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C language -- structs, unions, enumerations, and custom types
2022-07-06 03:44:00 【Les baleines tombent】
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C Language allows users to construct the same or different basic types into a custom according to their own needs
Special types of , That is, structure and common body .
Definition of structure type
The definition of structure determines the following two points :
- Define the structure type , Determine the name and type of member items in the structure .
- Indicates the organization of variables of this structure type in memory .
That is, defining a structure type only specifies the memory allocation mode of the structure type , Did not open up memory space . Only defined Structure variable or structure array after , Only according to the memory allocation mode of the structure type, can the storage space be opened .
• There are two steps to use the structure type :
- By keyword struct And user-defined structure name ( It is commonly called structure type name ) To define the type .
- Then, the structure type Define the structure variable name
Declaration of structure variables
• Defining a structure only determines the name of the structure type, the composition of its member items, and the class of its member items
type . The structure variable must be specified by the defined structure type , Before opening up the corresponding memory space for
Use . There are three ways to describe structural variables :
- Define variables with the already defined structure type name
- Define structure variables while defining structure types
- Do not define the structure type name , Define structure variables directly
1 Define variables with the already defined structure type name .
2. Define structure variables while defining structure types
3. Do not define the structure type name , Define structure variables directly
struct {
int id;
char name[31];
char gender;
char address[200];
double scores[3];
} alice, bob, clark;
explain :
- Pay attention to the difference between types and variables .
- Member items can be used alone ,bob.id=140101
- The member items of a structure can also be structural variables .
4. Nested definition of structure type
struct Birthday{
int year;
int month;
int day;
struct Student{
int id;
char name[30];
struct Birthday birth;
char gender;
double scores[3];
Initialization of structure variables
Structural variables can be assigned initial values when describing , Called initialization . Curly braces can be used to enclose the initial values corresponding to these structural type variables as a whole .
The number of initial values is allowed to be less than the number of members in the structure variable , However, the number of initial values is not allowed to be more than the number of members in the structure variable .
In the former case , When the initialization statement is executed, the initial value symbol in the initial value table is used to assign values to the members in front of the structure variable , The remaining members without corresponding initial value symbols are implicitly initialized . namely : Members of all arithmetic types are assigned 0, Members of all pointer types are given null pointer constants
struct Birthday{
int year;
int month;
int day;
struct Student{
int id;
char name[30];
struct Birthday birth;
char gender;
double scores[3];
struct Student alice = {
2002, 4},
77, 88, 69.5}
struct Student alice = {
"Alice", {
2002, 4},
'm', {
that , Structural variables alice Member of the alice.birth.day Is implicitly initialized to 0 ,alice.scores[1] and alice.scores[2] It's also initialized to 0.
References to structure variables
- Reference structure members
• Because the types of each member in the structure variable are different , Generally, you can only reference members of structural variables , Do not reference structural variables as a whole .
• Without nesting , The way to reference structural variable members is :
Structure variable name . Member item name
explain :
“.” be called “ Struct member operator ”, The structure member referenced in this way is equivalent to a common variable , It has the same properties as ordinary variables .
for example :
alice.id = 200250
effect : Reference structure variables alice Members of the id, Equivalent to an integer variable .
effect : Structural variable alice Members of name, Equivalent to one Character array name .C Some library functions of the language can access the character array through the first address , for example :puts(lucy.name);
So it is legal to reference the name of character array .
effect : Reference structure variables alice Members of the score[0], because score yes int Type of the array , Can't quote... As a whole , So you must reference array elements , Equivalent to one Variable of integer type .
- Structural variables can perform various operations , It's fine too The address of the reference member or the address of the structure variable .
for example :scanf("%d",&alice.id);
- Structural variables can be referenced as a whole .
Structural variables of the same type can be assigned as a whole . Structure type members embedded in structure variables are also the same .
struct Student alice = {
2002, 4},
struct Student bob = alice;
bob.birth = alice.birth;
Example : Define a structure type , The member item includes the student number 、 full name 、 Birthday 、 Gender 、 English 、 mathematics 、 Scores of three Chinese courses , And define the structural variable of this type . Programming the input of structural variable member items 、 Output . And calculate the average score of the three courses
#include <stdio.h>
struct Birthday{
int year;
int month;
int day;
struct Student{
int id;
char name[30];
struct Birthday birth;
char gender;
double scores[3];
struct Student alice;
scanf("%d", &alice.id);
scanf("%d %d %d", &alice.birth.year, &alice.birth.month, &alice.birth.day);
alice.gender = getchar();
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i ++){
scanf("%lf", &alice.scores[i]);
printf("id: %d\nname: ", alice.id);
printf("birthday: %d-%d-%d\n",
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
printf("%.1f\t", alice.scores[i]);
Find the average score of the three courses
double average = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i ++){
average += alice.scores[i];
printf("%f", average);
Array of structs
Structural variables can also be constructed into arrays , It's called a structure array . Each array element is a structural variable , Both contain structure member items . Their addresses in memory are continuous .
The definition of structure array
struct Structure type name Structure array name [( Constant ) expression ] ;
#include <stdio.h>
#define N 50
struct Birthday {
int year;
int month;
int day;
struct Student {
int id;
char name[30];
struct Birthday birth;
char gender;
double scores[3];
int main() {
struct Student students[N];
Initialization of structure array
struct Student students[3] = {
140101, "lucy", {
1991, 1, 2}, 'M', {
78, 89, 91}},
140102, "lily", {
1991, 2, 3}, 'F', {
87, 60, 89}},
140103, "tom", {
1991, 3, 4}, 'M', {
82, 91, 92}}
explain :
- All three structural array elements contain struct Student All member items of .
- Structure array name students, Represents the first address of the structure array .
Use of structure array
Similar to the reference of general array , A reference to a structure array is a reference to a structure array element .
- In addition to initialization , Assign a constant value to the structure array 、 Input and output 、 All operations are performed on the members of the array elements of the structure .
The members of structure array elements are represented as : Structure array name [ Subscript ]. Member name
for example :students[0].id and scanf("%d", &students[0].id);
In the case of nesting :
Structure array name [ Subscript ]. Structure member name … Structure member name . Basic member name
- Structure array elements can be assigned to each other as a whole .
for example :students[0] = students[1];
Define a structure , The member item includes the student number 、 full name 、 Birthday 、 Gender 、 English 、 mathematics 、 Scores of three courses in politics .
Programming to realize 2 Input of student information 、 Output . Find out the average score of each student , And sort .
#include <stdio.h>
#define N 2
struct Birthday {
int year;
int month;
int day;
struct Student {
int id;
char name[30];
struct Birthday birth;
char gender;
int scores[3];
double aver;
struct Student students[N];
for(int i = 0; i < N; i ++){
printf(" Please enter the first %d Student information \n", i + 1);
printf(" Please enter the student number :");
scanf("%d", &students[i].id);
printf(" Please enter a name :");
printf(" Please enter the date of birth :");
scanf("%d %d %d", &students[i].birth.year, &students[i].birth.month, &students[i].birth.day);
printf(" Please enter gender :");
students[i].gender = getchar();
printf(" Please enter the grades of the three courses :");
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
scanf("%d", &students[i].scores[j]);
Calculate the average score
for(int i = 0; i < N; i ++){
students[i].aver = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j ++){
students[i].aver += students[i].scores[j];
students[i].aver /= 3.0;
Sort by average
for(int i = 0; i < N - 1; i ++){
for(int j = 0; j < N - 1 - i; j++){
if(students[j].aver < students[j + 1].aver){
struct Student tmp;
tmp = students[j];
students[j] = students[j + 1];
students[j + 1] = tmp;
printf("***** %d The information of students is as follows *****\n", N);
printf(" Student number \t%-10s\t Year of birth month Japan \t Gender \t English \t mathematics \t Chinese language and literature \t average \n"," full name ");
for(int i = 0; i < N; i ++) {
printf("%d\t", students[i].id);
printf("%-10s\t", students[i].name);
printf("%6d%3d%3d\t", students[i].birth.year,
students[i].birth.month, students[i].birth.day);
if (students[i].gender == 'M') printf(" male \t");
else if (students[i].gender == 'F') printf(" Woman \t");
else printf(" nothing \t");
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
printf("%d\t", students[i].scores[j]);
printf("%6.2f\n", students[i].aver);
Structure pointer
The pointer to the structure variable is the first address of the memory unit occupied by the structure variable
Pointer variables to struct variables
struct Student alice;
struct Student *ptr = &alice;
explain :
1. ptr That is to point to structural variables alice Pointer variable for .
2. Structure pointer variable plus 1, Address to add 1 The number of bytes occupied by structural variables .
Use the pointer variable pointing to the structure variable to represent the members of the structure variable . Format :
• Mode one :(*p). Member item name
• Mode two : p-> Member item name
• example : If you define a variable that points to a structure alice Pointer variable for ptr,*ptr Express
ptr The structure variable pointed to alice, Its members alice.id Can be expressed as :
(*ptr).id perhaps ptr->id
• The two representations are equivalent , Operator “->” And “.” Operators have the same precedence , Having the highest
Example : Define a structure , The member item includes the student number 、 full name 、 Birthday 、 Gender 、 English 、 mathematics 、 Scores of three courses in politics , Programming the output of structural variable member items , Use a pointer to achieve .
struct Student alice = {
200250, "Alice", {
2002, 2, 3}, 'M', {
78, 89, 75}};
struct Student *ptr = &alice;
printf("%d\n", ptr->id);
printf("%d-%d-%d\n", ptr->birth.year,ptr->birth.month, ptr->birth.day);
printf("%c\n", ptr->gender);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i ++){
printf("%5d", ptr->scores[i]);
Structure array and structure pointer variable
The array name of a one-dimensional array represents the first address of the array , One dimensional structure array is the same .
You can assign the array name of one-dimensional structure to the pointer variable pointing to the structure , The pointer variable will point to the subscript
by 0 The elements of , It can move between array elements
Example : Define a structure , The member item includes the student number 、 full name 、 Date of birth 、 Gender 、 English 、 mathematics 、 Scores of three Chinese courses , Programming to realize N A student , The average grade of each student , Then the output .
struct Student students[N] = {
140101, "Alice", {
1991, 1, 2}, 'M', {
78, 89, 91}},
140102, "Bob", {
1991, 2, 3}, 'F', {
87, 60, 89}},
140103, "Clark", {
1991, 3, 4}, 'M', {
82, 91, 92}}
struct Student *p;
for(p = students; p < students + N; p++){
p->aver = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j ++){
p->aver += p->scores[j];
p->aver /= 3;
printf("%s's average score is %f\n", p->name, p->aver);
Structures and functions
Anonymous structure
struct names{
char first[20];
char last[20];
Nested structure members
struct person
int id;
struct names name;
- Anonymous structure
struct person
int id;
struct {
char first[20]; char last[20];};
Both initialization methods are the same :
struct person jack = {
1000, {
“Jack”, “Zhang”}};
The two access methods are different :
jack.first omitted name
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