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[quick start of Digital IC Verification] 14. Basic syntax of SystemVerilog learning 1 (array, queue, structure, enumeration, string... Including practical exercises)

2022-07-07 08:13:00 luoganttcc

Reading guide : The author has the honor to be a pioneer in the field of electronic information in China “ University of electronic technology ” During postgraduate study , Touch the cutting edge Numbers IC Verification knowledge , I heard something like Huawei Hisilicon Tsinghua purple light MediaTek technology And other top IC related enterprises in the industry , Pairs of numbers IC Verify some knowledge accumulation and learning experience . Want to get started for help IC Verified friends , After one or two thoughts , This column is specially opened , In order to spend the shortest time , Take the least detours , Most learned IC Verify technical knowledge .

List of articles

One 、 Description of content

  • data type : Four value variable 、 Binary variables
    • If the four valued variable is 1bit, Then the four values are :0/1/x/z(x It's an unsteady state ;z It's a high resistance state , If 0 yes 0V,1 yes 0.8V, that z That is 0.5V/0.6V Left and right )
  • Fixed array : initialization ( Direct assignment 、for、foreach)
  • Fixed array :unpacked array & packed array
  • Fixed array : Assignment and comparison
  • The dynamic array
  • queue
  • Associative array
  • Array methods ( function )
  • Structure
  • Enumeration type
  • character string

Two 、 Basic variables

2.1、SystemVerilog Rule of grammar

  • and Verilog equally

    • Case sensitive
    • Spaces are not ignored , Except in string
    • Annotation symbols
      • Line notes ://
      • Statement block comments :/*...*/
  • Number system format

    • <size>' <base> <number>
    • 'b(binary Binary system ):01xXzZ
    • 'd(decimal Decimal system ):0123456789
    • 'h(hexadecimal Hexadecimal ):0123456789abcdefABCDEFxXzZ
  • Use separator “_”, Improve the readability :

    • 16'b1100_1011_1010_0010
    • 32'hbeef_cafe

2.2、SystemVerilog New data types

  • Binary logic : Better performance , Less memory
  • queue , Dynamic arrays and associative arrays : Reduce memory usage , Support search and sorting
  • Combine arrays and fill structures : The same data has different views (View)
  • Classes and structs : Support the abstraction of data structure
  • character string :SV Built in operation function
  • Enumeration type : Easy to code and understand ( Commonly used in TestBench in )

2.3、SystemVerilog data type

Verilog Assignment in language

  • vector (vector, Position width greater than 1 The variable of ) Easy to assign to all 0/z/x, But the assignment is all 1 When , You need to write all the bits !

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SystemVerilog Assignment

  • There is no need to specify a hexadecimal number ( Binary system 、 octal 、 Decimal and hexadecimal numbers ) You can fill in 0/x/z
  • All filled 1

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Four value variable

  • Verilog

    • reg: Universal variable , Use in initial and always In the sentence , Modeling hardware modules
      • Combinational circuits and sequential circuits
    • wire: It mainly plays a connecting role , Similar to metal wire ; stay assign Assignment in
  • SystemVerilog

    • logic(logic To replace the reg)
      • Statements that can be consecutively assigned , Gate circuit or module drive
      • Don't drive more , Such as bidirectional bus ( Need to use wire Modeling )
  • logic There are four states

    • 0/1/x/z
    • logic The variable defined is An unsigned number
      • give an example :logic [31:0] data;

Common use :

logic	reset_n; 			// Unspecified bit width , The default is 1bit
logic [63:0] data; 			// Use  [ highest : Its lowest ]  Indicates the data bit width 
logic [7:0]  array [0:255]; // Two dimensional array , Commonly used memory Modeling of 

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

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Binary variables bit,byte,shortint,int,longint

  • There are only two states 0 and 1(x and z Will be converted into a 0)
  • Improve simulation performance , Reduce memory usage
  • Not used for RTL Design ( because x or z The two states will be converted into 0)

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  • bit Of The bit width is user-defined Of , And is An unsigned number ;byte/shortint/int/longint Of The bit width is fixed Of , And is Signed number

    • logic The bit width of is also user-defined , And it's unsigned !
  • Make a little review about the data range of signed and unsigned numbers ,eg:2 A wide , namely 00 / 01 / 10 / 11 Four forms , Represented in sequence in unsigned form :0 / 1 / 2 / 3; In symbolic form ( The highest bit is the sign bit ) In turn stands for :0 / 1 / -1 / -2

    • The complement of a positive number is itself , The complement of a negative number is negative plus 1
  • Q:logic [7:0] x and byte x Are they exactly alike? ?

    • A: Dissimilarity ,logic Is a four valued variable ,byte Is a binary variable

Logic simulation features

  • The default initial value of the four value state variable is x; The default initial value of the binary state variable is 0
  • Variables in binary state cannot represent uninitialized state (x
  • Variables in the four value state can be assigned to variables in the two value state .x and z Will be converted into a 0
  • $isunknown(expression) You can check whether there is x or z

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3、 ... and 、 Fixed array

  • Support multidimensional array ( Algorithm vector operations are used more )
  • Beyond the boundary Write operation ignored
  • Beyond the boundary Read operations The return value is x( Four valued state variables ),0( Binary state variables )
  • byte/shortint/int Store in 32 position In the storage space of ( obviously byte and shortint A little waste of storage space )
  • longint Store in 64 position In the storage space of

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3.1、 One dimensional array

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  • int Equivalent to bit signed [31:0] Statement of
  • [0:15][16] There are two ways to specify the depth of a one-dimensional array , So the two ways of writing are equivalent .
    • int lo_hi[0:15] And int lo_hi[16] The elements of the writing are arranged in the same order ( from 0 Start to the maximum 15), however int lo_hi[15:0] The order of elements in the writing method is different from the previous ( from 15 Start to the minimum 0)!
    • Array f[5] Equate to f[0:4], and foreach(f[i]) Equate to for(int i=0; i<=4; i++).
    • For arrays rev[6:2] Come on ,foreach(rev[i]) Equate to for(int i=6; i>=2; i--).
  • int lo_hi[16] amount to 16 That's ok x32 Column The size of the matrix
  • take lo_hi pass the civil examinations 1 The number of 8bit:lo_hi[1][8]

3.2、 Multidimensional arrays

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3.3、 Basic operation of fixed array

3.3.1、 Fixed array initialization :'{} '{n{}}

  • Full or partial initialization

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3.3.2、for: utilize for Loop statements to initialize

  • The most common array initialization method
  • Variable i Is a local loop variable
  • System function $size Returns the size of the array ( Fixed arrays can only be used $size

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3.3.3、foreach: utilize foreach Loop statements to initialize

  • Specify the array name , In square brackets are index numbers ,foreach It will traverse all array elements according to the index number
  • Index numbers can be automatically declared as local loop variables

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3.3.4、 Assignment and comparison of fixed arrays

  • You can assign and compare arrays without loops ( only apply Operator equal sign == And inequality !=

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3.3.5、 Array elements 、 Partial selection of array elements

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3.4、 Unfilled array (unpacked array)

  • Store in 32 Bit storage unit

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  • bit [7:0] up_array[3] Approximately equivalent to byte up_array[3]( But pay attention to bit It's unsigned ,byte It's symbolic )

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Simple unfilled array declaration

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  • Note that the array directly defines the depth, such as 1024, So it's from 0-1023; If you directly specify [64:83], So that is 64-83

3.5、 Fill the array ( Compressed array ,Packed Array)

The difference from uncompressed arrays , Still Storage On !

  • Treat an array as a value
  • Continuous storage of data
  • The writing format of dimension is [msb:lsb]

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Initialization of filling array

  • The declaration is initialized with a simple assignment statement
  • Fill array initialization assignment There's no need to put single quotes

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3.6、 Mixed array (Mixed Arrays)

3.6.1、 Introduction to mixed arrays

  • p_array Is an unfilled array , Array elements are filled arrays :bit [3:0][7:0] p_array[0:2]

 Insert picture description here

  • Review of unfilled arrays :bit [7:0] up_array[3];

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3.6.2、 Mixed array dimensions

  • Mixed array , The dimension of the unfilled array is the first ; Start from the far left to the far right
  • The dimension of the filled array is the second , Start from the left to the far right

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3.7、 Compare a filled array with an unfilled array

  • Fill the array You can convert with scalar manually
    • bit [3:0][7:0] a; And bit [31:0] b; They can be transformed into each other ! namely :a = b; or b = a;
  • according to byte Reference memory data
    • A byte ,8bit
  • If you need to wait for the array to change in the simulation , You can use to fill an array
    • It's OK to use non filling , Filled vs. unfilled Smaller storage space , Faster simulation
  • Only Fixed arrays can be filled
    • Fixed arrays are divided into filled and unfilled !
  • The dynamic array 、 Associative arrays and queues cannot be filled

3.8、 Fill array and constant array initialization are compared with memory storage

Constant array :int a[4] = '{0, 1, 2, 3};

  • Constant array initialization must Put single quotation marks in front
  • Memory storage :a[0] = 0; a[1] = 1; a[2] = 2; a[3] = 3;

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Fill the array :bit [3:0] [7:0] b = {8'h3, 8'h2, 8'h1, 8'h0};

  • Fill array initialization Unwanted Put single quotation marks in front
  • Memory storage :b[3] = 3; b[2]=2; b[1] = 1; b[0] = 0;

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3.9、 Small test

  • Q: Variable logic and reg Is there a fundamental difference ?

    • A: No,
  • Q: Variable logic and bit What's the difference ?

    • A:logic There are four states :0/1/x/z;bit There are only two states :0/1
  • Q: Variables in two states can be used RTL Design ? Why? ?

    • A: Can not be , Because binary logic will x/z The two circuit states are converted to 0
  • Q:bit[31:0] src[5] = '{5,6,7,5,5}, be

    • src[1] = 3‘b110’
    • src[3][0] = 1’b1
    • src[2][3:1] = 3’b011

 Insert picture description here

  • Q: Which of the following is not 2 Value data type ?(B

    • A bit
    • B logic
    • C int
    • D byte
  • Q: Which of the following is not Verilog grammar ?(D

    • A data = '0;
    • B data = 'z;
    • C data = 'x;
    • D data = '1;
int md[2][3];
	md[i,j] = 2*i+j;

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Q: Code above , that md[2,3](A)
    • A 0
    • B 5
    • C 7
    • D X

analysis :i The value range is :0-1,j The value range is :0-2.int Is a binary variable ,md[2,3] There is no doubt that it has crossed the line , So we should go back to 0, answer A. But if the definition is logic Four value variable , So what's back is x

  • Q:logic[7:0] and byte The value ranges of are ?(A)
    • A 0~255, -128~127
    • B -128~127, -128~127
    • C 0~255, 0~255
    • D -128~127, 0~255

logic It's unsigned ,byte It's symbolic

Four 、 The dynamic array

If you don't know the number of elements of the array before simulation , Then use dynamic arrays !

  • Use square brackets when declaring dynamic arrays :[], Form the following :
data_type name_of_dynamic_array[];
name_of_dynamic_array = new[number_of_elements];

  • 1
  • 2
  • Set the number of elements of the array when running the simulation , Not at compile time
  • In the simulation process , You can allocate memory space and reset the number of array elements
  • new[] Used to allocate memory space , Passing the number of array elements
  • The assignment of array can be realized through the name of array
  • When the data type of the fixed array is the same , You can assign values to dynamic arrays
  • $size The system function returns the number of elements of fixed array and dynamic array !( Fixed arrays can only be used $size, Dynamic arrays can be used $size and size()

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  • dyn = new[20](dyn) - The original element value is still saved
  • dyn = new[100]; - The original element value is lost

When the following conditions are met , Dynamic arrays and fixed numbers can be assigned to each other :

  • Same data type
  • The same number of elements
int a[10]; // Fixed array 
int b[]; // The dynamic array 
b = new[10]; // After this ,b and a You can assign values to each other, that is :a=b or b=a Fine !

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

5、 ... and 、 queue ( With the more )

Queues combine the characteristics of arrays and linked lists . Queues are similar to linked lists , Sure Add or remove elements anywhere in a queue , The performance loss of such operations is much smaller than that of dynamic arrays , Because dynamic arrays need to allocate new arrays and copy the values of all elements . Queues are similar to arrays , You can access any element through the index , Instead of traversing all the elements before the target element like a linked list !

  • Queue declaration uses $ In square brackets :data_type queue_name[$];
  • have Sort and Search for The function of
  • Allocate additional space and additional elements in sequence
  • Support push and pop operation
  • Support add and remove Element operation
  • Fixed array and The dynamic array The value of is assigned to queue
  • Unwanted new[] function
  • The queue element number is :0 To $
    • If you put $ To the left of a range expression , that $ Will represent the minimum , for example [$:2] On behalf of [0:2]. Empathy , If placed on the right side of the expression , Represents the maximum .
  • The initialization of queue constants is the same as that of filling arrays ( Merge array ) equally No single quotation marks

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  • b and q and j Common variable types int, So they are separated by commas ! queue {3, 4} left 3 It's the team leader , On the right side 4 It's the end of the team !
  • insert(x, y): In the x The value inserted before the position element is y The elements of
  • push_front(x): stay Team head Insert value is x The elements of ;
    • push_back(x): stay A party Insert value is x The elements of ;
  • pop_back: The tail element is out of the team
    • pop_front: Team leader element out of the team
  • push and pop Only the head or tail of the team can be operated , Equivalent to one FIFO Behavior !
  • delete(x): Delete the first x Location elements

The elements in the queue are Continuous storage Of , So it is very convenient to access data at the front or back of the queue . No matter how big the queue is , Such operation ( Access data before and after ) It takes the same time . Adding or deleting elements in the middle of the queue requires moving the existing data to make room . The time consumed by the corresponding operation will increase linearly with the size of the queue .

6、 ... and 、 Associative array ( Linked data )

SV Provides an associative array type , The element used to hold the sparse matrix , This means that when you address a very large address space ,SV Allocate space only for the elements that are actually written . Associative arrays can be stored in the form of trees or hash tables , But there is some extra cost . But when saving arrays with scattered index values , Such as 32 Bit address or 64 Data packets indexed by bit data , This extra cost is obviously acceptable !

  • Associative array declarations use data types placed in square brackets ,data_type associative_array_name[data_type]
  • Use sparse Of memory space
    • Dynamic allocation , Discontinuous elements ( It's a bit like a linked list )
    • A one-dimensional , You can use integers and strings as indexes .

notes : Joint array declarations can also be used * In square brackets , But not recommended , Here is only for understanding !

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Associative array operation

  • Associative arrays can be used foreach To initialize
  • Read unallocated elements ,4 Value logical variable returns x,2 Value logical variable returns 0
  • Support functions :first,next,prev,delete,exists

More use of associative arrays , May refer to :

7、 ... and 、 Array methods ( Built in functions )

  • Array decrement method ( For unfilled arrays : Fixed array 、 The dynamic array 、 Queues and associative arrays )
  • Sum up sum, quadrature product、 And and、 or or、 Exclusive or xor
  • a.sum Sum of single bit array returns the value of single bit
    • This can explain why we should put data_in Defined as 33bit 了 !
  • For maximum max, minimum value min, The only change unique( duplicate removal )【 Be careful , Their return value is a queue 】

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  • on.sum in sum The following brackets can be added or not

Array sort operation

  • Flip :reverse
  • Disorder :shuffle
  • Ascending order :sort
  • Descending order :rsort

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Array positioning operation

  • Look for the element :find
    • You can find someone A class Elements , Define the scope of this type of element , Namely characteristics
  • Find the first element :find_first
  • Find the index of the first element :find_first_with_index

 Insert picture description here

  • with and item It's all keywords ,item All elements !
  • Pay attention to take index Is the return index !
  • Pay attention to the initialization of dynamic array , It uses the initialization method of fixed array , This is OK !new It is used when the number of elements changes !

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  • d.sum(x) with(x > 7) in x>7 What is returned is a logical result , That is, the result is only 0 and 1 Two kinds of .

The above code practice

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  • You can see the first one count It should be printed out 2, Why is this 0 Well ?
    • Or what we said above :with(x > 7) The logical result returned is single bit Of , and Sum of single bit array returns the value of single bit , So here is a mistake ! terms of settlement , Cast multiply it by 1, This 1 yes 32bit Of
    • summary : Only Simple logical operation Of , All need to be converted !

8、 ... and 、 Array usage is recommended

  • Fixed array

    • Compile time , The number of array elements is fixed
    • Continuous storage of data ( Compared with associative arrays )
    • Multidimensional arrays
  • The dynamic array

    • Compile time , I don't know the number of array elements
    • Continuous storage of data ( Compared with associative arrays )
  • queue

    • FIFO/Stack
    • Special dynamic array , Compared with dynamic array, it can realize the rapid deletion of elements , Unwanted new() To update !
  • Associative array

    • Sparse data and memory ( Storage is discontinuous )
    • The index number can be an integer or a string

Nine 、 Structure

  • The key word of the structure is :struct
    • A structure is a set of variables or constants , It can be operated as a whole , You can also operate some of them
    • Put together logically related signals , For example, bus protocol :
	int a, b;
	logic [7:0] opcode;
	logic [23:0] address;
	bit error;
  • Use the name of the structure to manipulate the entire variable

instruction_Word.address =24'hF00000;

Fill structure

  • Structure Default In this case Unfilled Of
    • Different EDA The arrangement of tools is different
  • Use keywords packed The structure can be Declare as filled The structure of the body
    • The filling structure stores all data elements in In a continuous unit
    • Structure of the First element Is the right amount Leftmost field ( Different EDA The tools may be different !)

 Insert picture description here

  • The variables in the filled structure can be used through variable name or partial vector selection
data_word tag = 8'hf0; data_word [39:32] = 8'hf0;
  • Fill structure operation
    • Filling the structure assignment
data_word = '{1'b1, 8'hff, 32'd1024};

  • 1

Ten 、 enumeration

  • Abstract variables represent a numerical sequence
  • Users can define each value
  • Increased readability
  • Support first、last、next、prev operation
enum {

  • 1
  • The default labels are :0 / 1 / 2

  • The default value of enumeration type is int

    • The first value is 0, The second value is 1, In turn, increasing

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  • SystemVerilog Support to explicitly specify each value
    • All values must only
    • For elements that do not specify a value , Its value is added according to the value of the previous element 1

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  • Enumerate the basic types of variables
    • SystemVerilog Allow explicit specification of base types

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  • Enumerate variable values
    • The value of the assigned variable must match the base type

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  • Numeric size of enumeration type
    • Value range Cannot exceed the valid range of multiple base types ( The system will automatically determine the value range according to the defined variables !)

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  • Assign values to four valued logical variables X/Z It's legal.
    • Must give x/z The next variable shows the assignment

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11、 ... and 、 character string

  • string variable_name [=initial_value]; The contents in brackets are optional , That is, the initial value is optional !
  • Without assignment ,string The value of the type variable is initialized to null characters ""
  • System function $psprintf() Generate string
  • String variable types have built-in operators and functions
    • ==,!=,compare() and icompare();
    • itoa(), atoi(), atohex(), toupper(), tolower() etc.
    • len(), getc(), putc(), substr()

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Twelve 、 Practice

12.1、bit/logic practice

12.1.1、 Initial value exercise of binary and quaternary variables


module sv_bit_logic();
logic [7:0] sig_logic;
bit   [7:0] sig_bit;
byte        sig_byte;
shortint    sig_sint;
int         sig_int;
longint     sig_lint;
initial begin
  $display("********************************initial value test********************************");
  $display("*************************4 state varialbe initial value***************************");
  $display("***************Initial value of logic type signal sig_logic = %0b*****************", sig_logic);
  $display("*************************2 state varialbe initial value***************************");
  $display("***************Initial value of logic type signal sig_bit = %0b*****************", sig_bit);
  $display("***************Initial value of logic type signal sig_byte = %0b*****************", sig_byte);
  $display("***************Initial value of logic type signal sig_sint = %0b*****************", sig_sint);
  $display("***************Initial value of logic type signal sig_int = %0b*****************", sig_int);
  $display("***************Initial value of logic type signal sig_lint = %0b*****************", sig_lint);


comp_file = ;
all: comp run log open
	vcs -full64 -sverilog -debug_all  -timescale=1ns/1ps $(comp_file) -l comp.log
	./simv -l $(comp_file).log
	sed '/^[^*].*/d' $(comp_file).log > rslt.log
	gvim rslt.log
  • sed '/^[^*].*/d' $(comp_file).log > rst.log: Regular expression , The function is the beginning, not the asterisk * Just delete it , After deletion, the remaining lines with asterisks are placed in the file rslt.og in

Run the command as follows :

make comp_file=sv_bit_logic.sv

  • 1


********************************initial value test********************************
*************************4 state varialbe initial value***************************
***************Initial value of logic type signal sig_logic = xxxxxxxx*****************
*************************2 state varialbe initial value***************************
***************Initial value of logic type signal sig_bit   = 0*****************
***************Initial value of logic type signal sig_byte  = 0*****************
***************Initial value of logic type signal sig_sint  = 0*****************
***************Initial value of logic type signal sig_int   = 0*****************
***************Initial value of logic type signal sig_lint  = 0*****************
  • sig_logic It's an eight digit four valued variable , So what's printed out is 8 individual x
  • Others are binary variables , The default initial value is 0

12.1.2、$isunknown practice

stay sv_bit_logic.sv Add the relevant code in :

  $display("********************************$isunknown() test ********************************");
  if($isunknown(sig_logic) == 1) begin
    $display("***************Initial value of sig_logic is X*****************");
  else begin 
    $display("***************Initial value of sig_logic is not X*****************");
  if($isunknown(sig_bit) == 1) begin
    $display("***************Initial value of sig_bit is X*****************");
  else begin 
    $display("***************Initial value of sig_bit is not X*****************");
********************************$isunknown() test ********************************
***************Initial value of sig_logic is X*****************
***************Initial value of sig_bit is not X*****************

12.1.3、 Unsigned and signed number exercises

stay sv_bit_logic.sv Add the relevant code in :

  $display("********************************signed & unsigned test ********************************");
  sig_logic = 8'b1000_1010; sig_bit = 8'b1000_1010;
  sig_byte  = 8'b1000_1010; $display("***************sig_logic(8'b1000_1010)  = %0d*****************", sig_logic); $display("***************sig_bit  (8'b1000_1010) = %0d*****************", sig_bit ); $display("***************sig_byte (8'b1000_1010)  = %0d*****************", sig_byte );


********************************signed & unsigned test ********************************
***************sig_logic(8'b1000_1010) = 138***************** ***************sig_bit (8'b1000_1010)  = 138*****************
***************sig_byte (8'b1000_1010)  = -118*****************

  • bit/logic Of The bit width is user-defined Of , And is An unsigned number ;byte/shortint/int/longint Of The bit width is fixed Of , And is Signed number

12.1.4、 whole 0/1/x/z Assignment exercise

stay sv_bit_logic.sv Add the relevant code in :

  $display("********************************all zeros, one test********************************");
  sig_logic = '0; $display("***************sig_logic = '0 is %0b*****************", sig_logic); sig_logic = '1; $display("***************sig_logic = '1 is %0b*****************", sig_logic); sig_logic = 'x;
  $display("***************sig_logic = 'x is %0b*****************", sig_logic);
  sig_logic = 'z; $display("***************sig_logic = 'z is %0b*****************", sig_logic);


********************************all zeros, one test********************************
***************sig_logic = '0 is 0***************** ***************sig_logic = '1 is 11111111*****************
***************sig_logic = 'x is xxxxxxxx***************** ***************sig_logic = 'z is zzzzzzzz*****************

  • 0 A few don't matter , Anyway, it's all 0, So the print here is correct !

12.2、 Fixed array exercise

12.2.1、unpacked array ininial demo( Unfilled array initialization demo)


module sv_fix_array();

int src[5];
int dst[5];
logic [31:0] src_logic[5] = '{
bit [3:0][7:0] packed_src;

initial begin
  $display("*************unpacked array ininial demo**********");

  $display("****size of src[5] is : %0d*********************", $size(src));
  $display("****size of dst[5] is : %0d*********************", $size(dst));
  foreach(src[i]) begin
    src[i] = i;
    $display("****src[%0d] = %0d*********************", i, src[i]);
  foreach(dst[i]) begin
    dst[i] = 5-i;
    $display("****dst[%0d] = %0d*********************", i, dst[i]);

  if( src == dst ) begin
    $display("*********src == dst********");
  else begin
    $display("*********src != dst********");
    foreach(src[i]) begin
      $display("***src[%0d] = %1d, dst[%0d] = %1d***", i, src[i], i, dst[i]);



  • Makefile Same as 5.1, Copy it directly . Run the command as follows :make comp_file=sv_fix_array.sv


*************unpacked array ininial demo**********
****size of src[5] is : 5*********************
****size of dst[5] is : 5*********************
****src[0] = 0*********************
****src[1] = 1*********************
****src[2] = 2*********************
****src[3] = 3*********************
****src[4] = 4*********************
****dst[0] = 5*********************
****dst[1] = 4*********************
****dst[2] = 3*********************
****dst[3] = 2*********************
****dst[4] = 1*********************
*********src != dst********
***src[0] = 0, dst[0] = 5***
***src[1] = 1, dst[1] = 4***
***src[2] = 2, dst[2] = 3***
***src[3] = 3, dst[3] = 2***
***src[4] = 4, dst[4] = 1***

12.2.2、unpacked array assignment demo( Unfilled array assignment demo)

stay sv_fix_array.sv Add the relevant code in :

  $display("*************unpacked array assignment demo**********");
  dst = src;
  $display("*************after dst = src**********");
  foreach(src[i]) begin
    $display("***src[%0d] = %1d, dst[%0d] = %1d***", i, src[i], i, dst[i]);

  src[0] = 5; 
  $display("*************after src[0] = 5**********");
  foreach(src[i]) begin
    $display("***src[%0d] = %1d, dst[%0d] = %1d***", i, src[i], i, dst[i]);

  if( src[1:4] == dst[1:4] ) begin
    $display("*********src == dst********");
  else begin
    $display("*********src != dst********");
    foreach(src[i]) begin
      $display("***src[%0d] = %1d, dst[%0d] = %1d***", i, src[i], i, dst[i]);


*************unpacked array assignment demo**********
*************after dst = src**********
***src[0] = 0, dst[0] = 0***
***src[1] = 1, dst[1] = 1***
***src[2] = 2, dst[2] = 2***
***src[3] = 3, dst[3] = 3***
***src[4] = 4, dst[4] = 4***
*************after src[0] = 5**********
***src[0] = 5, dst[0] = 0***
***src[1] = 1, dst[1] = 1***
***src[2] = 2, dst[2] = 2***
***src[3] = 3, dst[3] = 3***
***src[4] = 4, dst[4] = 4***
*********src == dst********

12.2.3、unpacked array partial assign demo( Partial assignment of unfilled array demo)

stay sv_fix_array.sv Add the relevant code in :

  $display("*************unpacked array partial assign demo**********");
  src = '{
  foreach(src[i]) begin
    $display("***src[%0d] = %1d ***", i, src[i]);
  $display("***src[0] = %0b ***", src[0]);
  $display("***src[0][0] = %0b ***", src[0][0]);
  $display("***src[2][2:1] = %0b ***",src[2][2:1]);


*************unpacked array partial assign demo**********
***src[0] = 5 ***
***src[1] = 5 ***
***src[2] = 5 ***
***src[3] = 5 ***
***src[4] = 5 ***
***src[0] = 101 ***
***src[0][0] = 1 ***
***src[2][2:1] = 10 ***

12.2.4、array over read demo( Array read out of bounds demo)

stay sv_fix_array.sv Add the relevant code in :

logic [31:0] src_logic[5] = '{
  $display("*************array over read demo**********");
  $display("***over read int type src[10] = %0b ***", src[10]);
  $display("***over read logic src_logic[10] = %0b ***", src_logic[10]);


*************array over read demo**********
***over read int type src[10] = 0 ***
***over read logic src_logic[10] = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ***

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • The binary variable out of bounds is 0 state
  • Note that the out of bounds of the four valued variable is x state , And it is the corresponding digit x. Here, src_logic yes 32 position , So it is 32 individual x

12.2.5、packed array assign demo( Fill array assignment demo)

stay sv_fix_array.sv Add the relevant code in :

  $display("*************packed array assign demo**********");
  packed_src = {
    8'h3, 8'h2, 8'h1, 8'h0};
  foreach(packed_src[i]) begin
    $display("***packed_src[%0d] = %1d ***", i, packed_src[i]);


*************packed array assign demo**********
***packed_src[3] = 3 ***
***packed_src[2] = 2 ***
***packed_src[1] = 1 ***
***packed_src[0] = 0 ***
  • Fill the array with assignment braces without adding '
  • Note that the index of the filled array is from right to left , On the right is 0.

12.3、 Dynamic array exercise

12.3.1、dynamic array initial demo( Dynamic array initialization demo)


module sv_dyn_array();
int dyn1[];
int dyn2[];
initial begin
 $display("***dynamic array initial demo***");
  $display("***Before dyn1=new[5], size of dyn1 is : %0d ***", $size(dyn1));
  dyn1 = new[5];
  $display("***After dyn1=new[5], size of dyn1 is : %0d ***", $size(dyn1));
  foreach(dyn1[i]) begin
    dyn1[i] = i;
    $display("****** dyn1[%0d]=%0d", i, dyn1[i]);


***dynamic array initial demo***
***Before dyn1=new[5], size of dyn1 is : 0 ***
***After dyn1=new[5], size of dyn1 is : 5 ***
****** dyn1[0]=0
****** dyn1[1]=1
****** dyn1[2]=2
****** dyn1[3]=3
****** dyn1[4]=4
  • Makefile Same as before , But is comp_file Parameters changed :make comp_file=sv_dyn_array.sv

12.3.2、dynamic array assignment demo( Dynamic array assignment demo)


  $display("***dynamic array initial demo***");
  dyn2 = dyn1;
  dyn2[0] = 5;
  $display("***After dyn2=dyn1 & dyn2[0]=5***");
  foreach(dyn2[i]) begin
    $display("****** dyn1[%0d]=%0d, dyn2[%0d]=%0d", i, dyn1[i], i, dyn1[i]);

  $display("******After dyn1=new[20](dyn1)******");
  foreach(dyn1[i]) begin
    $display("****** dyn1[%0d]=%0d", i, dyn1[i]);

  $display("******After dyn1=new[10]******");
  foreach(dyn1[i]) begin
    $display("****** dyn1[%0d]=%0d", i, dyn1[i]);


***dynamic array initial demo***
***After dyn2=dyn1 & dyn2[0]=5***
****** dyn1[0]=0, dyn2[0]=0
****** dyn1[1]=1, dyn2[1]=1
****** dyn1[2]=2, dyn2[2]=2
****** dyn1[3]=3, dyn2[3]=3
****** dyn1[4]=4, dyn2[4]=4
******After dyn1=new[20](dyn1)******
****** dyn1[0]=0
****** dyn1[1]=1
****** dyn1[2]=2
****** dyn1[3]=3
****** dyn1[4]=4
****** dyn1[5]=0
****** dyn1[6]=0
****** dyn1[7]=0
****** dyn1[8]=0
****** dyn1[9]=0
****** dyn1[10]=0
****** dyn1[11]=0
****** dyn1[12]=0
****** dyn1[13]=0
****** dyn1[14]=0
****** dyn1[15]=0
****** dyn1[16]=0
****** dyn1[17]=0
****** dyn1[18]=0
****** dyn1[19]=0
******After dyn1=new[10]******
****** dyn1[0]=0
****** dyn1[1]=0
****** dyn1[2]=0
****** dyn1[3]=0
****** dyn1[4]=0
****** dyn1[5]=0
****** dyn1[6]=0
****** dyn1[7]=0
****** dyn1[8]=0
****** dyn1[9]=0
  • dyn1=new[20](dyn1) Assigned ; and dyn1=new[10] Will overwrite the assigned !

12.3.3、dynamic array delete demo( Dynamic array deletion demo)


  $display("***dynamic array delete demo***");
  $display("*******After dyn1.delete******");

d i s p l a y < / s p a n > < s p a n c l a s s = " t o k e n p u n c t u a t i o n " > ( < / s p a n > < s p a n c l a s s = " t o k e n s t r i n g " > " ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ A f t e r d e l e t i o n , d y n 1 s i z e i s : display</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">"****After deletion, dyn1 size is : %0d"</span>, <span class="token variable"> display</span><spanclass="tokenpunctuation">(</span><spanclass="tokenstring">"Afterdeletion,dyn1sizeis:size(dyn1));
foreach(dyn1[i]) begin
$display(“****** dyn1[%0d]=%0d”, i, dyn1[i]);


***dynamic array delete demo***
*******After dyn1.delete******
****After deletion, dyn1 size is : 0

12.4、 Practice in line

12.4.1、 Queue built-in function demo( Yes bug)


module sv_queue();

int q[$] = {
    1, 3, 5, 7};
int tq[$];

int d[$] = '{9, 1, 8, 3, 4, 4}; int f[$] = '{
    1, 6, 2, 6, 8, 6};

initial begin

  foreach(q[i]) begin
    $display("******q[%0d] = %0d******", i, q[i]);

  $display("******summation of q{1, 3, 5, 7} = %0d, ******", q.sum);
  $display("******product of q{1, 3, 5, 7} = %0d, ******", q.product);
  $display("******minimum of q{1, 3, 5, 7} = %0d, ******", q.min);
  $display("******maximum of q{1, 3, 5, 7} = %0d, ******", q.max);

  tq = f.unique;

  foreach(tq[i]) begin
    $display("******unique of queue f{1,6,2,6,8,6}[%0d] = %0d******", i, tq[i]);



******q[0] = 1******
******q[1] = 3******
******q[2] = 5******
******q[3] = 7******
******summation of q{
     1, 3, 5, 7} = 16, ******
******product   of q{
     1, 3, 5, 7} = 105, ******
******minimum   of q{
     1, 3, 5, 7} = -1207817664, ******
******maximum   of q{
     1, 3, 5, 7} = -1207816928, ******
******unique of queue f{
     1,6,2,6,8,6}[0] = 1******
******unique of queue f{
     1,6,2,6,8,6}[1] = 6******
******unique of queue f{
     1,6,2,6,8,6}[2] = 2******
******unique of queue f{
     1,6,2,6,8,6}[3] = 8******

doubt : Why? max and min The printed value is wrong ?

  • Makefile Same as before , But is comp_file Parameters changed :make comp_file=sv_queue.sv
  • Grammar requires , For queues , need ' initialization , But now the tools are more powerful , It doesn't matter if you don't add it !

12.4.2、 Queue insert delete demo


  $display("******Queue operation demo******");
  q.insert(1, 2);
  $display("***q{1,3,5,7} after q.insert(1,2) becomes : {%0d,%0d,%0d,%0d,%0d}******", q[0],q[1],q[2],q[3],q[4]);
  q.insert(3, 4);
  $display("***q{1,2,3,5,7} after q.insert(3,4) becomes : {%0d,%0d,%0d,%0d,%0d,%0d}******",q[0],q[1],q[2],q[3],q[4],q[5]);
  q.insert(5, 6);
  $display("***q{1,2,3,4,5,7} after q.insert(5,6) becomes : {%0d,%0d,%0d,%0d,%0d,%0d,%0d}******",q[0],q[1],q[2],q[3],q[4],q[5],q[6]);

  $display("***q{1,2,3,4.5,6,7} after q.delete(5) becomes : {%0d,%0d,%0d,%0d,%0d,%0d}******",q[0],q[1],q[2],q[3],q[4],q[5]);
  $display("***q{1,2,3,4,5,7} after q.delete(3) becomes : {%0d,%0d,%0d,%0d,%0d}******",q[0],q[1],q[2],q[3],q[4]);
  $display("***q{1,2,3,5,7} after q.delete(1) becomes : {%0d,%0d,%0d,%0d}******",q[0],q[1],q[2],q[3]);

******Queue operation demo******
       1,3,5,7} after q.insert(1,2) becomes : {
       1,2,3,5,7} after q.insert(3,4) becomes : {
       1,2,3,4,5,7} after q.insert(5,6) becomes : {
       1,2,3,4.5,6,7} after q.delete(5) becomes : {
       1,2,3,4,5,7} after q.delete(3) becomes : {
       1,2,3,5,7} after q.delete(1) becomes : {

12.4.3、 Join the team and leave the team demo


  for(int i=0; i<4; i=i+1) begin
    $display("***q{1,3,5,7} the %0d times q.pop_front value %0d***", i, q.pop_front);
  $display("******* After 4 times pop_front for q{1,3,5,7}******");

  for(int i=0; i<4; i=i+1) begin
    $display("*** the %0d times q.push_back value %0d***", i, 2*i+1);
  $display("******* After 4 times push_back(2*i+1) for q{} ******");


         1,3,5,7} the 0 times q.pop_front value 1***
         1,3,5,7} the 1 times q.pop_front value 3***
         1,3,5,7} the 2 times q.pop_front value 5***
         1,3,5,7} the 3 times q.pop_front value 7***
******* After 4 times pop_front for q{
*** the 0 times q.push_back value 1***
*** the 1 times q.push_back value 3***
*** the 2 times q.push_back value 5***
*** the 3 times q.push_back value 7***
******* After 4 times push_back(2*i+1) for q{
         } ******

12.5、 Array method practice

12.5.1、 Sum up 、 Quadrature method demo


module sv_array();
  int on[6];
  int td[6];
  int dq[$];
  int sum;
  int product;
  int x;

  initial begin
    $display("***array methods demo***");
    foreach(on[i]) begin
      on[i] = i;
      $display("******on[%0d] = %0d", i, on[i]);
    $display("*********on.sum=%0d*********", on.sum);
    $display("*********on.product=%0d*********", on.product);

    $display("***on reverse : %0d, %0d, %0d, %0d, %0d, %0d***",on[0],on[1],on[2],on[3],on[4],on[5]);
    $display("***on shuffle : %0d, %0d, %0d, %0d, %0d, %0d***",on[0],on[1],on[2],on[3],on[4],on[5]);
    $display("***on sort : %0d, %0d, %0d, %0d, %0d, %0d***",on[0],on[1],on[2],on[3],on[4],on[5]);
    $display("***on rsort : %0d, %0d, %0d, %0d, %0d, %0d***",on[0],on[1],on[2],on[3],on[4],on[5]);



  • Makefile Same as before , But is comp_file Parameters changed :make comp_file=sv_array_method.sv


***array methods demo***
******on[0] = 0
******on[1] = 1
******on[2] = 2
******on[3] = 3
******on[4] = 4
******on[5] = 5
***on reverse : 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0***
***on shuffle : 3, 4, 2, 5, 0, 1***
***on sort    : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5***
***on rsort   : 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0***

12.5.2、 Queue to find an element or index method , Conditional summation demo


    dq=on.find(x) with (x>3);
    $display("***dp=on.find(x) with(x>3) dq: %0d, %0d, %0d, %0d, %0d, %0d***",dq[0],dq[1],dq[2],dq[3],dq[4],dq[5]);
    dq=on.find_index(x) with (x>3);
    $display("***dp=on.find_index(x) with(x>3) dq: %0d, %0d, %0d, %0d, %0d, %0d***",dq[0],dq[1],dq[2],dq[3],dq[4],dq[5]);

    sum=on.sum(x) with (x>3);
    $display("***sum=on.sum(x) with (x>3) sum : %0d", sum);
    sum=on.sum(x) with ((x>3) * 1);
    $display("***sum=on.sum(x) with ((x>3) * 1) sum : %0d", sum);
    sum=on.sum(x) with ((x>3) * x);
    $display("***sum=on.sum(x) with ((x>3) * x) sum : %0d", sum);


***dp=on.find(x) with(x>3) dq:  5, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0***
***dp=on.find_index(x) with(x>3) dq:  0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0***
***sum=on.sum(x) with (x>3) sum : 0
***sum=on.sum(x) with ((x>3) * 1) sum : 2
***sum=on.sum(x) with ((x>3) * x) sum : 9

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • sum=on.sum(x) with (x>3) This kind of writing will only take the lowest result in the end 1 individual bit position ;

    • The top is larger than 3 Only 5 and 4, therefore x>3 Compare the last two 1. Two 1 Summation is 2, The corresponding binary is 0010, Because only take the lowest 1bit position , So here is 0.
    • If you want to put a few 1 The summation result of is shown , It would be (x>3)*1,1 The default is 32bit Of , The end result is 32bit Of course.
    • Want to put x>3 Sum of numbers , It would be (x>3)*x
  • Be careful find_index It's corresponding to x>3 The index of the value :0 1 hinder 4 individual 0 It's invalid 0, You can contrast find As a result !

12.6、 Structure 、 Enumerate exercises

12.6.1、 Structure (unpacked struct) assignment demo


struct {
  int height;
  int weight;
  logic [7:0] legs;
  logic [7:0] hands;
  logic [1:0] eyes;
  logic       noses;
} animal;
struct packed {
  int height;
  int weight;
  logic [7:0] legs;
  logic [7:0] hands;
  logic [1:0] eyes;
  logic       noses;
} animal_packed;
enum {
enum {
    RED=1, GREEN, BULE} rgb;
initial begin
  animal.height = 32'd132; animal.weight = 32'd200;
  animal.legs   = 8'd2; animal.hands = 2'd2;
  animal.eyes   = 2'd2; animal.noses = 1'd1;
  $display("******@%0tns animal unpacked value *******", $time);
  $display("******@%0tns height : %0d *******", $time, animal.height);
  $display("******@%0tns weight : %0d *******", $time, animal.weight);
  $display("******@%0tns legs : %0d *******", $time, animal.legs);
  $display("******@%0tns hands : %0d *******", $time, animal.hands);
  $display("******@%0tns eyes : %0d *******", $time, animal.eyes);
  $display("******@%0tns noses : %0d *******", $time, animal.noses);


******@0ns animal unpacked value *******
******@0ns height : 132 *******
******@0ns weight : 200 *******
******@0ns legs   : 2 *******
******@0ns hands  : 2 *******
******@0ns eyes   : 2 *******
******@0ns noses  : 1 *******
  • Makefile Same as before , But is comp_file Parameters changed :make comp_file=sv_struct_enum.sv

12.6.2、 Structure (packed struct) assignment demo


  animal_packed = '{32'd132,32'd200,8'd2,8'd2,8'd2,1'd1};
  $display("******@%0tns animal packed value *******", $time);
  $display("******@%0tns height : %0d *******", $time, animal_packed.height);
  $display("******@%0tns weight : %0d *******", $time, animal_packed.weight);
  $display("******@%0tns legs : %0d *******", $time, animal_packed.legs);
  $display("******@%0tns hands : %0d *******", $time, animal_packed.hands);
  $display("******@%0tns eyes : %0d *******", $time, animal_packed.eyes);
  $display("******@%0tns noses : %0d *******", $time, animal_packed.noses);


******@1000ns animal packed value *******
******@1000ns height : 132 *******
******@1000ns weight : 200 *******
******@1000ns legs   : 2 *******
******@1000ns hands  : 2 *******
******@1000ns eyes   : 2 *******
******@1000ns noses  : 1 *******

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • Be careful packed struct The assignment method is unique , Of course, it can also be used unpacked struct Which assignment method !
  • Attention is also needed packed struct You need to add '

12.6.3、 Enumeration assignment demo


  $display("******@%0tns Enumeration test *******", $time);
  $display("******@%0tns cur_st Range {IDLE, SFD, PREAMBLE, DATA, FCS, EFD} *******", $time);
  $display("******@%0tns Initial Value of cur_st : %s=%0d****", $time,cur_st,cur_st);
  #5 cur_st = IDLE;
  $display("******@%0tns Current Value of cur_st : %s=%0d****", $time,cur_st,cur_st);
  #5 cur_st = SFD;
  $display("******@%0tns Current Value of cur_st : %s=%0d****", $time,cur_st,cur_st);
  #5 cur_st = 3;
  $display("******@%0tns Current Value of cur_st : %s=%0d****", $time,cur_st,cur_st);

#5 rgb = RED;
d i s p l a y < / s p a n > < s p a n c l a s s = " t o k e n p u n c t u a t i o n " > ( < / s p a n > < s p a n c l a s s = " t o k e n s t r i n g " > " ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ @ display</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">"******@%0tns rgb Value of rgb : %s=%0d****"</span>, <span class="token variable"> display</span><spanclass="tokenpunctuation">(</span><spanclass="tokenstring">"@time,rgb,rgb);
#5 rgb = GREEN;
d i s p l a y < / s p a n > < s p a n c l a s s = " t o k e n p u n c t u a t i o n " > ( < / s p a n > < s p a n c l a s s = " t o k e n s t r i n g " > " ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ @ display</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">"******@%0tns rgb Value of rgb : %s=%0d****"</span>, <span class="token variable"> display</span><spanclass="tokenpunctuation">(</span><spanclass="tokenstring">"@time,rgb,rgb);
#5 rgb = 2;
d i s p l a y < / s p a n > < s p a n c l a s s = " t o k e n p u n c t u a t i o n " > ( < / s p a n > < s p a n c l a s s = " t o k e n s t r i n g " > " ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ @ display</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">"******@%0tns rgb Value of rgb : %s=%0d****"</span>, <span class="token variable"> display</span><spanclass="tokenpunctuation">(</span><spanclass="tokenstring">"@time,rgb,rgb);

  • The type of enumeration element is string by default , If you directly assign integer compilation, there may be warning:Warning-[ENUMASSIGN] Illegal assignment to enum variable. have access to cast Make a cast , namely :$cast(curs_st, 3)


******@1000ns Enumeration test *******
******@1000ns cur_st Range {
******@1000ns Initial Value of cur_st : IDLE=0****
******@6000ns Current Value of cur_st : IDLE=0****
******@11000ns Current Value of cur_st : SFD=1****
******@16000ns Current Value of cur_st : DATA=3****
******@21000ns rgb Value of rgb : RED=1****
******@26000ns rgb Value of rgb : GREEN=2****
******@31000ns rgb Value of rgb : GREEN=2****

12.7、 String practice

12.7.1、 String assignment demo


module STRING();

string name;
string s =“now is the time”;
string old_s;
string a;

initial begin

for<span class="token punctuation">(</span>int <span class="token assign-left variable">i</span><span class="token operator">=</span><span class="token number">0</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span> i<span class="token operator">&lt;</span><span class="token number">4</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span> i++<span class="token punctuation">)</span> begin
  name <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token variable">$psprintf</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">"******string%0d"</span>, i<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
  <span class="token variable">$display</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">"******%s, upper:%s"</span>, name, name.toupper<span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">))</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>



  • Makefile Same as before , But is comp_file Parameters changed :make comp_file=string.sv


************string0, upper:******STRING0
************string1, upper:******STRING1
************string2, upper:******STRING2
************string3, upper:******STRING3

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Be careful module Your name cannot be string, So it's capitalized here

12.7.2、 obtain 、 Write a single character in the string demo


    old_s = s;
    for(int i=0; i<s.len; i++) begin
      a = s.getc(i);
      $display("****** the %dth character in string (%s) is : %c", i, s, a);
s.putc<span class="token punctuation">(</span>s.len<span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span>-1, s.getc<span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token number">5</span><span class="token punctuation">))</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>

<span class="token variable">$display</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">"******After s.putc(s.len()-1, s.getc(5))"</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token variable">$display</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">"******Old string : %s"</span>, old_s<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token variable">$display</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">"******new string : %s"</span>, s<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>


****** the           0th character in string (now is the time) is : n
****** the           1th character in string (now is the time) is : o
****** the           2th character in string (now is the time) is : w
****** the           3th character in string (now is the time) is :  
****** the           4th character in string (now is the time) is : i
****** the           5th character in string (now is the time) is : s
****** the           6th character in string (now is the time) is :  
****** the           7th character in string (now is the time) is : t
****** the           8th character in string (now is the time) is : h
****** the           9th character in string (now is the time) is : e
****** the          10th character in string (now is the time) is :  
****** the          11th character in string (now is the time) is : t
****** the          12th character in string (now is the time) is : i
****** the          13th character in string (now is the time) is : m
****** the          14th character in string (now is the time) is : e
******After s.putc(s.len()-1, s.getc(5))
******Old string : now is the time
******new string : now is the tims

12.7.3、 Intercepts a portion of a string


    old_s = s;
    s = s.substr(s.len()-4, s.len()-1);
    $display("******After substring s.substr(s.len()-4, s.len()-1)");
    $display("******old string : %s", old_s);
    $display("******new string : %s", s);


******After substring s.substr(s.len()-4, s.len()-1)
******old string : now is the tims
******new string : tims
  • substr You can also directly fill in the index value , Such as s.substr(1, 3)
