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Prime protocol announces cross chain interconnection applications on moonbeam

2022-07-06 03:45:00 Moonbeam Community

Prime Protocol Of DeFi Applications will be unified from multiple Layer 1 Functions of the platform , Use Moonbeam As “ stronghold ” To achieve coordination between chains .

Prime Protocol Announce its cross chain interconnection DeFi The application is coming online , The application can be deployed to multiple blockchains , And use Moonbeam As a connection point to unify the functions of each blockchain . This structure is different from the existing DeFi Application cases are quite different . In the existing way , Many cross chain application implementations exist in isolation , The interworking between chains cannot be realized . adopt Moonbeam Interconnection smart contract on ,Prime It allows users to transfer assets to... Without using a cross chain bridge Moonbeam, You can borrow the existing portfolio of other remote chains .

This represents Web3 A major shift in usability : Teams can now provide unified access to assets and services from a single application , Breaking the fragmented user experience inherent in today's decentralized applications 、 Liquidity and function .

Moonbeam founder Derek Yoo Express :“ At present, the Multi Chain deployment of isolated smart contracts leads to liquidity 、 Fragmentation of functionality and user experience .Prime The interconnection contract directly solves the problem of fragmentation , And provide it with excellent protocol efficiency and user experience . I believe we are in the process of building DeFi The Agreement deals with the initial transformation of multi chain requirements in a unified way .Prime It is the head case of this transformation .”

Prime Protocol founder Colton Conley Express :“Moonbeam It is positioned as a gateway for cross chain interconnection , Join from EVM The function of the remote chain in the field and the rapidly developing poca ecosystem . We are very happy with Moonbeam Cooperate and join Moonbeam Build an incomparably strong community .”

Prime Such cross chain interconnection applications are Moonbeam Part of the team's broad vision , Create more attractive user experiences by removing the limitations of single chain development and unlocking real interoperability . Final , Built in interoperability reduces the dependence on traditional cross chain bridges when transferring assets between chains , Instead, it allows users to take advantage of many blockchain functions through a single application .

The initiative was launched in Moonbeam announce Harvest Moon After the event ,Harvest Moon Is an extension DeFi The next wave of activities and attraction will be Moonbeam Activities designed to connect applications across chains built on .Moonbeam The foundation said it had GLMR Of Genesis supply 1.5% Assigned to Harvest Moon Activities .

About Moonbeam
Moonbeam It's a smart contract platform , Used to build cross chain interconnection applications , Be able to access users on any chain 、 Assets and services . Through will come from Ethereum 、Cosmos、 Boca and other functions are integrated into one platform ,Moonbeam It solves the problem of fragmentation of user experience today , Unlock true interoperability , And lay the foundation for the next generation of applications .

Moonbeam The platform uses integrated cross chain information transmission , Allow developers to create smart contracts to access multiple remote blockchain Services . Combine in this way Moonbeam Developer friendly EVM platform 、 Various tools support and Substrate framework , Provide an ideal development environment for building interconnected applications .

For more information , Please visit :https://moonbeam.network

About Prime Protocol
Prime Protocol Building the first native cross chain prime brokerage.

For more information , Please visit :https://www.primeprotocol.xyz

more Moonbeam Information  
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