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My best game based on wechat applet development

2022-07-08 00:41:00 biyezuopinvip

Resource download address :https://download.csdn.net/download/sheziqiong/85949477
Resource download address :https://download.csdn.net/download/sheziqiong/85949477

1. Get ready

  • Node.js 9.x above
  • MongoDB
  • Installation dependency npm i

2. function

Before grabbing the request , Please delete the applet completely , Re search the applet name to enter . Because you have logged in before , I can't catch the login request later

2.1 Crawling question bank

Idea of climbing questions : Keep fighting with friends to get questions , Submitting the answer at will will return the correct answer , Store in database , Repeated neglect

Log in to the game with two wechat signals , Catch the login request https://puzzle-gateway.zaih.com/pauthp/jwt

Copy the returned access_token and account_id, fill src/crawl.js in

perform npm run crawl Start automatic crawling

If there is a band leave Word tips , It shows that the last game was an abnormal exit . Just turn off the script , Just run it again .

Climbing questions takes some time , You can also import I climbed the question bank MongoShell BSON(.json)(12.2k A title , Continuous updating )

The database name is wzzh, Import command , Pay attention to your file path

mongoimport -d wzzh -c questions --file ~/Downloads/questions.json --jsonArray --drop

2.2 Answer AIDS

Log in to the game with the number you want to answer , Catch the login request https://puzzle-gateway.zaih.com/pauthp/jwt

Copy the returned access_token and account_id, fill src/robot.js in

Then modify the theme For the classification index of the questions you want to answer

perform npm run robot Start intelligent answer , The answer process is fully automatic

If the question is not in the question bank , Would call game-helper/answer Search for answers

Automatically submit the answer with the most search results ( Improve the odds ), At the same time, the correct answer to this question will be automatically recorded in the question bank

You only need to pay attention to the information printed on the terminal , If there is an error , Please mention issue Give us feedback

3. Screenshot

 Insert picture description here

 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here
Resource download address :https://download.csdn.net/download/sheziqiong/85949477
Resource download address :https://download.csdn.net/download/sheziqiong/85949477

