2022-08-02 07:46:00 【51CTO】
本课程重点是带领读者学习如何在众触低代码应用平台中嵌入JS代码,也有 视频讲解。
赶紧用电脑浏览器访问 开发版一睹为快吧!如果你是用手机浏览的,就只能访问 浏览版了。
window. HW ? "" : window. HW = {}
HW. aspectRatio = innerWidth / innerHeight
HW. isPc = innerWidth > 834 && HW. aspectRatio > 1
HW. isPortrait = window. matchMedia( "(max-aspect-ratio: 1/1)"). matches
HW. isFoldScene677 = innerWidth > 675 && innerWidth < 735
HW. navHeight = HW. isPc ? 76 : 96
HW. Ctrl = new ScrollMagic. Controller()
- 1.
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var kvImgScale = ( innerHeight - 76) / ( 0.27708334 * innerWidth);
var kvImgWidth1 = HW. isPc ? 0.9354166 * innerWidth : 0.56805556 * 5.7535 * innerWidth;
var kvImgWidth2 = HW. isPc ? 0.496875 * innerWidth : 0.56805556 * innerWidth;
var kvTopImgHeight = parseInt( getComputedStyle( $( '.wa-section-kv-top')). marginBottom. replace( 'px', '')) + parseInt( getComputedStyle( $( '.wa-section-kv-top')). paddingTop. replace( 'px', '')) + 0.06770833 * innerWidth;
var kvImgY = HW. isPc ? - kvTopImgHeight : - 0.935 * innerWidth;
var kvImgX = HW. isPc ? - 0.33 * innerWidth : - 1.36 * innerWidth;
var kvImgX2 = HW. isPc ? - 0.11 * innerWidth : - 0.16 * innerWidth;
var kvTimeline = new TimelineMax()
. add([
TweenMax. fromTo( '.kv-effect-img1', 2, {
width: kvImgWidth1,
x: kvImgX,
y: kvImgY,
}, {
width: kvImgWidth2,
x: kvImgX2,
y: 0,
. add([
TweenMax. to( '.kv-effect-img1', 2, {
x: '-50%',
ease: Power2. easeOut,
delay: 1,
TweenMax. from( '.kv-effect-img2', 2, {
left: '54%',
ease: Power2. easeOut,
delay: 1,
TweenMax. from( '.kv-effect-img3', 2, {
left: '55%',
ease: Power2. easeOut,
delay: 1,
. add([
TweenMax. from( '.kv-effect-img4', 2, {
x: '-400%',
ease: Power2. easeOut,
delay: 1,
. add([
TweenMax. from( '.kv-effect-img5', 1.5, {
autoAlpha: 0,
delay: .5,
var kvScene = new ScrollMagic. Scene({
triggerHook: 0,
triggerElement: '.wa-section-kv-trigger',
duration: '300%',
offset: - 76,
. setTween( kvTimeline)
. addTo( HW. Ctrl)
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const videoCover = function( wrap, duration) {
section4Timeline = new TimelineMax()
. add([
TweenMax. to( wrap + ' .wa-section4-coverimg', 2, {
scale: 4.5,
. add([
TweenMax. to( wrap + ' .wa-section4-coverimg', .01, {
autoAlpha: 0,
], '-=0.2')
. add([
TweenMax. to( wrap + ' .wa-section-text', 2, {
autoAlpha: 1,
y: '-50%',
TweenMax. to( wrap + ' .wa-section-text-bg', 2, {
autoAlpha: .68,
], '+=1')
new ScrollMagic. Scene({
triggerHook: 0,
triggerElement: wrap,
. setTween( section4Timeline)
. addTo( HW. Ctrl)
videoCover( '.wa-section4', '150%');
videoCover( '.wa-section7', '150%');
videoCover( '.wa-section13', '150%');
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var s5ImgHeight, section5ImgPosition2, section5ImgBottom;
var s5ImgContainerHeight = parseInt( getComputedStyle( $( '.wa-section5-img')). height. replace( "px", ""));
var s5TextHeight = parseInt( getComputedStyle( $( '.wa-section5-text')). height. replace( "px", ""));
if ( HW. isPc) {
s5ImgHeight = 0.3953125 * innerWidth;
s5ImgTextDistance = 0.046354166 * innerWidth;
section5ImgBottom = ( s5ImgContainerHeight - s5ImgHeight) / 2;
section5ImgPosition2 = -( s5TextHeight + s5ImgTextDistance) + section5ImgBottom;
} else {
s5ImgHeight = 0.5486 * innerWidth;
s5ImgTextDistance = 0.09444 * innerWidth;
s5TextBottom = ( - s5ImgContainerHeight + s5TextHeight) / 5;
section5ImgPosition2 = s5ImgContainerHeight - s5ImgHeight - s5ImgTextDistance - s5TextHeight + s5TextBottom;
var section5ImgPosition1 = ( s5ImgContainerHeight - s5ImgHeight) / 2;
var section5Timeline = new TimelineMax()
. add([
TweenMax. to( '.wa-section5-img img', 2, {
scale: 1,
y: section5ImgPosition1,
. add([
TweenMax. to( '.wa-section5-img img', 2, {
y: section5ImgPosition2,
var section5Scene = new ScrollMagic. Scene({
triggerElement: '.wa-section5-trigger',
triggerHook: 0,
duration: '100%',
. setTween( section5Timeline)
. addTo( HW. Ctrl)
- 1.
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var isPc = HW. isPc
var section10TimeLine = new TimelineMax({
defaults: {
duration: 1,
ease: Power1. ease,
}). to( '.wa-section10-container', {
scale: 1,
}). to( '.wa-section10-pad-dark', {
autoAlpha: 1,
}). to( '.wa-section10-text-div1', {
autoAlpha: 1,
}, '-=1'). to( '.wa-section10-pad-memo', {
autoAlpha: 1,
}, '-=1'). to( '.wa-section10-pad-arrow', {
autoAlpha: 1,
}, '-=1'). to( '.wa-section10-pad-arrow', {
top: isPc ? '20.572917vw' : '30.1997vw',
left: isPc ? '35.729167vw' : '52.0729vw',
}). to( '.wa-section10-pad-memo-text', {
autoAlpha: 1,
}). to( '.wa-section10-pad-memo', {
scale: 1.3,
}, '-=1'). to( '.wa-section10-pad-arrow', {
top: isPc ? '17.03125vw' : '23.1997vw',
autoAlpha: 0,
}). to( '.wa-section10-pad-memo', {
scale: 1,
}, '-=1'). to( '.wa-section10-pad-memo-text', {
autoAlpha: 0,
}, '-=1'). to( '.wa-section10-pad-upcoming', {
autoAlpha: 1,
}). to( '.wa-section10-pad-arrow', {
top: isPc ? '21.09375vw' : '30.3914vw',
left: isPc ? '46.354167vw' : '66.8324vw',
}, '-=1'). to( '.wa-section10-pad-memo', {
autoAlpha: 0,
}). to( '.wa-section10-pad-arrow', {
top: isPc ? '19.84375vw' : '28.3914vw',
left: isPc ? '43.645833vw' : '63.8324vw',
autoAlpha: 1,
}). to( '.wa-section10-pad-arrow', {
autoAlpha: 0,
}, '-=.5'). to( '.wa-section10-pad-arrow', .5, {
autoAlpha: 1,
}). to( '.wa-section10-pad-upcoming', {
left: isPc ? '21.979167vw' : '31.9792vw',
}). to( '.wa-section10-pad-upcoming-icon', {
autoAlpha: 0,
}, '-=1'). to( '.wa-section10-pad-arrow', {
left: isPc ? '43.90625vw' : '65.072917vw',
autoAlpha: 0,
}, '-=1'). to( '.wa-section10-text-div1', {
autoAlpha: 0,
}). to( '.wa-section10-pad-dark', {
'z-index': 5,
}). to( '.wa-section10-pad-arrow', {
top: isPc ? '34.270833vw' : '49.8vw',
left: isPc ? '28.802083vw' : '41.8021vw',
}, '-=1'). to( '.wa-section10-text-div2', {
autoAlpha: 1,
}). to( '.wa-section10-pad-navbar', {
autoAlpha: 1,
}, '-=1'). to( '.wa-section10-pad-file', {
autoAlpha: 1,
}, '-=1'). to( '.wa-section10-pad-arrow', {
autoAlpha: 1,
}). to( '.wa-section10-pad-arrow', {
top: isPc ? '32.083333vw' : '46.8vw',
left: isPc ? '27.1875vw' : '39.21vw',
}). to( '.wa-section10-pad-file-bg', {
autoAlpha: 1,
}, '-=1'). to( '.wa-section10-pad-file', {
scale: 1.15,
}, '-=1'). to( '.wa-section10-text-div2', {
autoAlpha: 0,
}, '-=1'). to( '.wa-section10-text-div3', {
autoAlpha: 1,
}, '-=1'). to( '.wa-section10-pad-file-pop', {
autoAlpha: 1,
}). set({}, {}, '+=1'). to( '.wa-section10-pad-arrow', {
top: isPc ? '25.78125vw' : '37.8vw',
}). to( '.wa-section10-pad-arrow', {
autoAlpha: 0,
}). to( '.wa-section10-pad-arrow', {
top: isPc ? '4.166667vw' : '7.1667vw',
left: isPc ? '4.114583vw' : '6.1146vw',
}). to( '.wa-section10-pad-browse', {
autoAlpha: 1,
}). to( '.wa-section10-text-div3', {
autoAlpha: 0,
}, '-=1'). to( '.wa-section10-pad-arrow', {
autoAlpha: 1,
}, '-=1'). to( '.wa-section10-pad-arrow', {
top: isPc ? '3.020833vw' : '4.1667vw',
left: isPc ? '6.354167vw' : '9.1146vw',
}). to( '.wa-section10-pad-other', {
autoAlpha: 1,
}). to( '.wa-section10-text-div4', {
autoAlpha: 1,
}). to( '.wa-section10-pad-arrow', {
autoAlpha: 0,
}, '-=1'). to( '.wa-section10-pad-other-cover', {
autoAlpha: 1,
}, '+=.5'). to( '.wa-section10-pad-phone', {
autoAlpha: 1,
}, '+=.5'). to( '.wa-section10-pad-other-cover', {
autoAlpha: 0,
}, '+=1'). to( '.wa-section10-pad-phone', {
autoAlpha: 0,
}, '-=1'). to( '.wa-section10-text-div4', {
autoAlpha: 0,
}, '-=1'). to( '.wa-section10-pad-drak2', 2, {
autoAlpha: 1,
}). to( '.wa-section10-pad-fall img', 2, {
y: 0,
}, '-=2'). to( '.wa-section10-text-div5', 2, {
autoAlpha: 1,
}, '-=2')
var section10Scene = new ScrollMagic. Scene({
triggerElement: '.wa-section10-wrapper',
triggerHook: 0,
duration: '700%',
. setTween( section10TimeLine)
. addTo( HW. Ctrl)
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var section11Imgswiper = new Swiper( '.wa-section11-img-wrapper .swiper-container', {
effect: 'fade',
allowTouchMove: false,
fadeEffect: {
crossFade: true,
scrollbar: {
el: '.wa-section11 .swiper-scrollbar',
hide: false,
var section11Textswiper = new Swiper( '.wa-section11-text-wrapper .swiper-container', {
effect: 'fade',
allowTouchMove: false,
fadeEffect: {
crossFade: true,
section11Imgswiper. controller. control = section11Textswiper;
section11Textswiper. controller. control = section11Imgswiper;
function offsetTop( e) {
let t = 0
if ( e) {
do {
if ( ! isNaN( e. offsetTop)) t += e. offsetTop
e = e. offsetParent
} while ( e)
return t
$$( '.wa-section11 .wa-section11-swiper-text p'). forEach(( a, i) => {
let anmLength;
switch ( i) {
case 0:
anmLength = 0;
case 1:
anmLength = 1.35;
case 2:
anmLength = 4.02;
a. addEventListener( 'click', function() {
var activeP = $( '.wa-section11 .wa-section11-swiper-text p.active')
if ( activeP) activeP. classList. remove( 'active')
a. classList. add( 'active')
let topHeight = offsetTop( $( '.wa-section11')) + innerHeight * anmLength;
window. scrollTo( 0, topHeight)
var isPc = HW. isPc
var s11Part1PenTop = isPc ? 0.09777 * innerWidth : 0.149045 * innerWidth;
var s11Part1PenLeft = isPc ? 0.551302 * innerWidth : 0.731944 * innerWidth;
var s11Part2ArrowB1 = isPc ? 0.07495625 * innerWidth : 0.09495625 * innerWidth;
var s11Part2Left1 = isPc ? 0.235464 * innerWidth : 0.335464 * innerWidth;
var s11Part2ArrowB2 = isPc ? 0.02495625 * innerWidth : 0.04495625 * innerWidth;
var s11Part2Left2 = 0.545464 * innerWidth;
var s11PartVideoWidth = isPc ? 0.271875 * innerWidth : 0.38055556 * innerWidth;
var s11Part3PhotoScale = isPc ? 2.4 : 2.62;
var section11Timeline = new TimelineMax()
. add([
TweenMax. to( '.section11-pad-img-bg', 2, {
alpha: 1,
TweenMax. to( '.section11-part1-pen', 2, {
top: s11Part1PenTop,
left: s11Part1PenLeft,
. add([
TweenMax. to( '.section11-part2-arrow', 1, {
bottom: s11Part2ArrowB1,
left: s11Part2Left1,
], '+=0.5')
. add([
TweenMax. to( '.section11-part2-video', 1, {
width: s11PartVideoWidth,
x: 0,
y: 0,
TweenMax. to( '.section11-part2-arrow', 1, {
bottom: s11Part2ArrowB2,
left: s11Part2Left2,
autoAlpha: 0,
. add([
TweenMax. to( '.section11-part2-text p', .5, {
autoAlpha: 1,
TweenMax. staggerTo( '.section11-part2-text span', .2, {
autoAlpha: 1,
display: 'inline-block',
delay: .5,
}, 0.2),
. add([
TweenMax. to( '.section11-part2-text p', .5, {
autoAlpha: 0,
], '-=.55')
. add([
TweenMax. to( '.section11-part3-arrow-container', 1, {
top: isPc ? '38%' : '33%',
left: '43%',
], '+=0.5')
. add([
TweenMax. to( '.section11-part3-arrow-container', .5, {
top: '44.9309%',
left: '53.6629%',
TweenMax. to( '.section11-part3-photo-container', .5, {
top: '41.8489%',
left: '52.3343%',
. add([
TweenMax. to( '.section11-part3-photo-container', .2, {
autoAlpha: 0,
TweenMax. to( '.section11-part3-arrow', .2, {
autoAlpha: 0,
], '-=.25')
. add([
TweenMax. to( '.section11-part3-arrow-container', .1, {
left: '55%',
], '-=.1')
. add([
TweenMax. to( '.section11-part3-hand', .1, {
autoAlpha: 1,
TweenMax. to( '.section11-part3-arrow-container', 1, {
top: '64%',
left: '83%',
TweenMax. to( '.section11-part3-photo-bg', .4, {
autoAlpha: 1,
], '-=.1')
. add([
TweenMax. to( '.section11-part3-photo-container', 1, {
top: '67.5%',
left: '81%',
autoAlpha: 0,
], '-=1')
. add([
TweenMax. to( '.section11-part3-photo-container', 1, {
autoAlpha: 1,
scale: s11Part3PhotoScale,
TweenMax. to( '.section11-part3-hand', .5, {
autoAlpha: 0,
var slide1 = $( '.wa-section11 .swiper-slide:nth-child(1)')
var slide2 = $( '.wa-section11 .swiper-slide:nth-child(2)')
var slide3 = $( '.wa-section11 .swiper-slide:nth-child(3)')
var section11Scene = new ScrollMagic. Scene({
triggerElement: '.wa-section11-trigger',
triggerHook: 0,
duration: '600%',
. on( 'progress', function( event) {
var activeSlide = $( '.wa-section11 .swiper-slide-active')
var scrollbar = $( '.wa-section11 .swiper-scrollbar-drag'). style
var activeText = $( '.wa-section11 .wa-section11-swiper-text .active')
if ( activeSlide) activeSlide. classList. remove( 'swiper-slide-active')
if ( activeText) activeText. classList. remove( 'active')
if ( event. progress < 0.1869) {
slide1. classList. add( 'swiper-slide-active')
slide2. style. opacity = 0
slide3. style. opacity = 0
slide1. style. opacity = 1
slide1. style[ "transition-duration"] = "300ms"
scrollbar. transform = 'translate3d(0%, 0px, 0px)'
$( '.wa-section11 .wa-section11-swiper-text p:nth-child(1)'). classList. add( 'active')
} else if ( event. progress < 0.636) {
slide2. classList. add( 'swiper-slide-active')
slide1. style. opacity = 0
slide3. style. opacity = 0
slide2. style. opacity = 1
slide2. style[ "transition-duration"] = "1000ms"
scrollbar. transform = 'translate3d(100%, 0px, 0px)'
$( '.wa-section11 .wa-section11-swiper-text p:nth-child(2)'). classList. add( 'active')
} else if ( event. progress < 1) {
slide2. classList. add( 'swiper-slide-active')
slide1. style. opacity = 0
slide2. style. opacity = 0
slide3. style. opacity = 1
slide3. style[ "transition-duration"] = "1000ms"
scrollbar. transform = 'translate3d(200%, 0px, 0px)'
$( '.wa-section11 .wa-section11-swiper-text p:nth-child(3)'). classList. add( 'active')
. setTween( section11Timeline)
. addTo( HW. Ctrl)
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uni.navigateBack 中的坑
mysql启动报错The server quit without updating PID file几种解决办法
Understand Chisel language. 31. Chisel advanced communication state machine (3) - Ready-Valid interface: definition, timing and implementation in Chisel
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【Network】IP, subnet mask
MySQL事务(transaction) (有这篇就足够了..)