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FCOS3D label assignment

2022-07-07 13:55:00 Roast zongzi

Follow 2d Of FCOS Not so much ,
It mainly depends on the picture coordinate system to allocate target:

def _get_target_single(self, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_bboxes_3d,
                           gt_labels_3d, centers2d, depths, attr_labels,
                           points, regress_ranges, num_points_per_lvl):
        """Compute regression and classification targets for a single image."""
        num_points = points.size(0)
        num_gts = gt_labels.size(0)
        if not isinstance(gt_bboxes_3d, torch.Tensor):
            gt_bboxes_3d = gt_bboxes_3d.tensor.to(gt_bboxes.device)
        if num_gts == 0:
            return gt_labels.new_full((num_points,), self.background_label), \
                   gt_bboxes.new_zeros((num_points, 4)), \
                       (num_points,), self.background_label), \
                   gt_bboxes_3d.new_zeros((num_points, self.bbox_code_size)), \
                   gt_bboxes_3d.new_zeros((num_points,)), \
                       (num_points,), self.attr_background_label)

        # change orientation to local yaw
        gt_bboxes_3d[..., 6] = -torch.atan2(
            gt_bboxes_3d[..., 0], gt_bboxes_3d[..., 2]) + gt_bboxes_3d[..., 6]

        areas = (gt_bboxes[:, 2] - gt_bboxes[:, 0]) * (
            gt_bboxes[:, 3] - gt_bboxes[:, 1]) # [tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y]--> S_areas
        areas = areas[None].repeat(num_points, 1) # [2] --> [30929, 2]
        regress_ranges = regress_ranges[:, None, :].expand(
            num_points, num_gts, 2) # [30929, 2] --> [30929, 2, 2]
        gt_bboxes = gt_bboxes[None].expand(num_points, num_gts, 4)
        centers2d = centers2d[None].expand(num_points, num_gts, 2)
        gt_bboxes_3d = gt_bboxes_3d[None].expand(num_points, num_gts,
        depths = depths[None, :, None].expand(num_points, num_gts, 1)
        #  Every points Coordinates of (xs,ys)
        xs, ys = points[:, 0], points[:, 1]
        xs = xs[:, None].expand(num_points, num_gts)
        ys = ys[:, None].expand(num_points, num_gts)

        # gt center --> offsets
        ## centers2d:  Every gt stay 2d image The coordinates on 
        delta_xs = (xs - centers2d[..., 0])[..., None]
        delta_ys = (ys - centers2d[..., 1])[..., None]
        # 0.  The previous operation is mainly for here , Get the same as the network output target_box
        bbox_targets_3d = torch.cat(
            (delta_xs, delta_ys, depths, gt_bboxes_3d[..., 3:]), dim=-1)

        left = xs - gt_bboxes[..., 0]
        right = gt_bboxes[..., 2] - xs
        top = ys - gt_bboxes[..., 1]
        bottom = gt_bboxes[..., 3] - ys
        bbox_targets = torch.stack((left, top, right, bottom), -1)

        assert self.center_sampling is True, 'Setting center_sampling to '\
            'False has not been implemented for FCOS3D.'
        # condition1: inside a `center bbox`
        radius = self.center_sample_radius # 1.5
        center_xs = centers2d[..., 0]
        center_ys = centers2d[..., 1]
        center_gts = torch.zeros_like(gt_bboxes)
        stride = center_xs.new_zeros(center_xs.shape)

        # project the points on current lvl back to the `original` sizes
        # 1.  Map the position of feature points of each layer back to the input image 
        lvl_begin = 0
        for lvl_idx, num_points_lvl in enumerate(num_points_per_lvl): # [23200, 5800, 1450, 375, 104]
            lvl_end = lvl_begin + num_points_lvl
            stride[lvl_begin:lvl_end] = self.strides[lvl_idx] * radius # [8, 16, 32, 64, 128] * 1.5
            #  Every point The scaling factor of  *  radius 
            lvl_begin = lvl_end
        # 2.  The position point in the object frame is regarded as a positive sample candidate 
        ##  Side length 1.5 Box of  --> 
        center_gts[..., 0] = center_xs - stride
        center_gts[..., 1] = center_ys - stride
        center_gts[..., 2] = center_xs + stride
        center_gts[..., 3] = center_ys + stride

        cb_dist_left = xs - center_gts[..., 0] # points Center point to 
        cb_dist_right = center_gts[..., 2] - xs
        cb_dist_top = ys - center_gts[..., 1]
        cb_dist_bottom = center_gts[..., 3] - ys
        center_bbox = torch.stack(
            (cb_dist_left, cb_dist_top, cb_dist_right, cb_dist_bottom), -1)
        inside_gt_bbox_mask = center_bbox.min(-1)[0] > 0 # anchor_box The center point falls on gt_box Center point 1.5 Only valid within the square of the unit 

        # condition2: limit the regression range for each location
        # 3.  The distance from a certain position point to the object frame can be regarded as a positive sample only if it is within a certain range ( Each floor has its own scope )
        max_regress_distance = bbox_targets.max(-1)[0]
        #  Ensure that on each floor level Within the regression range of 
        inside_regress_range = (
            (max_regress_distance >= regress_ranges[..., 0])
            & (max_regress_distance <= regress_ranges[..., 1]))

        # center-based criterion to deal with ambiguity
        # 4.  Fuzzy processing based on central criterion 
        ## 4.1 Choose the one with the smallest offset gt+gt_inds
        dists = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(bbox_targets_3d[..., :2]**2, dim=-1)) # offsets The European distance of  [30929, 2]
        dists[inside_gt_bbox_mask == 0] = INF #  Screening anchor
        dists[inside_regress_range == 0] = INF
        min_dist, min_dist_inds = dists.min(dim=1)

        labels = gt_labels[min_dist_inds] #  Screening gt
        labels_3d = gt_labels_3d[min_dist_inds]
        attr_labels = attr_labels[min_dist_inds]
        labels[min_dist == INF] = self.background_label  # set as BG 10
        labels_3d[min_dist == INF] = self.background_label  # set as BG
        attr_labels[min_dist == INF] = self.attr_background_label

        ## 4.2  Every point Select the corresponding box_target
        bbox_targets = bbox_targets[range(num_points), min_dist_inds] # [30929, 2, 4] --> [30929, 4]
        bbox_targets_3d = bbox_targets_3d[range(num_points), min_dist_inds]
        ## 4.3  Screening centerness_targets
        ##  Offset -->  hypotenuse  /  Side length 1.5scale To the side length of the actual triangle  ==  Relative distance 
        relative_dists = torch.sqrt(
            torch.sum(bbox_targets_3d[..., :2]**2,
                      dim=-1)) / (1.414 * stride[:, 0])
        # [N, 1] / [N, 1]
        centerness_targets = torch.exp(-self.centerness_alpha * relative_dists) # exp(-2.5 * relative_dists) todo?

        return labels, bbox_targets, labels_3d, bbox_targets_3d, \
            centerness_targets, attr_labels

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