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What has happened from server to cloud hosting?

2022-07-08 00:29:00 Tencent cloud developer community

“ Cloud service ” It has always been a continuous tense , stay 2010 year -2017 During the year , The center of gravity of the force point is 「 Own physical construction 」 To 「IAAS Infrastructure as a service 」, All cloud manufacturers have launched network products on this basis 、 Database products 、 Storage products , Provide 「PAAS」 Level products to promote the process of going to the cloud , We call it “ Cloud service 1.0”


“ Cloud service 1.0” In essence, it is to migrate the self built physical service facilities to the service facilities provided by cloud manufacturers , And equipped with a large number of professional tools . But in the process , Inherent about the service technology architecture selected by the developer , But little intervention touches ; At present, most of the circulation is the traditional service architecture model .


What is the traditional service architecture pattern , What are the characteristics of ? Here are a few examples for you to feel :

a. Use the local file system to persist storage , Data files and application files are mixed together .

b. Running many services on the same server , such as MySQL、Redis 、Nginx And a lot of scheduled tasks .

c. Install and upgrade using a hodgepodge of scripts and manual processes .

d. The configuration is stored in a file , Usually scattered in multiple locations , And mixed with the application files .

e. The communication between processes is carried out by means of the local file system ( For example, put a file on disk , Another process to read ), instead of TCP/IP.

f. Designed to run only one instance of an application on a single server .


These features will expose many problems in the process of performing maintenance , such as :

a. Automated deployment is difficult , Although it can be realized through various tools , But there is still a lot of water space .

b. If you need to run multiple different instances of the application , It's hard to have multiple instances on the same server at the same time .

c. If the server is down , Due to the manual process, it takes a long time to recover .

d. The process of deploying a new version is basically manual , Or mostly manual , Difficult to rollback .

e. It is likely that the test environment is quite different from the production environment , Some production environment problems cannot be found during testing .

f. It's hard to scale out by adding new instances .


These problems will become increasingly prominent with the development of business , Ultimately, it consumes a lot of labor costs , Also accumulated a lot of risk factors , Even if the service facilities are in the cloud , There is a strong environment , Internal system maintenance problems always hinder and affect high-quality service .


Container technology , It avoids the problems caused by the traditional service architecture mode , As a new architecture model, it began to rise in recent years .


Container services , Is through standardization , Package the business code and its dependent environment resources into an image , Then start an instance in the server to run the image , Then you can provide the service .


For example, you work in an Internet cafe , Use the pure system of Internet cafe , You need to install the office software you need before you can start formal work , Here's an analogy. You need to carry out targeted operation and maintenance according to different service facilities under the traditional mode , Only then can we run our own business projects . Container service in this example is , You brought a hard drive ( Or a U disc ), Store your office system in it , Insert your hard drive directly into the Internet cafe , You can use the familiar system immediately .


We summarize several characteristics of container technology :

a. Easy to deploy , You can directly replace the entire old version with a new container image .

b. Automated deployment is also relatively easy , It can be completely controlled by CI To drive .

c. For rollback when deployment fails, just switch to the previous image , Very convenient .

d. Application upgrade does not need to consider the complex upgrade configuration process , You don't have to perform cumbersome steps .

e. The same container image can be fully tested in different environments , Then deploy directly to the production environment , Ensure that the test environment is completely consistent with the production environment .

f. The system is easier to recover from downtime , Because you can quickly start a new container with this application image on the new hardware resource , And attach to the same data source .

g. Developers can use containers locally , Test new features in a more realistic environment .

h. More efficient utilization of hardware resources , Multiple container applications can run on a single host .

i. Containerization supports zero downtime upgrade 、 Canary deployment 、 A solid foundation for high availability and scale out .


Container technology and Docker What is the relationship ?Docker Is a technical tool for building containers , It's popular right now . Like Android and IOS(Docker) It's the mobile terminal operating system ( Container technology ) Which is more popular , Because it's popular , So each manufacturer will adapt , So that the technical scheme can go smoothly without barriers . As we build more and more services , The same service may contain multiple container instances because of concurrency , So how to effectively manage and coordinate the location resources of multiple containers ? How to handle container to container communication ? This requires container orchestration Technology .


Kubernetes It is the most popular container arrangement technology at present , Provide API To control the execution mode and location of the container , Operation execution Docker Container and adjust workload , Solve some complex operations when adjusting the size of multiple containers deployed across multiple servers .


Let's look at the configuration required for a standard container service , It is suitable for teams who are very familiar with container choreography , Flexible configuration , Adjust according to your own needs



Wechat cloud hosting , By simplifying the complicated configuration process , Provide container services that are easy to configure and highly available ; And integrate business-related Suites , Contains a database that can automatically expand and shrink capacity , Object storage, etc , At the same time, it also provides some accumulation of wechat Service Technology , Create a safe one-stop back-end service platform with ecological characteristics .



in other words , Even if you don't have wechat related application services , You can also use wechat cloud hosting to provide services for your business , It is against brush attack , Security links have strong advantages .



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