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After the interview, the interviewer roast in the circle of friends

2022-07-07 07:38:00 TEST_ Two black

A little while ago, a primary school brother complained to me , He said he was silenced by the interviewer when attending a test interview in a large factory , The scene made him very embarrassed for a time

The most impressive questions are the following :

According to your previous work experience and test technology , Tell me about your understanding of quality assurance ?
The difference between non relational database and relational database , Talk about the comparative advantages ?
What mature solutions are there in Automation , Have you ever done secondary development ?
dubbo Do you understand the interface , What is the core of its test
If the quality department needs to customize a quality system platform , What questions would you consider ?
Less than half an hour , The interview of the primary school brother is over .

Then my junior received “ Go back and wait for the news ” The notice of . result , He saw the interviewer send such a circle of friends that night :
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The younger brother of primary school was very shocked after reading , Came to me . Let's have a good break today “ automated testing ” That's the question .

What is automated testing ?

On this question , There may not be an exact answer .

It is generally believed that interface automation testing ,WebUI automated testing ,app Automated testing and other test schemes named after Automation .

It's not , Automated testing is relative to manual testing , With code or third-party tools , Change the complicated test work from manual to automatic test scheme , It can be collectively referred to as automated testing .

In addition to the above three aspects of automated testing , Of course, it also includes log filtering , Log playback , Interface monitoring , Service monitoring, etc , According to the specific business needs, the code means to liberate manpower through code .

Why do automated testing ?

From a work point of view , At present, the demand iteration of the Internet industry is very fast , Personnel flow is also relatively fast , Therefore, it is urgent for a demand to be put forward and put online , At the same time, the scope of its impact may not be clear , Before going online, the original functions must be regression tested .

Whether it's an interface or from a client , It takes a lot of testing , And in the age of big data , The number of test cases is also very large , If such a complicated and monotonous work is tested manually , There is no guarantee of efficiency and quality , Therefore, it must be realized by means of non manual means .

In terms of personal development , The times are developing , The requirements for us are also higher and higher , So we need to embrace change , Just keep improving yourself . Although you can insist that manual testing is the foundation , It's King's way. , But no enterprise is willing to pay for your belief .

Unless you live a carefree life , You can stick to your beliefs , Otherwise, you should respect the development law of the industry , Keep charging to make yourself more valuable . Maybe in a few years , Automated testing will become an entry threshold for practitioners , If you can't do automated testing well , The so-called high salary is out of the question .

How to learn automated testing ?

Since automated testing is a necessary way to improve manual testing , Although automated testing is not so tall , But it is also essential . As an ideal Tester , How to learn automated testing ?

(1) Position yourself accurately , Clear objectives

Many students realize the importance of automated testing , Just go online to check the information , Or sign up for a training class , But in the end, the more you learn, the more confused you become , Between meeting and not , I don't know how to go ahead ? What's the reason for this ?

This is because you didn't figure out a few questions before learning automated testing : What is my real level ? If you learn a new technology or language , How much energy am I willing to devote ? Learn from now on , What should be achieved in three months or six months ? Do I know the type or system of automated testing in the industry ? Think about these problems before you start learning or training , You must do more with less .

(2) Comprehensive understanding , Choose the right entry point

At present, the direction of automatic testing is about the following :

A、 Auxiliary test script direction : With Shell,Python To simplify repetitive work , Filtering logs, etc ;

B、 Interface automation test direction :Python+Unittest+HtmlTestRuner+Jenkins and Java+Httpclient+TestNG+Jenkins, Of course, there are many other frameworks or tools for secondary development , But the core is the same ;

C、 Page automation direction , There are mainly Python+Webdrver+HtmlTestRunner+Jenkins,Java+Webdriver+TestNG+Jenkins, And other frameworks and tools ;

D、app Automation test direction : With Robotium+Java+TestNG+Jenkins,  appium+Java+TestNG+Jenkins,appium+Python+HtmlTestRunner Mainly .

Of course, the introduction here is simple , The most basic implementation scheme , As an introduction to learning is more appropriate . Other various secondary development frameworks , A scheme with many functions is left for you to improve in the future . Start with these aspects , Choose a language system , It is recommended to enter from the interface automation , Then go to the learning page and app.

(3) Advance gradually and entrench oneself at every step , Don't be greedy

When we are improving ourselves , Found that there are a lot of things to learn , So I was in a hurry , Want to learn many things at the same time , In fact, this is not good . Learning too much is easy to confuse , And it's not easy to digest , If you investigate carefully, you will find that , Many things are connected . The code architecture , Use case management , Execution strategy , The idea of continuous integration can draw inferences from one example , The key is to do it yourself and really implement it , Write use cases on the company's current framework , No matter how much you write , It's no use not knowing the whole structure .

(4) Discard tools , Multi use open source

The industry never seems to lack automated testing tools ,QTP,RealobotFramework,LoadRunner wait , There are countless well-known and unknown . Not to mention how effective these tools are , At present, large companies never use these tools , Everyone uses an open source framework , Tools to customize their own test plan .

So when I first learned automated testing , And don't rely on tools , Using open source Webdriver,appium,Robotium Build your own automatic test project . Master the working principle of an overall automation engineering , Build your own automation project for the future , Tools , Prepare the platform .

Whether you love automated testing , It's hate , It is a necessary stage from manual testing to test development . Maybe you've learned that automated testing doesn't work , High maintenance cost when implemented , Low execution efficiency and negative information , In fact, this is not a problem of automated testing .

Need to know , It's just a tool , A test scheme , The final effect is determined by the person who implements it . stay 12,13 In the year , use Jenkins Continuous integration is popular , It doesn't seem so hot in the next few years , But in the last two years docker The emergence of Technology , Make again CI,CD Get hot . Should we correct our attitude towards automated testing , Be clear about what you want , Find the right way , Keep improving yourself ?

As a student with 5 Testers with years of working experience , Now I'd like to share with you some of these years , I want to sum up the technology , Share your notes on the skills you need to master as an advanced Tester , I hope to help friends who want to go all the way on the road of Technology !

【 Automated test promotion route 】

1. Automated testing is a must Python Programming content

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2.Web UI Basic content of automated testing

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3.Web UI The actual content of automatic test

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4.APP UI Basic content of automated testing

 Insert picture description here

5.APP UI The actual content of automatic test

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6.API Basic content of interface automation test

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7.API Actual content of interface automation test

 Insert picture description here

8.CI/CD Continuous integration of special technologies

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9. The actual combat technology of automated test framework

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The above is a technical path map of Automation Test Engineer I sorted out . I hope you can benefit a lot from this growth process . Comprehensively improve the testing technology , Establish a set of its own technical system . Help you learn and optimize the technology stack , Follow up with advanced and mainstream testing technologies , It brings you more than just the improvement of technology and salary , It's more about changing the tester in IT Status and mentality in the field of Technology , Enhance the technical depth of the testing industry .

Finally, thank everyone who reads my article carefully , The following online link is also a very comprehensive one that I spent a few days sorting out , I hope it can also help you in need !
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These materials , For doing 【 software test 】 For our friends, it should be the most comprehensive and complete war preparation warehouse , This warehouse also accompanied me through the most difficult journey , I hope it can help you ! Everything should be done as soon as possible , Especially in the technology industry , We must improve our technical skills . I hope that's helpful …….


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