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Quick tips for getting out of a single

2022-08-04 08:32:00 Liu Yuji

  • 12 nicknames for matchmakers: matchmaker, red leaf, matchmaker, old moon, ice man, Baoshan, Fake, moon lady, big sister, matchmaker, matchmaker and old man under the moon, etc.

The Matchmaker

The title of "matchmaker" comes from the Yuan song "The Story of the West Chamber".It is a well-known and well-known excellent traditional play. In the play, the "exquisitely carved Pepsi essence" little girl matchmaker, in order to complete the happy marriage of Zhang Junrui and Cui Yingying, took the lead from it, and finally betrothed Miss Yingying to Zhang.Born, so that "the lovers will be married".

  • The Matchmaker and the Origin of the Moon

  • The matchmaker in Chinese marriagesPlays the role of matchmaking.Male matchmakers are also known as Yue Lao, while female matchmakers are generally called matchmakers or sisters. Matchmakers are also women who used to talk about marriage as a profession in the old days.

  • In ancient China, there was no matchmaking without marriage.Men and women only know their names through matchmaking, and without matchmaking, they will not marry; men without matchmaking cannot get a wife, and women without matchmaking are old and do not marry."

  • Book of Songs, Wei Feng, RogueIt is said in the book that "the bandit is in his guilt period, and the son has no good match", which refers to this.

  • In Chinese mythology, the earliestThe matchmaker is Nuwa."The Second Chronicle of the History of the Road" records: "With its (Nuwa) mediator, it is the god who will have a country in later generations and is worshipped as the god of Gaoxi.", I prayed to be a female matchmaker because of the setting of the marriage." The books "Zhou Li" and "Lv's Spring and Autumn" also recorded the activities of setting up a prison in the middle of spring to worship Gaoji in ancient times.

  • In addition, the Zhou Dynasty also had officialsMedia, specializing in adjudication matters.According to "Zhou Li·Diguan" records: "The media is in charge of the judgment of all the people. All men and women who have become famous and above are all listed in the year, month, day and name. Men are married at 30, and women at 20.The son, the book. The mid-spring month, so that the meeting of men and women is also the time, and those who run can not help it. The man and the woman who have no husband and family will meet."

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