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Bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, binary search directly
2022-07-31 03:37:00 【Did my factory win the championship today?】
for (int i = 0; i < num.length; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j < num.length-i; j++) {
int temp=num[j];
Finish the first round here,After finding the smallest number,Put this number with the subscript as 0的数(That is the first number of the array)交换位置,At the beginning of the second round, this number is not involved in the comparison,So it can be a whole cycle.And because this loop is going to compare with all the remaining numbers,So a double loop should be used.Next is the number of comparisons
如一个数组 31 25 8 97 26 53 20
第一轮 初始数:31 比较6次 得到数组:8 31 25 97 26 53 20 最小数:8 Hypothetical minimum subscript+1
第二轮 初始数:31 比较5次 得到数组:8 20 31 25 97 26 53 最小数:20 Hypothetical minimum subscript+1
第三轮 初始数:31 比较4次 得到数组:8 20 25 31 97 26 53 最小数:25 Hypothetical minimum subscript+1
第四轮 初始数:31 比较3次 得到数组:8 20 25 26 31 97 53 最小数:26 Hypothetical minimum subscript+1
第五轮 初始数:31 比较2次 得到数组:8 20 25 2631 97 53 最小数:31 Hypothetical minimum subscript+1
第六轮 初始数:97 比较1次 得到数组:8 20 25 2631 53 97 最小数:53 The last two numbers are all confirmed to end the loop
int[] nums={31,25,8,97,26,53,20};//待排序的数列
int minIndex = 0;//用于记录每次比较的最小值下标
for (int i = 0; i < nums.length-1; i++) {
minIndex=i;//Each round assumes a minimum subscript
for(int j=i+1;j<nums.length;j++){
//Determine whether the subscript of the number to be exchanged is itself
for (int n :nums) {
System.out.print(n+" ");
选择排序是不稳定的排序方法,If the two are the same number,The previous number may be swapped to the back for a comparison,In this way, the relative order of the same numbers is changed
基本思想:每步将一个待排序的记录,According to its sequence code size to the appropriate position in the previously sorted word sequence(从后向前找到合适位置后),直到全部插入排序完为止
同样的,Direct insertion also utilizes a double loop
The first thing to do is to record an operand,This operand is compared to the number preceding it,If it is greater than it, swap the two numbers,It ends when the previous number is less than this number and starts the next cycle,下标为0When there is no data in front of it, the loop starts when the subscript is unique
如:数组 34,4,56,17,90,65
第一轮: i=1 temp=4 顺序:34 34 56 17 90 65
4 34 56 17 90 65
第二轮 i=2 temp=56 顺序: 4 34 56 17 90 65
第三轮 i=3 temp=17 顺序: 4 34 56 56 90 65
4 34 34 56 90 65
4 17 34 56 90 65
第四轮 i=4 temp=90 顺序 4 17 34 56 90 65
第五轮 i=5 temp =65 顺序 4 17 34 56 90 90
4 17 34 56 65 90
int[] nums={34,4,56,17,90,65};
for(int i=1;i<nums.length;i++){
int temp = nums[i];//记录操作数
int j=0;
for(int n:nums){
System.out.print(n+" ");
二分查找(折半查找):The premise is that it is in an already sorted array
By comparing the element to be searched with the element corresponding to the middle index value,若大于中间索引值对应的元素,去右半部分查找,Otherwise go to the left half to find
public static void main(String[] args) {
//The certificate column must be kept in order
int[] num={10,20,50,65,88,90};
int index=binarySearch(num,88);
public static int binarySearch(int[] num,int key){
int start=0;//开始下标
int end = num.length-1;//结束下标
int middle = (start+end)/2;
end = middle-1;//The number in the middle is greater than the number sought,That is, the number is to the right of the number you are looking for,so the end position-1,继续循环
}else if(num[middle]<key){
start=middle+1;//The middlemost number is less than the number sought,That is, the number is to the left of the number you are looking for,So put the starting position-1,继续循环
}else{//If it doesn't match, it means found,直接输出middle即下标
return middle;
return -1;
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