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tree table lookup
2022-08-05 02:42:00 【cute horse】
1、The meaning of tree table lookup
由于顺序查找、Both halved lookup and block lookup are organized using a linear table as a lookup table,Among them, the efficiency of halving search is the highest.But the halved lookup requires that the keys recorded in the table be an ordered sequence,And you can't use a linked list to make a storage structure,Therefore, when the table insert or delete operations are frequent,To maintain the validity of the table,Need to move a lot of records in the table!Additional time overhead caused by this moving record,will negate the advantages of the half-finished lookup!所以,Linear tables are better for static lookups,若要对动态查找表进行高效率的查找,Several special binary trees can be used as the organization form of the lookup table,Is the tree table!
Binary sort or a tree,或者是具有下列性质的二叉树!
若它的左子树不为空,then the value of all nodes on the left subtree is less than the value of its root node!
And the catechu sorting tree is defined recursively.Therefore, an important property of binary sorting tree can be derived from the definition:Inorder traversal of a binary tree can get an ordered sequence with increasing node values!
//Find recursive algorithm,时间复杂度为o(h=log2n)
BSTree BSTSearch(BSTree T,int key){
if (T == NULL) return NULL; //树空返回NULL
else if( key == T->data) return T; //查找成功
else if( key < T->data) return BSTSearch(T->lchild,key); //在左子树中查找
else if( key > T->data) return BSTSearch(T->rchild,key); //在右子树中查找
//Find non-recursive algorithms,时间复杂度为O( 1)
BSTree NotBSTSearch(BSTree T,int key){
while (T != NULL && key != T->data){
if (key < T->data) T = T->lchild; //小于,则在左子树上查找
else T = T->rchild; //大于,则在右子树上查找
return T; //否则,不管成功与否,Return to find or does not meet the conditions of node address
#define MaxSize 20
#define endl '\n'
using namespace std;
typedef struct BSNode{
int data; //数据域
struct BSNode *lchild,*rchild; //指针域
int InsertBST(BSTree &T,int e){
if (T == NULL){
BSNode * p;
p = (BSNode * ) malloc (sizeof(BSNode)); //创建新的节点
p->data = e; //将新结点的数据域置为e
p->lchild = NULL; //The left child node of the leaf node is empty
p->rchild = NULL; //The right child node of the leaf node is empty
T = p; //将新结点*plink to found caret
else if (e < T->data) return InsertBST(T->lchild,e); //递归插入左子树
else if (e == T->data) return 0; //插入失败,There are nodes with the same key
else if (e > T->data) InsertBST(T->rchild,e); //递归插入右子树
void CreateBST(BSTree &T){
T = NULL; //创建一个空树
int e;
cout<<"\nPlease enter the value of the data field in the binary sorting tree!结束请输入 -1 :";
while(e != -1){
InsertBST(T,e); //Cyclically insert this node into the binary sorted tree
//Binary tree created by preorder traversal output
void PreOrderTraverse(BSTree T){
//Recursive Algorithm for Preorder Traversal of Binary Sorted Trees
if(T != NULL){
//若二叉树非空 if(T)
cout<<T->data<<" "; //访问根节点
PreOrderTraverse(T->lchild); //先序遍历左子树
PreOrderTraverse(T->rchild); //先序遍历右子树
//A binary tree created by traversing the output in inorder
void InOrderTraverse(BSTree T){
//Recursive Algorithm for Inorder Traversal of Binary Sorted Trees
if(T != NULL){
//若二叉树非空 if(T)
InOrderTraverse(T->lchild); //中序遍历左子树
cout<<T->data<<" "; //访问根节点
InOrderTraverse(T->rchild); //中序遍历右子树
//Find recursive algorithm,时间复杂度为o(h=log2n)
BSTree BSTSearch(BSTree T,int key){
if (T == NULL) return NULL; //树空返回NULL
else if( key == T->data) return T; //查找成功
else if( key < T->data) return BSTSearch(T->lchild,key); //在左子树中查找
else if( key > T->data) return BSTSearch(T->rchild,key); //在右子树中查找
//Find non-recursive algorithms,时间复杂度为O( 1)
BSTree NotBSTSearch(BSTree T,int key){
while (T != NULL && key != T->data){
if (key < T->data) T = T->lchild; //小于,则在左子树上查找
else T = T->rchild; //大于,则在右子树上查找
return T; //否则,不管成功与否,Return to find or does not meet the conditions of node address
BSTree T;
//Binary tree created by preorder traversal output
cout<<"\nThe binary tree created by the preorder traversal output is as follows:";
//A binary tree created by traversing the output in inorder
cout<<"\n\nThe binary tree created by the inorder traversal output is as follows:";
int key;
cout<<"\n--------------------------A recursive search below----------------------------------\n";
BSNode *Node;
Node = BSTSearch(T,key);
if (Node != NULL)
cout<<"\n查找成功!The lookup address is printed as follows:"<<Node<<"\n";
cout<<"\n查找失败!The lookup address is printed as follows:"<<Node<<"\n";
cout<<"\n--------------------------The recursive search is as follows----------------------------------\n";
Node = NotBSTSearch(T,key);
if (Node != NULL)
cout<<"\n查找成功!The lookup address is printed as follows:"<<Node<<"\n";
cout<<"\n查找失败!The lookup address is printed as follows:"<<Node<<"\n";
The process of finding a node whose key is equal to a given value on a binary sorted tree,It happens to be the process of the path from the root node to the node,equal to the length of the path traversed + 1.Therefore, the number of comparison keywords or the number of comparisons does not exceed the height of the tree h = [log2 n] + 1 (向下取整)
或者h = [log2 (n + 1 )] (向上取整)
.So the time complexity of binary sort tree is O (log 2 n)
But unlike the halved lookup, the,The halved search length is n The decision tree of the sequence table is unique,而含有 n The binary sorting tree of nodes is not unique.In the previous example we used the sequence(45 24 53 12 37 93)
构造二叉排序树,而如果使用(12 24 37 45 53 97)
,Here's another different binary sorted tree,Although the node values of the two trees are the same,But two binary sorted trees with completely different shapes,The former is pyramidal,The latter is a top-down,A binary sorted tree whose node values are all right subtrees,while the left subtree is empty!So in this case, the depth of the tree is n,时间复杂度为 O (log 2N)
,The average search length is the same as the sequential search length,都是 (n+ 1)/2,To put it bluntly, it is a sequential search of a sequential table.!This is the most circular situation!The best case is that the shape of the search tree of the binary sorting tree is similar to the shape of the halved search decision tree,其平均查找长度和 log 2n成正比!若把 有 n nodes are inserted into the binary sorted tree in every possible order,则有 n The factorial of a binary sorted tree!
但是就平均而言,The average search length of a binary sorted tree is still sumlog 2 N是同数量级的!
It can be seen that the search of binary sorting is not much different from the search by half,But in terms of table maintainability,二叉排序树更加有效,Because the binary sorted tree does not need to move any elements!Only need to modify the pointer to complete the insertion and deletion of nodes!因此,For tables that often require insertion or deletion operations and lookup operations,It is better to use a binary sorted tree!
(3)、二叉树的插入(Insertion is essentially sorting,The sorted result uses in-order traversal to print the result as an increasing ordered sequence)
若二叉排序树为空,the node to be inserted *p作为根结点插入到空树中!
若二叉排序树非空,则将 key 与根结点的关键字 T->data进行比较;
若 key 小于 T->data,则将 *p 插入左子树!
若 key 大于 T->data,则将 *p 插入到右子树!
若 key 等于 T->data,then the same key node exists,插入失败!
int InsertBST(BSTree &T,int e){
if (T == NULL){
BSNode * p;
p = (BSNode * ) malloc (sizeof(BSNode)); //创建新的节点
p->data = e; //将新结点的数据域置为e
p->lchild = NULL; //The left child node of the leaf node is empty
p->rchild = NULL; //The right child node of the leaf node is empty
T = p; //将新结点*plink to found caret
else if (e < T->data) return InsertBST(T->lchild,e); //递归插入左子树
else if (e == T->data) return 0; //插入失败,There are nodes with the same key
else if (e > T->data) InsertBST(T->rchild,e); //递归插入右子树
#define MaxSize 20
#define endl '\n'
using namespace std;
typedef struct BSNode{
int data; //数据域
struct BSNode *lchild,*rchild; //指针域
int InsertBST(BSTree &T,int e){
if (T == NULL){
BSNode * p;
p = (BSNode * ) malloc (sizeof(BSNode)); //创建新的节点
p->data = e; //将新结点的数据域置为e
p->lchild = NULL; //The left child node of the leaf node is empty
p->rchild = NULL; //The right child node of the leaf node is empty
T = p; //将新结点*plink to found caret
else if (e < T->data) return InsertBST(T->lchild,e); //递归插入左子树
else if (e == T->data) return 0; //插入失败,There are nodes with the same key
else if (e > T->data) InsertBST(T->rchild,e); //递归插入右子树
void CreateBST(BSTree &T){
T = NULL; //创建一个空树
int e;
cout<<"\nPlease enter the value of the data field in the binary sorting tree!结束请输入 -1 :";
while(e != -1){
InsertBST(T,e); //Cyclically insert this node into the binary sorted tree
//Binary tree created by preorder traversal output
void PreOrderTraverse(BSTree T){
//Recursive Algorithm for Preorder Traversal of Binary Sorted Trees
if(T != NULL){
//若二叉树非空 if(T)
cout<<T->data<<" "; //访问根节点
PreOrderTraverse(T->lchild); //先序遍历左子树
PreOrderTraverse(T->rchild); //先序遍历右子树
//A binary tree created by traversing the output in inorder
void InOrderTraverse(BSTree T){
//Recursive Algorithm for Inorder Traversal of Binary Sorted Trees
if(T != NULL){
//若二叉树非空 if(T)
InOrderTraverse(T->lchild); //中序遍历左子树
cout<<T->data<<" "; //访问根节点
InOrderTraverse(T->rchild); //中序遍历右子树
BSTree T;
//Binary tree created by preorder traversal output
cout<<"\nThe binary tree created by the preorder traversal output is as follows:";
//A binary tree created by traversing the output in inorder
cout<<"\n\nThe binary tree created by the inorder traversal output is as follows:";
From the above print results, it is completely correct to create a binary sorting tree!Because according to the definition of binary sorted tree,If our binary sorted tree creation is completely successful,Then using in-order traversal will definitely print out an increasing sequence arranged from small to large,否则失败!
Because the basic process of binary sorting tree insertion is search,So, insert a node time complexity and find the same o(log 2 n)
,所以插入 n The time complexity of is o(n*log 2 n)
从打印结果来看,An unordered sequence can be transformed into an ordered sequence by constructing a binary sorted tree,The process of constructing a binary sorting tree is the process of sorting an unordered sequence!And another great advantage is that,Each time the insertion operation is performed at the leaf node!So no other nodes will be moved at all,Only need to change the pointer of a node,from empty to non-empty!
So the whole operation is increasing will be ordered chaotic sequence into a sequence,At the same time, it is equivalent to inserting a record in an ordered sequence without moving other nodes.!
First search to find the target node:(Guaranteed properties of binary sorted trees 左 < 根 < 右)
If the node does not exist in the tree,则不做任何操作!
若被删除结点 Z It is the leaf node,则直接删除,Do not destroy the characteristics of binary sort tree!
若被删除节点 Z 只有一棵左子树或者右子树,则让 Z 的子树成为 Z 父节点的子树,代替 Z 的位置!
若被删除结点 Z There are only two subtrees left and right,则令 Z direct successor or direct predecessor instead of Z ,Then delete this direct successor or direct predecessor from the binary sorted tree,This becomes the first two cases!
Since the delete operation of a binary sorted tree first needs to perform a search operation,再执行删除操作,As long as find success can delete operation!So the time complexity is the same as the insertion operation of the binary sorted tree,均为 O (log 2 N)
Of course for the above c in the case of 78的后继结点 88 代替78,并删除 88
(1)、平衡二叉The meaning of the existence of the tree
The performance of the binary sorted tree search algorithm depends on the structure of the binary tree,The shape of a binary sorted tree depends on its dataset!If the data is in order,The binary sort tree is ordered arrangement,查找的时间复杂度是 O (N);反之,If the structure of the binary sorted tree is reasonable,find faster,is the time complexity of the lookup is O(log 2 N);In fact the smaller is the height of a tree,Find faster,Therefore, it is hoped that the height of the binary sorting tree is as small as possible!This is the meaning of the existence of balanced binary trees!
(2)、Left child tree and right subtree is a balanced binary tree!
The difference between the absolute values of the left subtree and the right subtree is called平衡因子
,按照定义,平衡因子只能是 -1 0 1
typedef struct AVLNode{
int data; //数据域
int balance; //平衡因子
struct AVLNode *lchild,*rchild; //指针域
因为AVL树上任何结点的左右子树的深度之差都不超过1,then it can be proved that its depth and log 2 n是同数量级的(其中 n is the number of nodes),由此,其查找的时间复杂度是 O(log 2 n)
(3)、The adjustment of the balanced binary tree method(In the process of adjusting the balance, it is necessary to pay attention not to destroy the characteristics of the binary sorting tree 左 < 中 < 右)
When inserting a node first,Processed as a binary sorted tree
,If inserting a node destroys the properties of a balanced binary tree,Balanced binary tree needs to be carefully adjusted!The way to adjust is:find the closest insertion node,And the absolute value of the balance factor exceeds 1 的祖先结点,以该结点为根的子树称为最小不平衡子树
******、Four situations that need to be adjusted for a balanced binary tree
由于是在A的左孩子的左子树中插入导致不平衡,So you need to perform a clockwise single rotation to the right!
由于是在A的右孩子的右子树中插入导致不平衡,So a single counterclockwise left rotation is required!
由于是在A的左孩子的右子树中插入导致不平衡,So two rotations are required!先左旋变成 LL 型,再按照 LL Type a single clockwise rotation to the right!
Because it is inA的右孩子的左子树中插入导致不平衡,So two rotations are required!先右旋变成 RR 型,再按照 RR type a single counterclockwise rotation to the left!
******、B-The meaning of the existence of the tree
because of sequential search、折半查找、分块查找、二叉排序树的查找,These methods are suitable for smaller files stored in computer memory,Inner lookup method!If the storage file is large and is stored in external memory for searching,这些查找方法就不适用了!And the inner search methods are all searched in units of nodes.,这样需要反复进行内、外存的交换,是很浪费时间的!So there is suitable Balanced Multi-Fork Tree with Outer Search-----B-树
.磁盘管理系统中的目录管理.以及数据库系统中的索引组织多数都采用 B-树这种数据结构!
******、B-tree storage structure definition
typedef struct Node{
ElemType keys[m-1]; //每个结点最多存储 m- 1个关键字
struct Node *lchild[m]; //最多m个孩子
int num; //结点中有几个关键字
-------------树中每个结点至多有 m 棵子树!
-------------除根结点之外所有非终端结点至少有 [m/2](向上取整)
棵子树(分叉),[m/2] - 1个关键字(向上取整)
;(对于 5叉排序树,any node 3 个分叉,两个关键字);Because if each node has very few keywords,导致树变高,To find more layers,查找效率变低!
-------------所有的叶子结点都出现在同一层次上,(embodies the characteristics of balance)并且不带信息,通常称为失败结点(失败结点并不存在,指向这些结点的指针为空.引入失败结点是为了便于分析B-树的查找性能!)(对任何一个结点,The height of the subtrees are the same,The balance as much as possible)
-------------m叉树最多有 m - 1个关键字,m个孩子(m个分叉、m棵子树),This reflects its multi-channel characteristics!
-------------所有的非终端结点最多有 m - 1个关键字,The structure of the node is as follows:
树中每个结点中的关键字都是有序的,即 k1 < k2 < k3 < ki.....
for any keyword ki 而言,Pi-1 相当于指向其 “左子树”,Pi相当于指向其 “右子树”,So a certain keyword Ki而言,满足 二叉排序树的特性,即Pi-1指向的“左子树”中的关键字均小于 ki,而 Pi 所指的“右子树”keywords in are greater than Ki(pi-1左< ki 中<pi右)
(Can be analogized to binary sorting tree)
******、B-tree lookup operation(Since the values in each node are ordered,所以对于m叉树,如果m很大,为了加快查找速度,You can use a halved lookup inside each node)
B-The tree search is actually an extension of the binary search tree search, The difference from binary search tree is,B-Each node in the tree has more than one subtree.在B-When finding a node in a tree,You need to first determine which subtree the node you want to find is on,Then find the target node one by one in the node.BThe tree lookup process is relatively simple,与二叉搜索树类似
**************、查找关键字 9
**************、查找关键字 41
**************、If there are too few keywords for each node except the root node,will cause the tree to grow taller,To find more layers结点,效率变低
n个关键字的B-tree must have n + 1个失败结点!
”operation to determine the insertion position!
**************、插入关键字 80 之后的操作
**************、插入关键字 99 之后的操作
**************、插入关键字 99 之后的操作
**************、插入关键字 75 之后的操作
**************、B-Summary of tree insertion operations
******、B-树删除操作(The predecessors and successors of a keyword are the same as in the binary sorted tree,思想也是一样,找到直接前驱或者直接后继,代替被删除结点)
-------------所有的非终端结点最多有 m - 1个关键字,The structure of the node is as follows:
树中每个结点中的关键字都是有序的,即 k1 < k2 < k3 < ki.....
for any keyword ki 而言,Pi-1 相当于指向其 “左子树”,Pi相当于指向其 “右子树”,So a certain keyword Ki而言,满足 二叉排序树的特性,即Pi-1指向的“左子树”中的关键字均小于 ki,而 Pi 所指的“右子树”keywords in are greater than Ki(pi-1左< ki 中<pi右)
(Can be analogized to binary sorting tree)
**************、删除终端关键字 60 之后的操作
**************、删除非终端关键字 80 之后的操作
找 80 的直接前驱 77,让 77 代替 80,Then delete the leaf node in the 77
找 80 的直接后继 82,让 82 代替 80,Then delete the leaf node in the 82,and make the leaf node in 83、86、87前移
**************、删除38的操作(Below each node has[m/2] - 1个关键字(向上取整)
**************、删除 90 的操作(Below each node has[m/2] - 1个关键字(向上取整)
**************、删除 49 的操作(兄弟不够借)
B+树是B-树的一种变形,更适合用于文件索引系统!严格来讲,It no longer fits the tree defined in Chapter 5!
******、B+Analysis of the properties of trees
和B-树一样,If in addition to the hub node(A node that is not a leaf node)Each node key word too little,will cause the tree to grow taller,To find more layers结点,效率变低.That's why every other branch is required to have at least【m/2】棵子树!
The fifth property is a bit like a block search,The index table records the maximum value in each sub-table
和B- 树不同的是B-The number of subtrees of a node in the tree is the same as the number of keywords in the node!
并且B+The place where the tree really stores information is the leaf node,Kind of like an index table in a chunked lookup that provides the index,while the real information is placed in the subtable,The subtable here is equivalent toB+树中的叶子结点,And the index table is like a non-leaf node!
******、B+树的查找操作(与B-A tree is,缩小范围,查找)
若非终端结点上的关键字等于给定值,并不终止,而是继续向下直到叶子结点!Because the terminal nodes keyword only index,The real information is stored in the leaf nodes.Finally, the stored information can be accessed through the pointer of the leaf node to the corresponding record!
所以,在B+success or failure in the tree,Take a path from the root to the leaf node each time!但是B-As long as the search is successful at a certain node in the tree,don't continue looking down!B+The tree lookup analysis is similar toB-树!B+The tree is searched from top to bottom, layer by layer, from the root node,You can also pass the first pointer saved in the leaf nodepto scan all leaf nodes from left to right to search sequentially,Because all the information is in the leaf nodes,所有 The leaf node contains all the keyword information,以及指向这些关键字记录的指针!And the leaf nodes themselves are linked in order according to the size of the keywords.!
(1)、B+The tree is actually a combination of block lookup andB-tree lookup feature!It's just that the block is unordered in the block search,while the blocks are ordered!
(2)、而B+The leaf node of the tree can also pass the first pointer saved in the leaf nodepto scan all leaf nodes from left to right to search sequentially,Because all the information is in the leaf nodes,所有 The leaf node contains all the keyword information,以及指向这些关键字记录的指针!And the leaf nodes themselves are linked in order according to the size of the keywords.!
(3)、B+success or failure in the tree,Take a path from the root to the leaf node each time!Because the terminal nodes keyword only index,The real information is stored in the leaf nodes.Finally, the stored information can be accessed through the pointer of the leaf node to the corresponding record!但是B-As long as the search is successful at a certain node in the tree,don't continue looking down!
(5)、所有的非终端结点可以看成是索引部分,Node contains only subtrees(根节点)The maximum or minimum keyword in!
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