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Using stream to read and write files to process large files

2020-11-09 10:50:00 Sweet potato

Handle large file reading and writing flow stream

  • fs.createReadStream

createReadStream yes fs A way to read the stream in a module

createReadStream Read the file , There are two parameters
The first parameter , The path to read the file
The second parameter highWaterMark The highest water level , By default, the maximum number of reads is 64K
The read class contents are all buffer type
The result returned is an instance of a readable stream , It's a non fluid model --- We're going to end up in a flow mode
First we need to define the variables of our read stream , Suppose we have a 1.txt file , We're going to read 1.txt The class inside
Let's set the highest water level first, every time we read 1k
let rs=fs.createReadStream('./1.txt',{highWaterMark:1})

our rs There are two event methods bound inside data and end

  • fs.createWriteStream
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
let readPath = path.join(__dirname, `./dist/my.txt`);
let copyPath = path.join(__dirname, './dist/my.txt');

//  Realize every read file real-time write   New buffer Save to array   And turn it into buffer
save(`--: The first 2 Time to join :--`);
async function save(value) {
    //  Read the file 
 const localBufArr = await readFileStream(readPath);
 let totalLength = 0;
//   Add a new entry buffer
 localBufArr.push( new Buffer(value,['utf8']));
 localBufArr.map(v => {
    totalLength += v.length
//   buffer  Merge 
  let buf =  Buffer.concat(localBufArr, totalLength); // buffer Merge   Will array buffer Turn into the whole thing buffer
//    Create a writable stream 
 let firstCreate = fs.createWriteStream(copyPath);
//   write in buffer

//  Reading documents   Using stream 
function readFileStream(spath) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    //    Judge whether the file exists 
        if (fs.existsSync(spath)) {
        let readStream = fs.createReadStream(spath);
        let arr = [];
        let startTime = Date.now();
        //  It's constantly triggering inside rs.emit('data', data );data Can't change , When the hold mode is turned on , The data will go crazy data event 
        readStream.on('data', function (chunk) {  //chunk yes buffer type 
        //  Finished reading listening file , Will automatically trigger once end event , It doesn't trigger until it's finished reading 
        readStream.on('end', function (chunk) {
          let useTime = Date.now() - startTime;
          console.log(" To read a document " + (useTime/1000) +"s")
        //  Monitoring error 
        readStream.on('error', function (err) {
      } else {
        reject(" There's no change in the file ")

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