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392. Judgement subsequence
2022-07-04 14:01:00 【anieoo】
Original link :392. Judging subsequences
Dynamic programming :
State means :dp[i][j]: Express s Before i Are the letters yes t Before j Subsequence of letters of
State calculation : If s[i] == t[j] be ,dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j - 1], otherwise dp[i][j] = dp[i][j - 1]
class Solution {
bool isSubsequence(string s, string t) {
int m = s.size(),n = t.size();
if(m > n) return false; //m Longer than n It must not be a subsequence
vector<vector<bool>> dp(m + 1, vector<bool> (n + 1, false));
//dp[i][j]: Express s Before i Are the letters yes t Before j Subsequence of letters of
for(int i = 0;i <= n;i++) dp[0][i] = true;
for(int i = 1;i <= m;i++) {
for(int j = 1;j <= n;j++) {
if(s[i - 1] == t[j - 1]) {
dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j - 1];
} else {
dp[i][j] = dp[i][j - 1];
return dp[m][n];
Double pointer , Only s[j] == t[i], The pointer j To move backwards .
class Solution {
bool isSubsequence(string s, string t) {
int m = s.size(),n = t.size();
if(!m) return true;
if(m > n) return false;
for(int i = 0,j = 0;i < n;i++) {
if(s[j] == t[i]) j++;
if(j == m) return true;
return false;
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