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The live broadcast reservation channel is open! Unlock the secret of fast launching of audio and video applications

2022-07-07 18:42:00 Advanced audio and video development

Audio and video era , How to solve it in one stop SDK compatible 、 Joint tune 、 Authorization management and other issues ? How to quickly launch audio and video applications ?

7 month 7 Japan 19:00-20:30, Several Tencent cloud audio and video technology experts appeared 「 new acquaintance · Open class of audio and video technology 」 studio , Share Tencent cloud vision cube SDK Quick build experience 、 The same as Tencent video Technology implementation and application of kernel player 、 Tencent cloud vision Cube · Special effect engine SDK Good practice Wait for internal dry goods ……

Interested students are ready to watch .

Sharing themes :

There are many ways to play audio and video , How to use Tencent cloud vision cube terminal SDK Help innovation and growth

Live broadcast content

  • Tencent cloud vision Cube SDK Quickly build audio and video applications

  • “ Tencent video same kernel ” Implementation and application of player technology

  • Tencent cloud vision Cube · Special effect engine SDK Good practice



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