When it is observed that Chinese characters basically do not have the same constituent elements , Give priority to quantity relationship .

1. Number of strokes


  The number of strokes is 1,2,3,4. So the number of strokes at the question mark is 5, So choose D.


  The number of strokes is 4,5,6,7, Therefore, the number of strokes selected is 8 Of C.





  The number of strokes is 3,6,9.


 1,4,5 The number of strokes is 5;2,3,6 The number of strokes is 8.


The number of strokes of the first group of Chinese characters is 3,3,6; The number of strokes in the second group is 4,9. Therefore, the number of strokes selected is 13 Of D. 

2. Number of parts

  The standard of statistical quantity is : What is connected is a part , As long as it is disconnected, it is not a part .


The rule of the first group of figures is that the number of parts is 1,2,3; The number of parts of the second group of figures is 4,5, Therefore, the number of selected parts is 6 Of A. 


Consider the number of parts of each group of Chinese characters , Respectively (3,2)(3,2 )(5,4)(2,1). There are more Chinese characters on the left than on the right 1.C Conform to the laws of .


  The number of parts is 1,2,3,4.


 1,2,3 Both are in two parts ;4,5,6 They are all three parts .


  The number of parts is 7,6,5,4, So the number of selected parts is 3 Of D.


  Part of the first act ; The second behavior has two parts ; The third behavior is part three . So choose D.

3. Number of enclosed areas


Every word has three parts , So choose A.



1,2,3 For two enclosed areas ;4,5,6 For a closed area .



  The number of parts is 4,3,2,1. The number of parts that should be selected is 0 Of B.


  The closed numbers are 0,2,2,4,6, That is, the closed numbers of the first two words add up to the closed numbers of the third . The number of closures should be 10 Of D.


  The closed numbers are 1,2,3,4. Select the number of closures as 5 Of D.

4. Number of special strokes


The number of horizontal lines in Chinese characters is 1,2,3,4. Therefore, the number of horizontal lines selected is 5 Of A. 

Two 、 Overall properties

1. structure


Each line includes up and down 、 about 、 Surrounding structure , Therefore, choose the one with upper and lower structure B. 


Left and right 、 Left middle right 、 Up and down 、 3 、 Semi enclosing structure . 


2. The same part


All Chinese characters have “ Japan ”, also “ Japan ” The relative position of changes counterclockwise .



All Chinese characters have “ people ”.



The first group has “ soil ”; The second group has “ also ”, So choose A. 



All groups have “ Cursive head ”, choose B. 


The first group of Chinese characters all have “ son ”; The second group has “ 8、 ... and ”; choice D. 

3. Regular superposition


By observing the first group of figures, we can see that the third figure is formed by the superposition of the first and second figures , And the right half consists of two second figures up and down   Stack up , And it doesn't intersect . So choose B.


In the first group of Chinese characters , The first Chinese character and the second Chinese character go together and change into the third Chinese character ; So choose... From the second group of Chinese characters B. 


Observe the first group of figures to know , The third word is the first two words to agree while reserving differences . So choose C. 

4. symmetry


  Observe that the first group of figures are symmetrical , Observation options can exclude A Options . Look again , All graphics are open graphics , So choose C.


1,2,6 There is only one axis of symmetry ;3,4,5 There are three axes of symmetry . 

5. Closed and open


All Chinese characters have no closed areas , So choose B. 

6. Straightness


  Both groups of Chinese characters are straight lines , So choose C.


 2,5,6 It is a straight line figure ;1,3,4 It is a straight curve .

3、 ... and 、 other

1. comprehensive


  The first group of Chinese characters are 7 draw , And both are left-right structures , All include “×”; The second group of Chinese characters are 8 draw , Both are upper and lower structures , All include “ mouth ”. choose B.


First, exclude according to symmetry B, Look at the number of parts of Chinese characters 1,2,1,2, Therefore, the number of selected parts is 1 Of C. 

2. Minority class


The pronunciation is one 、 Two 、 3、 ... and 、 Four voices



Use both pronunciation “d" start .



The Pinyin is qi,qin,qing,qiang. Use both "q” start , And the length becomes longer . 


The third word of each group is the radical of the first two words . So choose A. 

