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How much does it cost to develop a small program mall?

2022-07-07 19:00:00 CRMEB

How much does it cost to develop a small program mall ? What is the production process of applet mall ? today CRMEB Let's talk about the method and cost of developing a small program mall , Interested friends hurry to have a look !

Method 1 : Source development (4 All around )

Development of small program Mall , First of all, we should organize and hire a complete professional development team . Include the project manager 、 Front and rear developers 、UI Designers and testers . In the ideal situation that team members have good cooperation and communication , Generally, the development cycle of small programs is about half a month , The average monthly salary of the above team members is 1.5w about , Set the conditions of one person for each position , The overall development cost of the small program mall calculated is at least 1.5 x 5 x 0.5=3.75w, If you reserve some other development expenses, press 4w To calculate . If you want to choose the way of source code development , Our budget must exceed 4w Cheng Ke .

Method 2 : Self development ( No more than 3000 element )

Develop and make wechat applet by yourself , Just pay 300 Yuan wechat applet registration and certification fee . Plus, the purchase of domain names and servers will not exceed 3000 element , But this method requires you to have a certain comprehensive ability of wechat applet development, programming code and page design . If you have these abilities , In this way .

Method 3 : Apply template (2000 about )

Now there are many third-party website building platforms that provide professional applet mall templates on the Internet , Most mall templates can be built for free , As long as you want to realize some professional advanced functions , Usually, users need to buy some specified packages . The higher the price of the package , The more service functions are included , However, the price of these packages is basically around a few thousand , Add other domain names and space and other materials , The overall cost will not increase too much .

Method four : Custom development (5 All the above )

Choose customized development , Software developers develop according to your needs , Longer time consuming , The development cost is also relatively high . Take a mall type applet as an example , The cost of customized development is generally 5 ten thousand - 20 Between ten thousand , Time consuming 3 A month or more .

Summary : The above is about the method and cost of developing a mall applet , I hope I can help you ! For more applet knowledge and services such as applet development , Welcome to consult CRMEB, We look forward to your coming !

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