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"Decryption" Huawei machine vision Corps: Huawei is moving up and the industry is moving forward

2022-07-07 18:56:00 Alter1230

Huawei machine vision Corps , It can be said that it is one of the most discussed topics in the circle recently .

Someone read the signal of drastic changes in the industry , because “ legion ” Strategic position in Huawei , It means that Huawei will launch “ general offensive ”; Someone responded with a questioning attitude , After all, Huawei has been deeply involved in the machine vision track for a long time ,“ legion ” Maybe change the soup without changing the medicine ; Some people also learned from the recruitment poster of Huawei machine vision Corps , It is possible for Huawei to take visual perception as the strategic direction of autonomous driving ……

These guesses or doubts , More or less mixed with subjective factors , There are also some deviations in perspective .

It has been more than a month since the establishment of Huawei machine vision Corps , After a long fermentation of various news , It seems necessary to rationally understand the newly established Huawei machine vision Corps : Why use “ legion ” The name of , What kind of strategic ambition China has hidden behind it ?

01 “ Machine vision Corps ” The mission of
Huawei adopts “ legion ” The battle time is not long , But there is never a lack of stories .

It is said that Ren Zhengfei suffered “ Google Legion ” The Apocalypse of , Although Google's talent scale is not comparable to Microsoft , But the innovation ability and efficiency are far better than Microsoft , The secret is “ legion ” The system , Bring a group of high-quality doctors together , Do wonders vigorously .

Huawei's “ legion ” To some extent, it draws on Google's style , For example, provide the best resource allocation , A large number of talented teenagers and experts have joined , Take full advantage of talent echelon and innovation ability . But in terms of the strategic positioning and goals of the Corps , Huawei has formed its own army .

2021 year 2 month , Huawei first started with “ Coal mine Corps ” Test the waters ,2022 year 5 month 26 The no. “ Oath ” The conference belongs to the third batch , To be exact, there are three legions and two system departments , They are the digital finance Corps 、 Site energy Corps 、 Machine vision Corps 、 Manufacturing industry digital system department and public utility system department .

In the existing “ legion ” in , The positioning of Huawei machine vision Corps is somewhat special , differ “ Single point breakthrough ” Industry Legion , Huawei machine vision Corps is a field army , With “ Industrial Legion ” The identity and various industry legions work together , The goal is to establish a professional middle office organization , Help the industry Legion solve the problem of specialization , Have the power and ability to lead the battle .

Such a unique positioning , It is inseparable from the importance of machine vision in the industry digitalization to perceive the entrance , It is also related to Huawei's long-term efforts in machine vision racing .

As early as 2005 In the year , Huawei uses Hisilicon chips to enter the security market , Market share once reached 70%;2012 In, the video monitoring team was established , It is the earliest in China H.265 Technology enterprises ; wait until 2018 year , Huawei officially established an intelligent security product line , And in 2020 Good hope brand was released in 、 From intelligent security to machine vision …… Huawei is struggling in the machine vision track , For the scene in the industry 、 Pain points have a deep understanding , It also foreshadowed the establishment of the industrial Corps .

According to Huawei machine vision Corps in “ Oath ” The slogan of the Conference :“ Scene focus , End cloud collaboration , Build leading competitiveness ! Channel sink , Customer achievement , Fight hard to fight for grain . Cohesion , Valiant rushed , Swear to live or die with the Legion .”

The mission has been quite clear , That is, the Legion model will break the existing organizational boundaries , Rapid assembly of research and development 、 sales 、 Services and other resources and capabilities , By identifying key scenes 、 Key industries , Deep and thorough 、 Build a sales service capability and ecosystem that match the characteristics of the industry , Solve the problems existing in the industry .

02 The continuous fission of visual intelligence

The machine vision Corps is not just Huawei's strategic upgrade , The market is also an important incentive .

Renamed in Huawei machine vision 2020 year , The whole industry has experienced an important “ Baptism ”: The value of cameras is no longer limited to recording , distinguish 、 analysis 、 The weight of reasoning is getting higher and higher ; The scene of the camera is no longer limited to security , It is digitalized by thousands of industries “ eyes ”. To borrow the words of an insider :“ It's like a nuclear reactor , The connotation is constantly fission , The extension is expanding rapidly .”

But the machine vision track is a complex market with old and new problems , It may be the lack of Technology , It may also be the old-fashioned way of thinking , In the process of evolution to visual intelligence , There are many illusions of time and space , Even incredible problems .

For example, yes. “ intelligence ” Your understanding floats on the surface , Some cameras “ intelligence ” It can almost be equated with image recognition , Lack of adaptation and optimization of the scene , Customers want to apply products to some segmentation scenarios , Need to solve the problem of computational power 、 Algorithm 、 Data and other challenges .

The reason lies in the market pattern . Machine vision track is often mentioned , There are no more than three types of enterprises , Or Haikang 、 The traditional security giant headed by Dahua , Or Shang Tang 、 Kuangshi and other emerging algorithm enterprises , Or is it a software and hardware power faction like Huawei .

The reason for this situation , The root cause lies in the high threshold of the industry . Due to the lack of corresponding standards and platforms , Industry integrators 、 Service provider 、 Independent algorithm suppliers cannot deeply participate in the process of visual intelligence , As a result, the demand of the long tail market cannot be met .

Huawei machine vision seems to have insight into these problems ,2019 It was made clear in “ Software definition ” There are three standards of , Including major AI core 、 Open OS And rich ecology , And released the industry's first one-stop intelligent video algorithm mall , Let customers choose different algorithms according to different scenarios ;2020 Nianhua machine vision began to enter the distribution market , In the same period “HoloSens” Chinese brand “ Good hope ” , Focus on retailers 、 Factory park 、 Construction site 、 Farming 、 Ten scenarios such as enterprise parks .

in other words , Huawei machine vision recognized the problems in the process of visual intelligence before it became known as the Legion , Put forward “ platform + ecology ” strategic , Try to use intelligent products 、 Platforms and services drive organizational change in the industry 、 Production change and even paradigm change .

Just like Ren Zhengfei's encouragement to the new Legion :“ The Legion is a capable group organization , Markets and services are global , We should build a symbiotic and win-win partnership system , Thousands of troops involved in many partners , Good service, a thousand lines of business .”

The establishment of Huawei machine vision Corps , It indicates that the main battle direction and main force scene will be redefined , Cooperate with various industry legions , Do a good job in the adaptation of products and solutions on the selected battlefield , Accelerate industrial innovation .

03 Huawei goes up , Industry moving forward
Every paradigm shift faces many obstacles ,99% As a result, enterprises may fall .

HUAWEI gives “ legion ” Given “ Responsible for business success ” The requirements of , The original intention of the machine vision Corps is also to “ More grain ”. But for an industry that is still in a chaotic period of transformation , Huawei's business ambitions are by no means bad news , After all, when business is successful , It is also helping the industry out of the deep water . Although Huawei has not disclosed too much information about the industrial Legion at this stage , But it's not difficult to see some “ traces ”.

As mentioned earlier , Vision plays the perception entrance of industry digitalization . For your understanding “ entrance ” Importance , You may wish to list several specific scenarios : In order to achieve “ Smart way ”, It's necessary at an intersection in the city 8-16 A camera ; In order to realize the remote unmanned coal mine , Each fully mechanized face needs 200-300 A camera …… The intellectualization of these scenes , It requires all-weather high-definition images and accurate perception , This is a systematic project , It's about perception 、 join 、 Calculation 、 Storage and other comprehensive ICT Ability .

Corresponding to Huawei machine vision 1+3+N strategic , One of them is 1 Intelligent software defines the camera ,3 Light edge 、 Micro edge and hope cloud services ,N It generally refers to those facing thousands of industries N An ecology , Including the ecosystem of solutions 、 The ecology of intelligent algorithms 、 Ecology of intelligent applications, etc .

If we say that the former platform system has created a star shaped ecological chain centered on Huawei , The algorithm partners are connected in series 、 Hardware partners 、 Manufacturer 、 Integrators 、 Agent 、ISV Partners, etc ; Huawei's machine vision ecological strategy is moving from a star shaped ecological structure to a network ecological structure , Even if some partners are not on Huawei's cooperation list , You can also deal with Huawei's partners , Become a part of the network ecosystem , And then create a digital machine vision industry panorama that supports thousands of industries .

To sum up , Huawei machine vision Corps has a multi-faceted role , It is to help Huawei industry Legion solve the problem of specialization , Medium level organizations that work together in key industries , It is also the fragmentation of countless 、 Decentralized scenes converge , An ecological organization that breaks through the upstream and downstream barriers of the industry .

Taking advantage of the ten-year window of industry digitalization , Huawei machine vision Corps born in response to the situation , It will help Huawei grow continuously , Accelerate the continuous development of the industry .

04 At the end
Gartner stay 2020 In the AI technology maturity curve released in , Machine vision has matured , The industry is undergoing a reshuffle .

Huawei, which has been deeply cultivated on the machine vision track for more than ten years , Experienced the budding Technology 、 The whole industrial cycle from scene landing to large-scale application . At that time, a new charge began with the business form of the industrial Corps , And shout out “ All for victory , All for the front , Make the idea of winning a war a belief ” The sonorous slogan of , Undoubtedly, it is Huawei's answer to business upheaval and industrial innovation .

This is Huawei from “ new ” The signal of departure , It also points out the direction for the industry .

