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3、 High quality programming and performance tuning practical youth training camp notes

2022-07-07 07:28:00 A low-key horse

High quality programming and performance tuning | Youth Camp notes

This is my participation 「 The third youth training camp - Back end field 」 The third part of note creation activities 3 Notes

High quality principle :1、 simplicity 2、 Readability 3、 Productivity

Annotation specifications

Code is the best comment , Comments should provide context information that the code does not express , Common symbols should always be annotated

  • Comments should explain what the code does
  • Comments should explain how the code does
  • Comments should explain why the code is implemented
  • Comments should explain what goes wrong with the code

Naming specification

Variable naming

  • Contains the amount of information about variable names
  • It has a specific meaning
  • Avoid passing in wrong values , Cause unexpected errors

Function name

  • Do not carry the context information of the package name

  • Be as brief as possible



Package name naming

  • It's just small letters . Does not contain characters such as uppercase letters and underscores
  • Contains certain context information
  • It does not have the same name as the standard library .

Coding standards

Control process

  • Avoid nesting
    If if else Both branches of contain return sentence , Then redundant... Can be removed else Convenient for subsequent maintenance ,else Generally, it is a normal process , If it is necessary to add judgment logic in the normal process , Avoid branch nesting


  • Prioritize errors and special situations , Return early or continue the loop to reduce nesting

Error and exception handling

Simple error

  • priority of use errors.New To create anonymous variables to directly represent simple errors
  • If there is a need for formatting , Use fmt.Errorf

Complex error (Wrap and Unwrap)

​ Wrap Provides a error Nest another error The ability of , To create a error Tracking chain

​ stay fmt.Errorf Use in :%w Keyword to associate an error to the error chain

Wrong judgment

  • Specific errors : Use errors.Is To determine whether it is a specific error . Different from using ==, Using this method, we can determine All errors in the error chain Whether there are specific errors

  • Certain kinds of errors : Get a specific kind of error on the error chain , Use errors.As

panic( Be careful ! I always use in projects )

  • Only for really abnormal situations

  • Not recommended ( When an irreversible error occurs during the start-up phase of the program , Can be in init or main Use in a function panic)


  • recover Effective range , At present goroutine The quilt of defer The nesting that takes effect in the function of cannot take effect

  • defer The statement is last in, first out

  • The common situation is to record panic Call stack information , When problems occur, it is convenient to analyze and locate . If you need more context information , Sure recover In the after log Record the current call stack

performance optimization (Benchmark Tools )

slice Use advice

​ slice Pre allocated memory , Estimated space

  • Try to use make() Provide capacity information when initializing slices , Avoid multiple expansions ( Because we need to open up a larger space in memory to store and copy , It's a waste )
  • You can use copy Instead of creating a new slice( Avoid the huge space occupied by calling the original slice , The large memory of the original slice cannot be released )

map Use advice

​ Pre allocated memory , Estimated space , To reduce memory copies and Rehash Consume

string manipulation

​ Among the three string splicing methods ,strings.Builder The fastest ,bytes.Buffer secondly ,+ The slowest

​ When using + Splicing 2 A string , Generate a new string , We need to open up a new space , The size of the new space is the sum of the size of the original two strings . When splicing the third string , Open up a new space 、 The size of the new space is the sum of the sizes of the three strings , And so on

​ and strings.Builder,bytes.Buffer The bottom is []byte Array memory expansion strategy , There is no need to reallocate memory every time you splice

Empty structure

​ Empty structures do not occupy memory space , Can be used as a placeholder

  • Realization Set, Consider using map Instead of
  • For this scenario , Just use map Key , You don't need a value
  • Even if it's going to be map Is set to bool type , Will occupy more 1 Byte space

atomic The difference between bag and lock

  • The lock is realized through the operating system , It's a system call

  • atomic The operation is realized by hardware , It's more efficient than a lock

  • sync.Mutex It should be used to protect a piece of logic , Not just to protect a variable

  • For non numeric operations , have access to atomic.Value, Can carry a interface{}

performance tuning


  • Rely on data, not speculation
  • Locate the biggest bottleneck rather than the details
  • Don't optimize too early
  • Don't over optimize

Performance analysis tool pprof

do , have access to atomic.Value, Can carry a interface{}

performance tuning


  • Rely on data, not speculation
  • Locate the biggest bottleneck rather than the details
  • Don't optimize too early
  • Don't over optimize

Performance analysis tool pprof

Official documents :https://blog.wolfogre.com/posts/go-ppof-practice/


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