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Think about the huge changes caused by variables
2022-07-02 19:34:00 【Charmaine Xia】
Variables are too common in computer programming , There are two kinds of 5+6 The code writing method of reflects the difference between not using variables and using variables .
- Writing a :
public static void main(String[] args) {
- Write two :
public static void main(String[]args){
int a = 5;
int b = 6;
Change one : Finite to infinite
Writing method 1 shows the addition of two fixed numbers , Writing method 2 shows the addition of two variables , From finite to infinite, there are two aspects :
- aspect 1: From adding two fixed numbers to adding any two numbers
- aspect 2: Add from two numbers to any number
Change 2 : Encapsulation of algorithms
As soon as the writing method is shown, what is printed is 5+6 Result , Writing method 2 shows that what is printed is a+b Result . Writing method 2 has an algorithm encapsulated idea in it , Addition is included in the algorithm , Because addition is also an accurate and complete description of the solution .
Change three : Multiplexing of addition
Writing method 2 makes addition into a template , This template can be reused wherever addition is required .
Writing 2 introduces two simple variables a and b There have been so many changes , If you have other ideas about writing method 2, please post them in the comments .
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