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Kirin Xin'an with heterogeneous integration cloud financial information and innovation solutions appeared at the 15th Hunan Financial Technology Exchange Conference

2022-07-07 19:21:00 Kylin Xin'an

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In order to promote the innovative development of financial technology in Hunan , Better help finance serve the real economy ,6 month 23 On the afternoon of Sunday , With the support of the science and Technology Department of Changsha Central Branch of the people's Bank of China ,“ The 15th Hunan Financial Technology Exchange Conference ” Successfully held in Changsha . The meeting , Leaders of relevant departments of Hunan banks 、 Experts 、 Enterprise representatives and many other guests gathered here , Yan Yuejin, vice president of Kirin Xin'an, is the company's representative , At the meeting, he had a multi-dimensional exchange with the guests and discussed the development trend of financial technology 、 Application status and technical scheme .

In recent years , Kirin Xin'an is committed to the construction of information innovation in the financial industry and has achieved fruitful results , At this meeting, kylin Xin'an appeared on the scene with a variety of innovative products such as kylin Xin'an cloud desktop and heterogeneous integration cloud financial information creation solutions , Through visualization 、 Interactive experience 、 On site explanation and other methods , It comprehensively and intuitively presents Kirin Xin'an's active exploration and successful application in the field of financial information and innovation for Industry guests . Yi Shuxian, director of the science and Technology Department of the Changsha Central Branch of the people's Bank of China, came to kylin Xin'an booth to stop and visit , Have a detailed understanding of Kirin Xin'an's solutions and deployment cases based on financial innovation .
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In recent years, the development of information technology and entrepreneurship industry has been accelerating , For the financial industry that requires high safety factor , The demand of Xinchuang is more prominent . Kylin Xin'an heterogeneous fusion cloud , Under the current wave of construction and promotion of information and innovation industry, in order to meet various types CPU Centralized server virtualization formed by centralized integration 、 Desktop virtualization 、 Integrated cloud products that integrate the three technical routes of virtualization , Can support Kunpeng 、 Sea light 、 Feiteng 、 Godson and other architectures CPU platform , Realize Cloud Applications on heterogeneous platforms . Kirin Xin'an deeply excavates the attribute characteristics of the financial industry , For financial office 、 Counter teller 、 call center 、 R & D, testing and other application scenarios , Launch Kirin Xin'an heterogeneous integration cloud financial information creation solution , Realize the platform under the condition of autonomous heterogeneous 、 application 、 Scene and other forms of fusion . at present , Kirin Xin'an heterogeneous integration cloud has been established in a branch of the people's Bank of China 、 China life, 、 Bank of Changsha 、 Guizhou rural credit and other banks 、 Insurance and other financial institutions have successfully deployed and achieved good application results .

Through this meeting , Kirin Xin'an has an in-depth understanding of the needs and current situation of the development of financial technology in the banking industry in Hunan , Next, we will continue to promote the operating system 、 The application of cloud desktop and related products in the financial field , Accelerate the landing process of financial information innovation , Provide a stable guarantee for independent innovation for the informatization development of the financial industry .


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