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Restricted linear table
2022-07-07 23:43:00 【Min, Hello, Xun】
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Stack (Stack)
The basic concept of stack
- Follow the first in, last out rule
- Can not traverse
- The data elements in the stack comply with ” Last in, first out ”(First In Last Out) Principles , abbreviation FILO structure .
- Only insert and delete operations can be performed at the top of the stack .
Sequential storage of stacks
Example :
- Create a SeqStack.h The header file
#pragma once
// Array to simulate the sequential storage of stack
#define MAX_SIZE 1024
typedef struct SEQSTACK
void* data[MAX_SIZE];
int size;
// Initialization stack
SeqStack* Init_SeqStack();
// Push
void Push_SeqStack(SeqStack* stack, void* data);
// Back to top of stack element
void* Top_SeqStack(SeqStack* stack);
// Out of the stack
void Pop_SeqStack(SeqStack* stack);
// Determine whether it is null
int IsEmpty(SeqStack* stack);
// Returns the number of elements in the stack
int Size_SeqStack(SeqStack* stack);
// Empty stack
void Clear_SeqStack(SeqStack* stack);
// The destruction
void FreeSpace_SeqStack(SeqStack* stack);
- Build a SeqStack.c The source file
#include "SeqStack.h"
// Initialization stack
SeqStack* Init_SeqStack()
SeqStack* stack = (SeqStack*)malloc(sizeof(SeqStack));
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i++)
stack->data[i] = NULL;
stack->size = 0;
return stack;
// Push
void Push_SeqStack(SeqStack* stack, void* data)
if (stack == NULL)
if (data == NULL)
if (stack->size == MAX_SIZE)
stack->data[stack->size] = data;
// Back to top of stack element
void* Top_SeqStack(SeqStack* stack)
if (stack == NULL)
return NULL;
if (stack->size == 0)
return NULL;
return stack->data[stack->size-1];// From an array 0 At the beginning
// Out of the stack
void Pop_SeqStack(SeqStack* stack)
if (stack == NULL)
if (stack->size == 0)
stack->data[stack->size-1] = NULL;
// Determine whether it is null
int IsEmpty(SeqStack* stack)
if (stack == NULL)
return -1;
if (stack->size == 0)
// Returns the number of elements in the stack
int Size_SeqStack(SeqStack* stack)
return stack->size;
// Empty stack
void Clear_SeqStack(SeqStack* stack)
if (stack == NULL)
for (int i = 0; i < stack->size; i++)
stack->data[i] = NULL;
stack->size = 0;
// The destruction
void FreeSpace_SeqStack(SeqStack* stack)
if (stack == NULL)
- Build a 03 Sequential storage of stacks .c The source file , To test
typedef struct PERSON
char name[21];
int age;
int main()
// Create a stack
SeqStack* stack = Init_SeqStack();
// Create data
person p[3]=//==
" Zhang San ",19},
" Li Si ",18},
" Wang Wu ",20}
// Data on the stack
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
Push_SeqStack(stack, &p[i]);
//person p1 = { " Zhang San ",19 };//==
//person p2 = { " Li Si ",18 };
//person p3 = { " Wang Wu ",20 };
Data on the stack
//Push_SeqStack(stack, &p1);
//Push_SeqStack(stack, &p2);
//Push_SeqStack(stack, &p3);
// Output
while (Size_SeqStack(stack) > 0)
// Access the top element of the stack
person* person = Top_SeqStack(stack);
printf(" full name :%s Age :%d\n", person->name, person->age);
// Pop up top element , Out of the stack
// Free memory
return 0;
result :
full name : Wang Wu Age :20
full name : Li Si Age :18
full name : Zhang San Age :19
Chain storage of stacks
Example :
- Build a LinkStack.h The header file
#pragma once
typedef struct LINKNODE
struct LINKNODE* next;
// Chain stack
typedef struct LINKSTACK
LinkNode head;
int size;
// Initialization function
LinkStack* Init_LinkStack();
// Push
void Push_LinkStack(LinkStack* lstack, LinkNode* data);
// Out of the stack
void Pop_LinkStack(LinkStack* lstack);
// Back to top of stack element
LinkNode* Top_LinkStack(LinkStack* lstack);
// Returns the number of stack elements
int Size_LinkStack(LinkStack* lstack);
// Empty stack
void Clear_LinkStack(LinkStack* lstack);
// Destroy the stack
void FreeSpace_LinkStack(LinkStack* lstack);
- Build a LinkStack.c The source file
// Initialization function
LinkStack* Init_LinkStack()
LinkStack* lstack = (LinkStack*)malloc(sizeof(LinkStack));
lstack->head.next= NULL;
lstack->size = 0;
return lstack;
// Push
void Push_LinkStack(LinkStack* lstack, LinkNode* data)
if (lstack == NULL )
if (data == NULL)
data->next = lstack->head.next;// When inserting the linked list , First arrange who is connected to the right side of the node to be inserted
lstack->head.next = data;
// Out of the stack
void Pop_LinkStack(LinkStack* lstack)
if (lstack == NULL)
if (lstack->size == 0)
// The first valid node
LinkNode* pnext = lstack->head.next;
lstack->head.next =pnext->next;
// Back to top of stack element
LinkNode* Top_LinkStack(LinkStack* lstack)
if (lstack == NULL)
return NULL;
if (lstack->size == 0)
return NULL;
return lstack->head.next;
// Returns the number of stack elements
int Size_LinkStack(LinkStack* lstack)
if (lstack == NULL)
return -1;
return lstack->size;
// Empty stack
void Clear_LinkStack(LinkStack* lstack)
if (lstack == NULL)
lstack->head.next = NULL;
lstack->size = 0;
// Destroy the stack
void FreeSpace_LinkStack(LinkStack* lstack)
if (lstack == NULL)
- Build a 04 Chain storage of stacks Source file
typedef struct PERSON
LinkNode node;
char name[21];
int age;
int main()
// Create a stack linked list
LinkStack* lstack = Init_LinkStack();
// Create data
person p1, p2, p3,p4,p5;
strcpy(p1.name, " One by one ");
strcpy(p2.name, " Two two ");
strcpy(p3.name, " sensei ");
strcpy(p4.name, " Wanton ");
strcpy(p5.name, " Wu Wu ");
p1.age = 19;
p2.age = 30;
p3.age = 20;
p4.age = 18;
p5.age = 22;
// Push
Push_LinkStack(lstack, (LinkNode*)&p1);// When writing elements , You need to convert the element into , Initial data type , Such as LinkNode*
Push_LinkStack(lstack, (LinkNode*)&p3);
Push_LinkStack(lstack, (LinkNode*)&p4);
Push_LinkStack(lstack, (LinkNode*)&p5);
// Output
while (Size_LinkStack(lstack) > 0)
// Take out the top element of the stack
person* person = Top_LinkStack(lstack);
printf(" full name :%s Age :%d\n", person->name, person->age);
// Pop up top element , Out of the stack
// Destroy the stack
return 0;
result :
full name : Wu Wu Age :22
full name : Wanton Age :18
full name : sensei Age :20
full name : Two two Age :30
full name : One by one Age :19
queue (Queue)
Basic concept of queue
Sequential storage of queues
- Array simulates the sequential storage of queues
Example :
- Create a SeqQueue.h The header file
#pragma once
#define MAX_SIZE 1024
typedef struct SEQQUEUE
void* data[MAX_SIZE];
int size;
// initialization
SeqQueue* Init_SeqQueue();
// The team
void Push_SeqQueue(SeqQueue* squeue, void* data);
// Return to team leader element
void* Front_SeqQueue(SeqQueue* squeue);
// Out of the team
void Pop_SeqQueue(SeqQueue* squeue);
// Return to the end of the team
void* Back_SeqQueue(SeqQueue* squeue);
// Return size
int Size_SeqQueue(SeqQueue* squeue);
// Clear queue
void Clear_SeqQueue(SeqQueue* squeue);
// The destruction
void Free_SeqQueue(SeqQueue* squeue);
- Build a SeqQueue.c Source file
#include "SeqQueue.h"
// initialization
SeqQueue* Init_SeqQueue()
SeqQueue* squeue = (SeqQueue*)malloc(sizeof(SeqQueue));
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i++)// because data It's an array , So every array element has to be NULL
squeue->data[i] = NULL;
squeue->size = 0;
return squeue;
// The team
void Push_SeqQueue(SeqQueue* squeue, void* data)
// The left side of the array is the head of the team , Add elements at the end
if (squeue == NULL || data == NULL)
if (squeue->size == MAX_SIZE)
squeue->data[squeue->size] = data;
// Return to team leader element
void* Front_SeqQueue(SeqQueue* squeue)
if (squeue == NULL||squeue->size==0)
return NULL;
return squeue->data[0];
// Out of the team
void Pop_SeqQueue(SeqQueue* squeue)
// Start at the head of the team , You need to move elements
if (squeue == NULL || squeue->size == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < squeue->size-1; i++)// Put the following elements , Move to the front , Overwrite the previous
squeue->data[i] = squeue->data[i + 1];
// Return to the end of the team
void* Back_SeqQueue(SeqQueue* squeue)
if (squeue == NULL||squeue->size==0)
return NULL;
return squeue->data[squeue->size-1];
// Return size
int Size_SeqQueue(SeqQueue* squeue)
if (squeue == NULL)
return -1;
return squeue->size;
// Clear queue
void Clear_SeqQueue(SeqQueue* squeue)
if (squeue == NULL)
squeue->size = 0;
// The destruction
void Free_SeqQueue(SeqQueue* squeue)
if (squeue == NULL)
- Build a 05 Sequential storage of queues .c Source file
#include "SeqQueue.h"
typedef struct PERSON
char name[21];
int age;
int main()
// Create a queue
SeqQueue* squeue = Init_SeqQueue();
person p[3] =
" Hee hee ",25},
" ha-ha ",24},
" ha-ha ",26}
// Data in queue
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
// Output
while (Size_SeqQueue(squeue) > 0)
// Take out the team leader element
person* p = Front_SeqQueue(squeue);
printf(" full name :%s Age :%d\n", p->name, p->age);
// Pop up element from team head
// The destruction
return 0;
result :
full name : Hee hee Age :25
full name : ha-ha Age :24
full name : ha-ha Age :26
Chain storage of queues
- Nodes include data field and pointer field .
- The data field is void* type , There are header nodes and nodes .
- The header node is of pointer type , When joining the team, you need to create a new node , And open up space for it .
Example :
- Create a LinkQueue.h The header file
#pragma once
// The node of the chain queue
typedef struct LINKNODE
void* data;// Node data
struct LINKNODE* next;
// Chain queues
typedef struct LINKQUEUE
LinkNode* head;
LinkNode* tail;// Caudal node
int size;
// Initialize queue
LinkQueue* Init_LinkQueue();
// The team
void Push_LinkQueue(LinkQueue* lqueue, void* data);
// Go back to team leader
void* Front_LinkQueue(LinkQueue* lqueue);
// Out of the team
void Pop_LinkQueue(LinkQueue* lqueue);
// Return to the end of the team
void* Back_LinkQueue(LinkQueue* lqueue);
// Return size
int Size_LinkQueue(LinkQueue* lqueue);
// Clear queue
void Clear_LinkQueue(LinkQueue* lqueue);
// The destruction
void Free_LinkQueue(LinkQueue* lququ);
- establish LinkQueue.c Source file
// Initialize queue
LinkQueue* Init_LinkQueue()
LinkQueue* lqueue = (LinkQueue*)malloc(sizeof(LinkQueue));
lqueue->head= NULL;
lqueue->tail = NULL;
lqueue->size = 0;
// The team , Add elements from the end of the team
void Push_LinkQueue(LinkQueue* lqueue, void* data)
if (lqueue == NULL || data == NULL)
// Create a new node
LinkNode* newnode = (LinkNode*)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
newnode->data = data;
newnode->next = NULL;
if (lqueue->head== NULL)
lqueue->head = lqueue->tail = newnode;
lqueue->tail->next = newnode;
lqueue->tail = lqueue->tail->next;
// Go back to team leader
void* Front_LinkQueue(LinkQueue* lqueue)
if (lqueue == NULL||lqueue->size==0)
return NULL;
return lqueue->head->data;
// Out of the team
void Pop_LinkQueue(LinkQueue* lqueue)
if (lqueue == NULL || lqueue->size == 0)
LinkNode* pdel = lqueue->head;
//LinkNode* pnext = lqueue->head;
lqueue->head = lqueue->head->next;;
// Return to the end of the team
void* Back_LinkQueue(LinkQueue* lqueue)
if (lqueue == NULL || lqueue->size == NULL)
return NULL;
return lqueue->tail->data;//
// Return size
int Size_LinkQueue(LinkQueue* lqueue)
if (lqueue == NULL)
return -1;
return lqueue->size;
// Clear queue
void Clear_LinkQueue(LinkQueue* lqueue)
if (lqueue == NULL)
lqueue->size = 0;
// The destruction
void Free_LinkQueue(LinkQueue* lqueue)
if (lqueue == NULL)
- establish 06 Chain storage of queues .c Source file
typedef struct PERSON
char name[21];
int age;
int score;
int main()
// Create a queue
LinkQueue* lqueue = Init_LinkQueue();
// Create data
person p[3]=
" tearful ",25,98},
" Grass ",23,89},
" Tree tree ",26,99}
// Data in the team
for (int i = 0; i < 3;i++)
Push_LinkQueue(lqueue, &p[i]);
// Take out the team leader element
person* fnode = Front_LinkQueue(lqueue);
printf(" The element of the team head is —— full name :%s Age :%d achievement :%d\n", fnode->name, fnode->age, fnode->score);
// Take out the tail element
person* bnode = Back_LinkQueue(lqueue);
printf(" The element at the end of the team is —— full name :%s Age :%d achievement :%d\n", bnode->name, bnode->age, bnode->score);
while (lqueue->size>0)
// Output
person* per = Front_LinkQueue(lqueue);
printf(" full name :%s Age :%d achievement :%d\n", per->name, per->age, per->score);
// The destruction
return 0;
result :
The element of the team head is —— full name : tearful Age :25 achievement :98
The element at the end of the team is —— full name : Tree tree Age :26 achievement :99
full name : tearful Age :25 achievement :98
full name : Grass Age :23 achievement :89
full name : Tree tree Age :26 achievement :99
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