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Chapter 2 build CRM project development environment (database design)
2022-07-07 17:53:00 【Make a light】
2.1CRM Database design
2.1.1 Database design principles
We can consider the database design in combination with the project prototype , Marketing activities , user , These need to be persistent , So it needs to be designed as a table . There is usually a certain relationship between tables . Look at the attributes on each creation form .
1、 All tables come from requirements :
Noun , Especially business-related terms . Clarify the relationship between nouns .
Conceptual nouns are designed into tables 、 Descriptive nouns are designed as fields .
Some obscure nouns , Need to be abstract , Such as data dictionary table and data dictionary type table
2、 Field :
1> Primary key : There are many fields in the table , If a group of fields can uniquely identify a record , You can design this group of fields as primary keys . In general , A field is used as the primary key , And fields without business semantics are used as primary keys . Of course , In some cases, business-related fields are used as primary keys .
How to generate primary key : Determine the type of the primary key field and the length of the primary key field .
a、 Self increasing : Adopt the primary key generation mechanism provided by database .
Due to the common database , Such as Oracle、DB2、SQLServer、MySql etc. , They all provide an easy-to-use primary key generation mechanism (Auto-Increase Field or Sequence). We can use the primary key generation mechanism provided by the database , use generator-class=native How to generate primary key .
But here's the thing , The primary key generation mechanism provided by some databases may not be the best in efficiency , Massive concurrency insert Data synchronization may cause interlocking between tables .
Primary key generation mechanism provided by database , Often by saving the current primary key state in an internal table ( For example, for a self increasing primary key , The current maximum value and increment are maintained in this internal table ), After that, the maximum value will be read every time the data is inserted , Then add the increment as the primary key of the new record , Then update the new maximum value back to the internal table , such , once Insert Operation may cause multiple table read and write operations inside the database , At the same time, it is accompanied by data locking and unlocking operation , This has a big impact on performance . therefore , For concurrency Insert A more demanding system , Recommend uuid.hex As a primary key generation mechanism .
b、assigned: External programmers are responsible for generating .
Twitter-Snowflake The background of the algorithm is quite simple , In order to satisfy the Twitter Requests for tens of thousands of messages per second , Each message must be assigned a unique id, these id We need some general order ( Convenient for client sorting ), And in a distributed system, different machines produce id Must be different .
c、 Shared primary key :
d、 Combined the primary key :
2>、 Foreign keys : Foreign keys are used to represent the relationship between tables . Some run without foreign keys , Is to ensure the integrity of data through procedures .
3>、 Use of date data char type
1,crm The table structure :
tbl_user User table
tbl_dic_type Data dictionary type table
tbl_dic_value Data dictionary values
tbl_activity Market activity table
tbl_activity_remark Notes to market activities
tbl_clue Clue table
tbl_clue_remark Clue remarks table
tbl_clue_activity_relation Table of the relationship between clues and market activities
tbl_customer Customer list
tbl_customer_remark Customer remarks table
tbl_contacts Contact list
tbl_contacts_remark Contact notes table
tbl_contacts_activity_relation Table of the relationship between contacts and marketing activities
tbl_tran Deal sheet
tbl_tran_remark Transaction notes table
tbl_tran_history Transaction history table
tbl_task Task list
1) Primary key field : In the database table , If a group of fields can uniquely identify a record , You can design them as the primary key fields of the table .
It is recommended to use a field as the primary key , And it is recommended to use fields without business meaning as primary keys , such as :id etc. .
The type and length of the primary key field are determined by the generation method of the primary key value :
How to generate primary key values :
1) Self increasing : With the help of the database's own primary key generation mechanism
Numerical type The length is determined by the amount of data
Low operating efficiency
High development efficiency
2)assighed: Programmers manually generate primary key values , The only one is not empty , Algorithm .
hi/low: Numerical type The length depends on the amount of data
UUID: character string The length is 32 position
3) Shared primary key : Determined by the type and length of another table
tbl_person tbl_card
id name id name
1001 zs 1001 card1
1002 ls
4) Combined the primary key : Determined by the type and length of multiple fields
2) Foreign key field : Used to determine the relationship between tables .
1) One to many : A watch (A) A record in can correspond to another table (B) Multiple records in ;
The other table (B) A record in can only correspond to one table (A) One of the records .
Parent table Sub table
tbl_student tbl_class
id name class_id id name
1001 zs 111 111 class1
1002 ls 111 222 class2
1003 ww 222
1004 zl
When adding data , First add the parent table record , Add sub table records ;
When deleting data , Delete the sub table record first , Then delete the parent table record ;
When querying data , Association query may be performed :
// Check the names of all students surnamed Zhang id,name And your class name
select s.id,s.name,c.name as className
from tbl_student s
join tbl_class c on s.class_id=c.id// If the foreign key cannot be empty
where s.name like 'z%'
Internal connection : Query all qualified data , And the results are required to have corresponding records in both tables
The left outer join : Query all qualified data in the table on the left , Even if there is no corresponding record in the table on the right
* If the foreign key cannot be empty , Internal connections are preferred ;
If the foreign key can be empty ,
-- Suppose you only need to query those records that have corresponding records in another table , Use internal connections
-- If you need to query all the qualified records in the table on the left , Use left outer connection .
2) one-on-one : A watch (A) A record in can only correspond to another table (B) One of the records ;
The other table (B) A record in can only correspond to one table (A) One of the records .
tbl_person tbl_card
id name id name
1001 zs 1001 card1
a) Shared primary key :( Not recommended )
Add data : First add the generated table , The table records generated later
Delete data : Table records generated after deletion , Then delete the table record generated first
Query data : No connection query is required
// Inquire about zhangsan Driver's license information 1001
select *
from tbl_card
where id='1001'
b) The only foreign key :
tbl_person tbl_card
id name id name person_id( Uniqueness constraint )
1001 zs 111 card1 1001
1002 ls 222 card2 1002
1003 ww 333 card3 1003
* One to one is a special one to many .
* The operation is exactly the same as one to many .
3) Many to many : A watch (A) A record in can correspond to another table (B) Multiple records in ;
The other table (B) A record in can also correspond to a table (A) Multiple records in .
tbl_student tbl_course
id name id name
1001 zs 111 java
1002 ls 222 mysql
student_id course_id
1001 111
1001 222
1002 111
1002 222
When adding data , First add the parent table record (tbl_student,tbl_course), Add sub table (tbl_student_course_relation) Record ;
When deleting data , Delete the sub table record first (tbl_student_course_relation), Then delete the parent table record (tbl_student,tbl_course)
When querying data , Association query may be performed :
// Check the names of all students surnamed Zhang id,name, And the... Of the selected course name
select s.id,s.name,c.name as courseName
from tbl_student s
join tbl_student_course_relation scr on s.id=scr.student_id
join tbl_course c on scr.course_id=c.id
where s.name like 'z%'
3) Give fields about date and time :
Are handled as strings :
char(10) yyyy-MM-dd
char(19) yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
2, establish crm Database instance of :
hold sql Script import database instance :
3, Build development environment :
1) Create project :crm-project
Set up JDK.
Create a project :crm
Complete directory structure :
2) add to jar package
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