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pytorch 模型保存的完整例子+pytorch 模型保存只保存可训练参数吗?是(+解决方案)
2022-07-02 19:02:00 【FakeOccupational】
测试使用的是一个liner model,还有更多的问题。pytorch 模型保存只保存可训练参数吗?
# 导入包
import glob
import os
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random #用于数据迭代器生成随机数据
# 生成数据集 x1类别0,x2类别1
n_data = torch.ones(50, 2) # 数据的基本形态
x1 = torch.normal(2 * n_data, 1) # shape=(50, 2)
y1 = torch.zeros(50) # 类型0 shape=(50, 1)
x2 = torch.normal(-2 * n_data, 1) # shape=(50, 2)
y2 = torch.ones(50) # 类型1 shape=(50, 1)
# 注意 x, y 数据的数据形式一定要像下面一样(torch.cat是合并数据)
x = torch.cat((x1, x2), 0).type(torch.FloatTensor) y = torch.cat((y1, y2), 0).type(torch.FloatTensor) # 数据集可视化 plt.scatter(x.data.numpy()[:, 0], x.data.numpy()[:, 1], c=y.data.numpy(), s=100, lw=0, cmap='RdYlGn') plt.show() # 数据读取: def data_iter(batch_size, x, y): num_examples = len(x) indices = list(range(num_examples))
random.shuffle(indices) # 样本的读取顺序是随机的
for i in range(0, num_examples, batch_size):
j = torch.LongTensor(indices[i: min(i + batch_size, num_examples)]) #最后一次可能不足一个batch
yield x.index_select(0, j), y.index_select(0, j)
def saver(model_state_dict, optimizer_state_dict, model_path, epoch, max_to_save=30):
total_models = glob.glob(model_path + '*')
if len(total_models) >= max_to_save:
state_dict = {
state_dict["model_state_dict"] = model_state_dict
state_dict["optimizer_state_dict"] = optimizer_state_dict
torch.save(state_dict, model_path + 'h' + str(epoch))
print('models {} save successfully!'.format(model_path + 'hahaha' + str(epoch)))
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
class net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(net, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(2, 1), nn.ReLU())
def forward(self, x):
return self.net(x)
def loss(y_hat, y):
return (y_hat - y.view(y_hat.size())) ** 2 / 2
def accuracy(y_hat, y): #@save
cmp = y_hat.type(y.dtype) > 0.5 # 大于0.5类别1
acc = 1-float(((result-y).sum())/ len(y))
return acc;
lr = 0.03
num_epochs = 3 # 迭代次数
batch_size = 10 # 批量大小
model = net()
params = list(model.parameters())
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params, 1e-4)
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
for X, y_train in data_iter(batch_size, x, y):
l = loss(model(X), y_train).sum() # l是有关小批量X和y的损失
saver(model.state_dict(), optimizer.state_dict(), "./", epoch + 1, max_to_save=100)
# 导入包
import glob
import os
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random #用于数据迭代器生成随机数据
# 生成数据集 x1类别0,x2类别1
n_data = torch.ones(50, 2) # 数据的基本形态
x1 = torch.normal(2 * n_data, 1) # shape=(50, 2)
y1 = torch.zeros(50) # 类型0 shape=(50, 1)
x2 = torch.normal(-2 * n_data, 1) # shape=(50, 2)
y2 = torch.ones(50) # 类型1 shape=(50, 1)
# 注意 x, y 数据的数据形式一定要像下面一样(torch.cat是合并数据)
x = torch.cat((x1, x2), 0).type(torch.FloatTensor) y = torch.cat((y1, y2), 0).type(torch.FloatTensor) # 数据集可视化 plt.scatter(x.data.numpy()[:, 0], x.data.numpy()[:, 1], c=y.data.numpy(), s=100, lw=0, cmap='RdYlGn') plt.show() # 数据读取: def data_iter(batch_size, x, y): num_examples = len(x) indices = list(range(num_examples))
random.shuffle(indices) # 样本的读取顺序是随机的
for i in range(0, num_examples, batch_size):
j = torch.LongTensor(indices[i: min(i + batch_size, num_examples)]) #最后一次可能不足一个batch
yield x.index_select(0, j), y.index_select(0, j)
def saver(model_state_dict, optimizer_state_dict, model_path, epoch, max_to_save=30):
total_models = glob.glob(model_path + '*')
if len(total_models) >= max_to_save:
state_dict = {
state_dict["model_state_dict"] = model_state_dict
state_dict["optimizer_state_dict"] = optimizer_state_dict
torch.save(state_dict, model_path + 'h' + str(epoch))
print('models {} save successfully!'.format(model_path + 'hahaha' + str(epoch)))
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
class net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(net, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(2, 1), nn.ReLU())
def forward(self, x):
return self.net(x)
def loss(y_hat, y):
return (y_hat - y.view(y_hat.size())) ** 2 / 2
def accuracy(y_hat, y): #@save
cmp = y_hat.type(y.dtype) > 0.5 # 大于0.5类别1
acc = 1-float(((result-y).sum())/ len(y))
return acc;
lr = 0.03
num_epochs = 3 # 迭代次数
batch_size = 10 # 批量大小
model = net()
params = list(model.parameters())
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params, 1e-4)
# for epoch in range(num_epochs):
# for X, y_train in data_iter(batch_size, x, y):
# optimizer.zero_grad()
# l = loss(model(X), y_train).sum() # l是有关小批量X和y的损失
# l.backward(retain_graph=True)
# optimizer.step()
# print(l)
# saver(model.state_dict(), optimizer.state_dict(), "./", epoch + 1, max_to_save=100)
def loader(model_path):
state_dict = torch.load(model_path)
model_state_dict = state_dict["model_state_dict"]
optimizer_state_dict = state_dict["optimizer_state_dict"]
return model_state_dict, optimizer_state_dict
model_state_dict, optimizer_state_dict = loader("h1")
print('pretrained models loaded!')
pytorch 模型保存只保存可训练参数吗?是
class net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(net, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(2, 1), nn.ReLU())
self.notrain= torch.rand((64, 64), dtype=torch.float)
def forward(self, x):
return self.net(x)
class net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(net, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(2, 1), nn.ReLU())
# self.notrain = torch.rand((64, 64), dtype=torch.float)
self.notrain = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.ones(64, 64))
def forward(self, x):
return self.net(x)
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
for X, y_train in data_iter(batch_size, x, y):
l = loss(model(X), y_train).sum() # l是有关小批量X和y的损失
model.notrain.data = model.notrain.data+2
saver(model.state_dict(), optimizer.state_dict(), "./", epoch + 1, max_to_save=100)
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