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[736. LISP syntax parsing]

2022-07-07 04:59:00 [email protected]

source : Power button (LeetCode)

describe :

Give you a similar Lisp String expression of statement expression, Calculate the result .

The expression syntax is as follows :

  • Expressions can be integers ,let expression ,add expression ,mult expression , Or assigned variable . The result of an expression is always an integer .( Integers can be positive integers 、 Negtive integer 、0)

  • let The expression uses "(let v1 e1 v2 e2 ... vn en expr)" In the form of , among let Always in string "let" To express , Next, one or more pairs of alternating variables and expressions will follow , in other words , The first variable v1 Is assigned as an expression e1 Value , The second variable v2 Is assigned as an expression e2 Value , By analogy ; Final let The value of the expression is expr Value of expression .

  • add The expression is expressed as "(add e1 e2)" , among add Always in string "add" To express , This expression always contains two expressions e1、e2 , The end result is e1 The value of the expression and e2 The value of the expression and .

  • mult The expression is expressed as "(mult e1 e2)" , among mult Always in string "mult" Express , This expression always contains two expressions e1、e2, The end result is e1 The value of the expression and e2 The value of the expression product .

  • In this topic , Variable names start with lowercase characters , Follow after 0 One or more lowercase characters or numbers . For convenience ,"add" ,"let" ,"mult" Will be defined as “ keyword ” , Will not be used as a variable name .

  • Last , Let's talk about the concept of scope . When calculating the expression corresponding to the variable name , In a computational context , First check the innermost scope ( In parentheses ), Then check the external scopes in order . Every expression in the test case is legal . More details about scope , See example .

Example 1:

 Input :expression = "(let x 2 (mult x (let x 3 y 4 (add x y))))"
 Output :14
 explain :
 Calculation expression  (add x y),  Checking variables  x  When the value of ,
 In the context of variables, the innermost scope checks outward in turn .
 First find  x = 3,  So here's  x  The value is  3 .

Example 2:

 Input :expression = "(let x 3 x 2 x)"
 Output :2
 explain :let  The assignment operation in the statement can be processed in sequence .

Example 3:

 Input :expression = "(let x 1 y 2 x (add x y) (add x y))"
 Output :5
 explain :
 first  (add x y)  The result is  3, And assign this value to  x . 
 the second  (add x y)  The result is  3 + 2 = 5 .

Tips :

  • 1 <= expression.length <= 2000
  • exprssion There are no leading and trailing spaces in
  • expressoin Different parts of (token) Separated by a single space
  • The answer is consistent with all intermediate calculations 32-bit Integer range
  • The expressions in the test cases are legal and the final result is an integer

Method 1 : Recursive parsing

For an expression expression, If its first character is not equal to the left bracket ‘ ( ’ , Then it can only be an integer or variable ; Otherwise it is let, add and mult One of three expressions .

Defined function parseVar Used to parse variables and functions parseInt Used to parse integers . Use scope To record the scope , Each variable records all its values from outside to inside in turn , When searching, you only need to find the last value . We parse the expression recursively expression.

  • expression The next character of is not equal to the left parenthesis ‘ ( ’

    • expression The next character of is a lowercase letter , Then the expression is a variable , Using functions parseVar Parse variables , And then in scope Find the last value of the variable, that is, the value of the innermost scope, and return the result .

    • expression The next character of is not a lowercase letter , Then the expression is an integer , Using functions parseInt Parse and return the result .

  • Remove the left parenthesis , expression The next character in is ‘ l ’, So the expression is let expression . about let expression , You need to judge whether it has been resolved to the last expr expression .

    • If the next character is not lowercase , Or the next character after parsing the variable is the right parenthesis ‘ ) ’, The explanation is the last expr expression , Calculate its value and return the result . And we need to be in scope Middle clearance let The scope variable corresponding to the expression .
    • Otherwise, it means alternating variables vi And expressions ei , stay scope Put the variable vi Add an expression to the numeric list of ei The numerical .
  • Remove the left parenthesis , expression The next character in is ‘ a ’, So the expression is add expression . Calculation add The two expressions corresponding to the expression e1 and e2 Value , Return one of the two and .

  • Remove the left parenthesis ,expression The next character in is ‘ m ’, So the expression is mult expression . Calculation mult The two expressions corresponding to the expression e1 and e2 Value , Return one of the two product .

Code :

class Solution {
    unordered_map<string, vector<int>> scope;

    int evaluate(string expression) {
        int start = 0;
        return innerEvaluate(expression, start);

    int innerEvaluate(const string &expression, int &start) {
        if (expression[start] != '(') {
     //  Non expression , May be : Integer or variable 
            if (islower(expression[start])) {
                string var = parseVar(expression, start); //  Variable 
                return scope[var].back();
            } else {
     //  Integers 
                return parseInt(expression, start);
        int ret;
        start++; //  Remove the left parenthesis 
        if (expression[start] == 'l') {
     // "let"  expression 
            start += 4; //  remove  "let "
            vector<string> vars;
            while (true) {
                if (!islower(expression[start])) {
                    ret = innerEvaluate(expression, start); // let  The last of the expression  expr  Value of expression 
                string var = parseVar(expression, start);
                if (expression[start] == ')') {
                    ret = scope[var].back(); // let  The last of the expression  expr  Value of expression 
                start++; //  Remove spaces 
                int e = innerEvaluate(expression, start);
                start++; //  Remove spaces 
            for (auto var : vars) {
                scope[var].pop_back(); //  Clear variables in the current scope 
        } else if (expression[start] == 'a') {
     // "add"  expression 
            start += 4; //  remove  "add "
            int e1 = innerEvaluate(expression, start);
            start++; //  Remove spaces 
            int e2 = innerEvaluate(expression, start);
            ret = e1 + e2;
        } else {
     // "mult"  expression 
            start += 5; //  remove  "mult "
            int e1 = innerEvaluate(expression, start);
            start++; //  Remove spaces 
            int e2 = innerEvaluate(expression, start);
            ret = e1 * e2;
        start++; //  Remove the closing bracket 
        return ret;

    int parseInt(const string &expression, int &start) {
     //  Analytic integer 
        int n = expression.size();
        int ret = 0, sign = 1;
        if (expression[start] == '-') {
            sign = -1;
        while (start < n && isdigit(expression[start])) {
            ret = ret * 10 + (expression[start] - '0');
        return sign * ret;

    string parseVar(const string &expression, int &start) {
     //  Parse variables 
        int n = expression.size();
        string ret;
        while (start < n && expression[start] != ' ' && expression[start] != ')') {
        return ret;

Execution time :0 ms, In all C++ Defeated in submission 100.00% Users of
Memory consumption :8.5 MB, In all C++ Defeated in submission 75.73% Users of
Complexity analysis
Time complexity : O(n), among n Is string expression The length of . Call function recursively innerEvaluate The time complexity of calling at a certain layer is O(k), among k For the pointer start The number of moves invoked at this layer . Throughout the recursive call , The pointer start Will traverse the entire string , So parse expression need O(n).
Spatial complexity : O(n). preservation scope And the recursive call stack needs O(n) Space .

Method 2 : State machine



Code :

enum ExprStatus {
    VALUE = 0, //  The initial state 
    NONE,      //  Unknown expression type 
    LET,       // let  expression 
    LET1,      // let  The expression has been parsed  vi  Variable 
    LET2,      // let  The expression has parsed the last expression  expr
    ADD,       // add  expression 
    ADD1,      // add  The expression has been parsed  e1  expression 
    ADD2,      // add  The expression has been parsed  e2  expression 
    MULT,      // mult  expression 
    MULT1,     // mult  The expression has been parsed  e1  expression 
    MULT2,     // mult  The expression has been parsed  e2  expression 
    DONE       //  Parsing complete 

struct Expr {
    ExprStatus status;
    string var; // let  The variable of  vi
    int value; // VALUE  The number of States , perhaps  LET2  The value of the last expression of the state 
    int e1, e2; // add  or  mult  Two expressions of expression  e1  and  e2  The numerical 

    Expr(ExprStatus s) {
        status = s;

class Solution {
    unordered_map<string, vector<int>> scope;

    int evaluate(string expression) {
        vector<vector<string>> vars;
        int start = 0, n = expression.size();
        stack<Expr> s;
        Expr cur(VALUE);
        while (start < n) {
            if (expression[start] == ' ') {
                start++; //  Remove space 
            if (expression[start] == '(') {
                start++; //  Remove the left parenthesis 
                cur = Expr(NONE);
            string token;
            if (expression[start] == ')') {
     //  In essence, it turns the expression into a  token
                start++; //  Remove the closing bracket 
                if (cur.status == LET2) {
                    token = to_string(cur.value);
                    for (auto var : vars.back()) {
     //  Clear scope 
                } else if (cur.status == ADD2) {
                    token = to_string(cur.e1 + cur.e2);
                } else {
                    token = to_string(cur.e1 * cur.e2);
                cur = s.top(); //  Get the upper level status 
            } else {
                while (start < n && expression[start] != ' ' && expression[start] != ')') {
            switch (cur.status) {
                case VALUE:
                    cur.value = stoi(token);
                    cur.status = DONE;
                case NONE:
                    if (token == "let") {
                        cur.status = LET;
                        vars.emplace_back(); //  Record all variables in the scope of this layer ,  Convenient for subsequent removal 
                    } else if (token == "add") {
                        cur.status = ADD;
                    } else if (token == "mult") {
                        cur.status = MULT;
                case LET:
                    if (expression[start] == ')') {
     // let  The last of the expression  expr  expression 
                        cur.value = calculateToken(token);
                        cur.status = LET2;
                    } else {
                        cur.var = token;
                        vars.back().push_back(token); //  Record all variables in the scope of this layer ,  Convenient for subsequent removal 
                        cur.status = LET1;
                case LET1:
                    cur.status = LET;
                case ADD:
                    cur.e1 = calculateToken(token);
                    cur.status = ADD1;
                case ADD1:
                    cur.e2 = calculateToken(token);
                    cur.status = ADD2;
                case MULT:
                    cur.e1 = calculateToken(token);
                    cur.status = MULT1;
                case MULT1:
                    cur.e2 = calculateToken(token);
                    cur.status = MULT2;
        return cur.value;

    int calculateToken(const string &token) {
        if (islower(token[0])) {
            return scope[token].back();
        } else {
            return stoi(token);

Execution time :0 ms, In all C++ Defeated in submission 100.00% Users of
Memory consumption :7.3 MB, In all C++ Defeated in submission 93.20% Users of
Complexity analysis
Time complexity : O(n), among nn Is string expression The length of . State machine parsing will traverse the entire string , Therefore need O(n) Time for .
Spatial complexity : O(n). The stack that saves the state and the scope variables all need O(n) Space .


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