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Go learning notes (2) basic types and statements (1)

2022-07-07 23:54:00 Raring_ Ringtail

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This section is about go Basic types and declarations of ,go On the whole, the basic types of are not much different from other languages , but go The basic types of languages also have their own characteristics .

Built in type

Zero value

go All variables that are defined but not assigned a value will be assigned a zero value , Each type has its own zero value .


go There are five literal quantities , Include common integers 、 Floating point numbers 、 character 、 Strings and less common complex numeric facets .

The whole number area

There are the following kinds of integer face quantities :

  • 0b It starts with binary numbers
    fmt.Println(0b111) //  Output 7 
  • 0o It starts with an octal number
    fmt.Println(0o11) //  Output 9
  • 0x It starts with a hexadecimal number
    fmt.Println(0xff) //  Output 255
  • What has no prefix is decimal number
    fmt.Println(22) //  Output 22

For long strings of numbers go It is allowed to underline numbers

fmt.Println(1_234_5_6_789) // Output 123456789
Floating point face count

Floating point number facets are similar to integer number facets

fmt.Println(1.2345) // Output 1.2345

It can be used e To represent scientific notation 10 The power of

fmt.Println(1.2345e2) // Output 123.45

Hexadecimal floating-point number facets are troublesome to interpret , Just look at the examples :
0xa.bpc Represents a hexadecimal number a.b ride 2^c,p It's similar to the above e, Express 2 The power of .

0x1p-2     // == 1.0/4 == 0.25
0x2.p10    // == 2.0 * 1024 == 2048.0
0xap0 // == 10*1 == 10
0x0.1p0 // == 1/16*1 == 0.0625

Similarly, underscores can also be used in floating-point numbers

fmt.Println(1.23_45) //  Output 1.2345
Rune (rune) Literal

stay go Through... In language rune Literal quantity can realize the representation of various characters , Actually, one. rune Literal quantity is a int32 Type of number .rune Literal quantity can use single quotation marks '' Cover up .

Use fmt.Println() Print rune The numeric value of literal quantity will be printed by default , If you want to print out the characters it represents, you need to convert them into string type

fmt.Println('a') //  Output 97
fmt.Println(string('\u0061')) //  Output a
fmt.Println(string(128514)) //  Output 
Literal of a string

stay go There are two languages , One is to use double quotation marks "" The enclosed , Another is to use backquotes `` The enclosed .

String literals enclosed in double quotation marks are basically similar to those in other languages .

fmt.Println(" Notes on Jiangda ") //  Output Jiangda notes 

Use back quotes `` The enclosed string can contain any character except backquotes .

This makes it very suitable for quoting large paragraphs of text without worrying about line breaks and indentations , Strings quoted in backquotes are saved intact .

 Big is not much   Haina river 
 There is no limit to learning   Between heaven and earth `)
// Here is the output :
// Big is not much   Haina river 
// There is no limit to learning   Between heaven and earth 

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