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Unable to link the remote redis server (solution 100%

2022-07-07 19:20:00 Poetic elegance

Question why

redis Remote connection to server failed ,
Check online bind Changed ,
protected-mode Protection mode is also turned off ,
daemonize yes Daemon mode is also turned off
But still not ? For some people, the above half points can be solved, but some students need to Firewall OFF
( A firewall is a firewall that can take you Redis This port of is exposed , Let others visit , If you close it, no one else can get in , Why? , Because it has no key , You don't open the door , Unless it is Tu xingsun
So summarize the solution , Not yet. Please leave a message and help you solve it


1. modify bind

Indicates that only local access is allowed , Unable to connect remotely


2. Change protection mode yes For the beginning no To close

protected-mode close
yes Protected mode , Only local links are allowed
no Protection mode is off

protected-mode no

3. Daemon mode on

daemonize yes Change it to daemonize no
yes: On behalf of the open daemons mode . This is the single process multithreading mode ,redis Will run in the background .
no: The current interface will enter redis Command line interface ,exit Forced exit or closing the connection tool will lead to redis Process exits

daemonize no 

4. Turn off firewall

systemctl stop firewalld.service

Permanent opening self prohibition

systemctl disable firewalld.service 

restart redis

systemctl restart redis.service

See here , If you can't solve it, please leave a message


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