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How to measure whether the product is "just needed, high frequency, pain points"

2022-07-07 23:57:00 Liu Chu, Ge Nian

How to measure whether the product “ Just need to 、 high frequency 、 Pain points ”

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Xiaohai press : If entrepreneurs need to have the thinking of product managers , That's for the product “ Just need to 、 high frequency 、 Pain points ” Three core requirements , A perfect evaluation system is needed to help products optimize and iterate .


For entrepreneurs , The most painful point , Maybe it's after the product is made , Be appraised “ Cumbersome use , The experience is too bad ”“ The product cannot cut the pain point ”, It is true that a product is good , Don't rely on personal preferences , Nor can it be due to the negative feedback of a few users , And completely deny the product , We need more feedback based on a large amount of data , At the same time, combine with the attempt to judge .

Make products to do “ Just need to 、 high frequency 、 Pain points ”, But no one has ever told us , How to verify whether what we do meets these three core points through observation data , This paper aims to help product entrepreneurs establish a relatively perfect data index evaluation system , Better help optimize and iterate product functions .

“ Just need to 、 high frequency 、 Pain points ” The definition of :

① Rigid demand is relative to “ Elastic demand ” In terms of the , Literally, it can be understood as hard , What people need or have to do .

② High frequency refers to the frequency of demand and desire in a certain period .

③ Pain points refer to the process of users meeting their own needs , The biggest obstacle encountered .

Then how to determine the evaluation index ?

It is mainly the following sentence : Just need to see the penetration 、 Watch people frequently 、 Pain points depend on energy consumption

Just need to see the penetration

Penetration was originally a concept in marketing , It refers to the percentage of the actual sales volume of the enterprise in the market potential . But we can derive the scope of use , To industry coverage , As small as a functional feature in the product : For example, Internet penetration refers to the ratio of Internet users to the total population , Used to express the extent to which the Internet has penetrated into the lives of ordinary people . And for a app For our products , We propose a new concept called “ Functional permeability ”, It refers to the proportion of the current number of people using this function in the total number of people using the product , This indicator can objectively reflect , The coverage of the current function to the people who use the product , The higher the functional penetration , It shows that this function is the core function of the product currently used by users , That is, most users in the current product form just need .

At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the following points :

① Penetration data can help you verify your design requirements solutions , Whether it is recognized by most users , It can't be judged that the one with high permeability is rigid demand , Low penetration is common demand , Whether it is just needed or not depends on the product manager's insight into the business , Permeability is more based on “ Posterior ” Indicators exist .

② Rigid demand is based on the business goals and tasks achieved by users , The closer you are to the finish line, the more rigid you need , We can draw a concentric circle according to the user's needs , From inside to outside, from strong to weak .

Watch people frequently

Person time refers to the number of users in a certain time 、 The number of repeated behaviors within a certain range . For our daily life , Ordinary people may buy a house once in a lifetime , Change a car in ten years , In fact, they are low-frequency on the scale of life , But three months before you buy a car , Your need to choose a car is stimulated , The behavior of reading all kinds of car purchase information every day has become a short-term high-frequency demand , So it must be emphasized here that it is a relative concept , We can't say this out of context .

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Let's look at the case of Alipay :

Alipay has been expanding its usage scenarios from a sub function of Taobao to now , Alipay and its local wallet partners have already served super. 12 Billion global users , It seems to become a super tool in our mobile phones app, Even if we don't go shopping on Taobao every day , Offline payment in life is bound to be used every day 1 Times or times Alipay , Maybe it's a takeout , It may be the settlement of the convenience store , Or bus code brushing .

The development history of Alipay is a low-frequency tool app The best counter attack , Constantly penetrate into various scenarios that can be used for payment , Online shopping may be a low-frequency scene , But the payment in all kinds of online and offline transactions is a high-frequency scene , All kinds of transactions take place all over the world every day , Small enough to buy at the school gate 2 Yuan of soda , Big enough to buy ten thousand yuan laptop , Once all these are gathered on one platform for operation , That will be a very large number , This is actually why there are many tool types app In the crazy superposition of scene functions , In fact, the purpose is to “ Set low frequency to high frequency ”.

If your product meets the needs of just need but low frequency , Consider the following 2 There are three ways to provide users :

​ 1. Set low-frequency scenes into high-frequency scenes

​ 2. The low-frequency scene is preposed or split into high-frequency scene

Pain points depend on energy consumption

It has been mentioned at the beginning that pain points refer to “ In the process of requirements being met , The biggest obstacle on the behavior path ”, And on the way to achieve the mission goal , We usually pay 3 things “ physical strength 、 mental 、 Mind power ”, The sum of these three efforts is the overall energy consumption for us to complete the task .

① Physical strength generally refers to the actual actions paid by users to achieve goals , Such as in app Complete the registration operation , To enter the mobile number 、 Verification code, etc , Wash the dishes before cooking , Chopping vegetables , Cooking and other processes , The completion of each step , Finally, it points to the path for the user to finally complete the task .

② Brain power generally refers to the user's thinking about achieving goals , Thinking takes energy , The longer you think , The more energy you spend , So we can judge by detecting the rationality of the length of time users stay on some pages when completing tasks , Does our product cause trouble to users .

③ Mental effort generally refers to the ability of users to mobilize and control the consumption of emotions , Positive emotions basically don't consume energy , Make people feel relaxed , And negative emotions , It makes people feel uncomfortable , Such as depression 、 doubt 、 anxious 、 Anger, etc .

So whether it's physical strength 、 mental 、 Mental force actually belongs to essence , Are consuming our own energy , In fact, all human actions conform to the principle of minimum force , That is to say “ If you don't do it, don't do it , No brain, no brain , The most important thing in life is to be happy ”, This is caused by human nature . So how to solve the pain points , In fact, it allows users to consume less energy .


Can the product be made , There are many reasons , Strategic direction 、 Competition pattern 、 Service quality 、 Product experience 、 Operation activities will affect the success or failure of products , I hope this article can help start-ups establish their own data system , Bring a measuring ruler , Better move forward .


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