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Why is network i/o blocked?

2022-07-07 22:53:00 Yes' level training strategy

Hello , I am a yes.

I'm going to export Netty Related articles , But learn more Netty This underlying communication framework , Network related knowledge points are indispensable . So I'm going to write some pre knowledge points first , Align and meet , So that later on Netty The understanding of the .

We should all know socket( Socket ), You can think our communications are based on this thing , Network communication is often divided into TCP And UDP Two kinds of , Next I will use TCP Take communication as an example to illustrate socket Communication process of .

But before that , Let me first talk about what is I/O.

I/O What is it ?

I/O In fact, that is input and output Abbreviation , The input / Output .

What about input and output ?

For example, typing code with the keyboard is actually typing , The display pattern is output , This is actually I/O.

And the disk we often care about I/O It refers to the input and output between hard disk and memory .

When reading local files , To copy the data from the disk to memory , When modifying local files , You need to copy the modified data to disk .

The Internet I/O It refers to the input and output between the network card and memory .

When the data on the network comes , The network card needs to copy the data to memory . When you want to send data to others on the network , You need to copy the data from memory to the network card .

Then why interact with memory ?

Our instructions are ultimately given by CPU Executive , The reason is CPU Interacting with memory is much faster than CPU The speed of direct interaction with these external devices .

So they all interact with memory , Of course, suppose there is no memory , Give Way CPU Interact directly with external devices , That counts I/O.

Sum up :I/O It refers to the interaction between memory and external devices ( Data copy ).

Okay , Clarify what is I/O after , Let's uncover socket Communication insider ~

establish socket

First, the server needs to create a socket. stay Linux Everything in is a document , So created socket It's also a document , Each file has an integer file descriptor (fd) To refer to this file .

int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);

  • domain: This parameter is used to select the protocol family of communication , Such as choice IPv4 signal communication , still IPv6 Communications, etc
  • type: Select socket type , Optional byte stream socket 、 Datagram socket, etc .
  • protocol: Specify the protocol used .

This protocol It can usually be set to 0 , Because the protocol to be used can be inferred from the first two parameters .

such as socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);, Indicate the use of IPv4 , And use byte stream socket , It can be judged that the protocol used is TCP agreement .

The return value of this method is int , It's actually created socket Of fd.


Now we have created a socket, But there is no address pointing to this socket.

as everyone knows , The server application needs to indicate IP And port , In this way, the client can come to the door and ask for service , So at this point, we need to specify an address and port to communicate with this socket Bind it .

int bind(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen);

In the parameter sockfd That's what we created socket File descriptor for , Yes bind After the parameter, our socket It's a step closer to being accessible .


Yes socket、bind after , At this time socket Is still in the closed The state of , That is, not listening to the outside , Then we need to call listen Method , Give Way socket Get into Passive monitoring state , In this way socket Can listen to the connection request of the client .

int listen(int sockfd, int backlog);

Pass in the created socket Of fd, And point out backlog Size .

This backlog When I look up the data , See three explanations :

  1. socket There is a queue , Store the completed connection and semi connection at the same time ,backlog For the size of this queue .
  2. socket There are two queues , They are completed connection queue and semi connection queue ,backlog Is the sum of the sizes of the two queues .
  3. socket There are two queues , They are completed connection queue and semi connection queue ,backlog Only for completed connection queue size .

Explain what a semi connection is

We all know TCP Establishing a connection requires three handshakes , When the receiver receives the connection request from the requestor, it will return ack, At this point, the connection is in a semi connected state at the receiver , When the receiving party receives another request from the requesting party ack when , The connection is in the completed state :

Therefore, the above discussion is about the storage of connections in these two states .

I looked up the information and saw , be based on BSD The implementation of the derived system uses a queue to store connections in both states at the same time , backlog The parameter is the size of the queue .

and Linux Two queues are used to store completed connections and half connections respectively , And backlog Queue size for completed connections only


Now we have initialized the listening socket , At this point, a client will connect , Then we need to deal with these connections that have been established .

From the above analysis, we can know , After three handshakes, the connection will be added to the completed connection queue .

Now , We need to get the connection from the completed connection queue for processing , This take is done by accpet To complete .

int accept(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen);

This method returns int The value is the value of the completed connection socket File descriptor for , Then operate this socket You can communicate .

If the connection queue has been completed and there is no connection, you can get , So called accept Your thread will Block waiting .

So far, the communication process of the server has come to an end , Let's look at the operation of the client .


The client also needs to create a socket, That is to call socket(), I won't repeat it here , Let's start the company building operation directly .

The client needs to establish a connection with the server , stay TCP Start the classic three handshakes under the protocol , Look at the picture above :

The client has been created socket And call connect after , The connection is in SYN_SEND state , When you receive a message from the server SYN+ACK after , The connection becomes ESTABLISHED state , This means that three handshakes are over .

int connect(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen);

call connect You need to specify the remote address and port for connection , After three handshakes, you can start communicating .

The client side does not need to call bind operation , The source will be selected by default IP And random port .

Use a picture to summarize the operation of building a company :

You can see two blocking points here :

  • connect: Need to wait for the completion of three handshakes .
  • accept: Need to wait for available completed connections , If the completed connection queue is empty , Is blocked .


After the connection is established successfully , You can start sending and receiving messages , Let's take a look

read For reading data , From the server side, it is waiting for the client's request , If the client does not send a request , So called read Will be in a blocked waiting state , No data to read , This should be well understood .

write Write data for , Generally speaking, after the server accepts the client's request , Will do some logical processing , Then return the result to the client , This write may also be blocked .

Someone here may ask read Can't read data, blocking waiting is understandable ,write Why block , Don't you send the data directly ?

Because we use TCP agreement ,TCP The protocol needs to ensure that the data is reliable 、 Transmit in an orderly manner , And give end-to-end flow control .

So sending is not sending directly , It has a Send buffer , We need to copy the data to TCP Send buffer for , from TCP Self control the sending time and logic , There may be retransmissions or something .

If we send too fast , As a result, the receiver cannot handle it , Then the receiver will pass TCP Agreement to inform : Stop it ! I'm too busy . There is a size limit for the send buffer , Unable to send due to , And keep calling write Then the cache is full , It's full, or you write 了 , therefore write Blocking can also occur .

Sum up ,read and write There's going to be a blockage .


Why the Internet I/O Will be blocked ?

Because the establishment and communication involve accept、connect、read、write These methods may block .

Blocking will occupy the currently executing thread , Make it impossible for other operations , And frequent blocking of wake-up switching context will also lead to performance degradation .

Due to blocking , The initial solution was to establish multiple threads , But with the development of the Internet , User surge , The number of connections also surged , The number of threads that need to be established increases with , Later, there was C10K problem .

The server can't stand it , To do ?

Optimize chant !

So later I got a non blocking socket , then I/O Multiplexing 、 Signal driven I/O、 asynchronous I/O.

In the next chapter, let's make a good deal of it , These kinds of I/O Model !

Reference resources :


I am a yes, From a little bit to a billion , See you next time !


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