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Detailed explanation of interview questions: the history of blood and tears in implementing distributed locks with redis

2022-07-07 23:56:00 Ashes collector

Use Redis What is the detailed scheme of distributed lock ?

A simple answer is to use Redission client .Redission The lock scheme in is Redis The perfect detailed scheme of distributed lock .

that ,Redission Why is the lock scheme in perfect ?

Just right , I use Redis I have rich experience in making distributed locks , In practice , Many uses have also been explored Redis A distributed lock scheme , After countless blood and tears .

therefore , Talking about Redission Why is the lock perfect before , Let's first show you that I used Redis Problems encountered in making distributed locks .

I used to use it. Redis Do distributed locks to solve the problem of a user grabbing coupons . The business requirements are as follows : When the user receives a coupon , The number of coupons must be reduced by one , If you run out of coupons , Users are not allowed to rob again .

At the time of implementation , First read the number of coupons from the database to judge , When the coupon is greater than 0, Allow to receive coupons , then , Then reduce the number of coupons by one , Write back to the database .

At that time, due to the large number of requests , therefore , We used three servers to do the diversion .

There's a problem :

If... On one of the servers A After the app gets the number of coupons , Due to the processing of relevant business logic , The number of coupons in the database is not updated in time ; stay A When the application processes business logic , On another server B The app has updated the number of coupons . that , etc. A When applying to update the number of coupons in the database , It will B The number of coupons updated by the application overwrites .

See here , Someone may be strange , Why not use it directly here SQL:

update  Coupon list  set  Number of coupons  =  Number of coupons  - 1 where  Coupon id = xxx

The reason is to do so , Without distributed lock coordination , The number of coupons may be directly negative . Because when the number of coupons is 1 When , If two users request to grab coupons through two servers at the same time , All meet the requirement that the coupon is greater than 0 Conditions , And then do this SQL sentence , As a result, the number of coupons directly becomes -1 了 .

Others say you can use an optimistic lock , For example, use the following SQL:

update  Coupon list  set  Number of coupons  =  Number of coupons  - 1 where  Coupon id = xxx and version = xx

In this way, there is a certain probability , It is likely that the data can not be updated all the time , A condition that results in a long retry .

therefore , After comprehensive consideration , We adopted Redis Distributed lock , By mutual exclusion , To prevent multiple clients from updating the number of coupons at the same time .

at that time , The first thing we think about is the use of Redis Of setnx command ,setnx The command is actually set if not exists Abbreviation .

When key After setting the value successfully , Then return to 1, Otherwise it returns 0. therefore , here setnx Setting success can be expressed as obtaining the lock , If you fail , It means that there is a lock , It can be regarded as a failure to acquire a lock .

setnx lock true

If you want to release the lock , perform del Instructions , hold key Delete it .

del lock

Take advantage of this feature , We can make the system before executing the coupon logic , Go first Redis In the implementation of setnx Instructions . Then execute the result according to the instruction , To determine whether the lock has been obtained . If you get , Continue to carry out business , Use after execution del Command to release the lock . If not , Just wait for a certain time , Get the lock again .

At first glance , There's nothing wrong with all this , Use setnx Instructions do have the desired mutual exclusion effect .

however , This is based on the fact that all operating environments are normal . Once an exception occurs in the running environment , The problem arises .

Think about it , The application that holds the lock suddenly crashes , Or the server is down , What happens ?

This will cause a deadlock —— An app that holds a lock cannot release the lock , Other applications have no chance to acquire locks at all . This can cause huge online accidents , We need to improve the scheme , Solve this problem .

How to solve it ? We can see , The root cause of deadlock is , Once there is a problem with the application holding the lock , You won't release the lock . Think in this direction , Can be in Redis Give up key An expiration date .

In this case , Even if something goes wrong ,key It will also be released after a period of time , Has this problem been solved ? actually , That's exactly what everyone did .

however , because setnx The instruction itself cannot set the timeout , So there are usually two ways to do this :

1、 use lua Script , In the use of setnx After the instruction , Reuse expire Give orders to key Set expiration time .

if redis.call("SETNX", "lock", "true") == 1 then
  local expireResult = redis.call("expire", "lock", "10")
  if expireResult == 1 then
      return "success"
      return "expire failed"
  return "setnx not null"

2、 Use it directly set(key,value,NX,EX,timeout) Instructions , Set the lock and timeout at the same time .

redis.call("SET", "lock", "true", "NX", "PX", "10000")

The above two methods , You can use either way .

The script for releasing the lock is the same in both ways , Call directly Redis Of del Command can .

up to now , Our locks are mutually exclusive , Without problems with some systems that hold locks , Causing a deadlock . Is that perfect ?

Suppose there's a situation like this , If an application holds a lock , What happens if the holding time exceeds the timeout we set ? Two things happen :

  1. Found the system in Redis Set in the key There is still

  2. Found the system in Redis Set in the key non-existent

The first situation is normal . Because after all, you're working overtime ,key It is also logical to be cleared normally .

But the most terrible thing is the second situation , Found set key There is still . What does this ? Explain the existing key, Is set by another application .

At this time, if the application holding the lock times out calls del Command to delete the lock , Will accidentally delete the lock set by others , This will directly lead to system business problems .

therefore , To solve this problem , We need to continue with Redis Make changes to the script …… Destroy it , Tired ……

First , We want the application to acquire the lock , To set a unique value that only the application knows .

Through this unique value , When the system releases the lock , You can identify whether the lock is set by yourself . If you set it yourself , Just release the lock , Delete key; If not , Then do nothing .

The script is as follows :

if redis.call("SETNX", "lock", ARGV[1]) == 1 then
 local expireResult = redis.call("expire", "lock", "10")
 if expireResult == 1 then
     return "success"
     return "expire failed"
  return "setnx not null"


redis.call("SET", "lock", ARGV[1], "NX", "PX", "10000")

here ,ARGV[1] Is a parameter variable that can be passed in , You can pass in a unique value . For example, only one knows UUID Value , Or through the snowball algorithm , Generate only the one you own ID.

The script for releasing the lock is changed to this :

if redis.call("get", "lock") == ARGV[1] 
     return redis.call("del", "lock") 
     return 0 

You can see , From a business perspective , in any case , Our distributed locks can meet the real business needs . Can be mutually exclusive , An immortal lock , It won't delete other people's locks by mistake , Only their own locks , You can release .

Everything is so beautiful !!!

unfortunately , There's another hidden danger , We do not rule out . The hidden danger is Redis Oneself .

Need to know ,lua Scripts are used in Redis On the singleton of . once Redis There's something wrong with it , Our distributed lock won't work , Distributed locks don't work , It will have a significant impact on the normal operation of the business , It's something we can't accept .

therefore , We need to take Redis Make it highly available . In general , solve Redis The problem of high availability , Both use master-slave clusters .

But the master-slave cluster , New problems will be introduced . The main problem is ,Redis There is a delay in master-slave data synchronization . This boundary condition produces a delay : When on the host Redis The lock has been built , But the lock data has not been synchronized to the slave , The host is down . And then , The slave is lifted to the host , At this time, there is no lock data set by the master before on the slave —— The lock is lost …… lost …… 了 ……

Come here , Finally, I can introduce Redission( Open source Redis client ) 了 , Let's see how it is implemented Redis Distributed locked .

Redission The idea of implementing distributed locks is very simple , Whether it's a master-slave cluster or Redis Cluster colony , It will be applied to every in the cluster Redis, Execute the settings one by one Redis Lock script , That is, each in the cluster Redis Will contain the set lock data .

Let's introduce... Through an example .

hypothesis Redis Cluster has 5 Taiwan machine , At the same time, according to the evaluation , The lock timeout is set to 10 Second is more suitable .

The first 1 Step , Let's first calculate the total waiting time of the cluster , The total waiting time of the cluster is 5 second ( The timeout of the lock 10 second / 2).

The first 2 Step , use 5 Seconds divided by 5 Number of machines , The result is 1 second . This 1 Second is to connect each Redis Acceptable waiting time .

The first 3 Step , Connect in turn 5 platform Redis, And implement lua Script set lock , Then make a judgment :

  • If in 5 In seconds ,5 All machines have execution results , And more than half ( That is to say 3 platform ) The machine has set the lock successfully , It is considered that setting the lock is successful ; Less than half of the machines set the lock successfully , Failure .

  • If exceeded 5 second , No matter how many machines set the lock successfully , They all think that setting the lock failed . such as , front 4 It took a total of 3 second , But in the end 1 This machine uses 2 No result in seconds , The total waiting time has exceeded 5 second , Even if more than half of them succeed , This also counts as a failure .

One more word , In many business logic , In fact, there is no need for lock timeout .

such as , Batch execution of processed tasks in the early morning , Distributed locks may be required to ensure that tasks are not repeated . here , It's not clear how long the task will take . If you set the timeout of the distributed lock, here , It doesn't make much sense . however , Don't set timeout , It will cause deadlock problem again .

therefore , The general solution to this problem is , Each client holding a lock starts a background thread , By performing specific lua Script , To constantly refresh Redis Medium key Timeout time , So that before the task is completed ,key Will not be removed .

The script is as follows :

if redis.call("get", "lock") == ARGV[1] 
    return redis.call("expire", "lock", "10")
    return 0 

among ,ARGV[1] Is a parameter variable that can be passed in , A unique value that represents the system that holds the lock , That is, only the client holding the lock can refresh key Timeout for .

Only this and nothing more , Only when a complete distributed lock is implemented . The summary implementation scheme is as follows :

  1. Use set Command to set the lock flag , There must be a timeout , So that the client crashes , You can also release the lock ;

  2. For those that do not require a timeout , You need to implement a thread that can continuously refresh the lock timeout ;

  3. Each client that acquires the lock , stay Redis Set in the value It has to be unique , To identify which client set the lock ;

  4. In a distributed cluster , Directly set the same timeout and lock mark for each machine ;

  5. In order to ensure that the locks set by the cluster will not timeout due to network problems , The network waiting time and lock timeout must be set reasonably .

This distributed lock satisfies the following four conditions :

  1. Only one client can hold the lock at any time ;

  2. Deadlock cannot occur , There was a problem when a client held the lock and did not unlock it , It can also ensure that other clients continue to hold the lock ;

  3. Lock and unlock must be the same client , The lock added by the client can only be solved by itself ;

  4. As long as most Redis The node is normal , The client can use the lock normally .

Of course , stay Redission The script in the , In order to ensure the re-entry of the lock , Right again lua The script has been modified , Now put the complete lua The script is posted below .

Get the lock lua Script :

if (redis.call('exists', KEYS[1]) == 0) then
  redis.call('hincrby', KEYS[1], ARGV[2], 1);
  redis.call('pexpire', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]);
  return nil;

if (redis.call('hexists', KEYS[1], ARGV[2]) == 1) then
  redis.call('hincrby', KEYS[1], ARGV[2], 1);
  redis.call('pexpire', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]);
  return nil;

return redis.call('pttl', KEYS[1]);

Script of corresponding refresh lock timeout :

if (redis.call('hexists', KEYS[1], ARGV[2]) == 1) then 
 redis.call('pexpire', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]); 
  return 1; 
return 0;

Corresponding release lock script :

if (redis.call('hexists', KEYS[1], ARGV[3]) == 0) then
 return nil;

local counter = redis.call('hincrby', KEYS[1], ARGV[3], -1); 

if (counter > 0) then
 redis.call('pexpire', KEYS[1], ARGV[2]);
return 0;
 redis.call('del', KEYS[1]);
 redis.call('publish', KEYS[2], ARGV[1]);
return 1;
return nil;

Up to now , Use Redis The detailed scheme of distributed lock is finished .

I have written a bumpy experience step by step , It also states the details of each problem and how to solve it , I hope you can get something from it .

Finally, let me remind you , Use Redis Clusters do distributed locks , There is some controversy , We also need to use it in practice , According to the reality , Make better choices and trade-offs .


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