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Value sequence (subsequence contribution problem)
2022-07-07 07:45:00 【whitewall_ nine】
using namespace std;
#define rep(i,l,r) for(int i=(l);i<=(r);i++)
#define per(i,l,r) for(int i=(l);i>=(r);i--)
#define ll long long
#define pii pair<int, int>
#define mset(s,t) memset(s,t,sizeof(t))
#define mcpy(s,t) memcpy(s,t,sizeof(t))
#define fir first
#define pb push_back
#define sec second
#define sortall(x) sort((x).begin(),(x).end())
inline int read () {
int x = 0, f = 0;
char ch = getchar();
while (!isdigit(ch)) f |= (ch=='-'),ch= getchar();
while (isdigit(ch)) x = x * 10 + ch - '0', ch = getchar();
return f?-x:x;
template<typename T> void print(T x) {
if (x < 0) putchar('-'), x = -x;
if (x >= 10) print(x/10);
putchar(x % 10 + '0');
const int N = 1e6 + 10;
const int mod = 998244353;
int n;
ll a[N];
ll qmi (ll a, ll b, ll c ){
ll ans = 1;
while (b) {
if (b & 1) ans =ans * a %c;
b >>= 1;
a = a * a % mod;
return ans;
void solve() {
cin >> n;
for (int i = 1; i<= n ;i++) {
cin >> a[i];
//sort(a + 1, a + 1 + n);
ll ans = 1;
a[n + 1] = 2e18;
a[0] = 2e18;
for (int i = 1, j = 1; i <= n ; i ++) {
while (j < n && a[j + 1] == a[i]) {
j ++;
int len = j - i + 1;
if (((a[i - 1] < a[i] && a[j] < a[j + 1]) || (a[i - 1] > a[i] && a[j] > a[j + 1])) && ( i !=1 && j != n))
ans = (ans * qmi(2, j - i + 1, mod) %mod) %mod;
else {
ans = ((ans * ((qmi(2, j - i + 1, mod) - 1) %mod + mod) %mod) %mod + mod) %mod;
j ++;
i = j -1;
cout << ans << endl;
int main () {
int t;
cin >> t;
while (t --) solve();
return 0;
https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/23481/B The first question is which numbers will not have no impact on the contribution If n <= 2 Then delete any one of them, either unchanged or reduced , Therefore, we can guess that deleting a number in the sequence must not increase For one of the positions , There are four size relationships , It can be found that the contribution will not change after the order of increasing or decreasing is deleted , Otherwise, it must be reduced , So one must be left .
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