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Coindesk comments on the decentralization process of the wave field: let people see the future of the Internet

2022-07-08 00:03:00 New observation of science and technology

6 month 27 Japan , According to the TRONScan data display , Wave field TRON The total number of accounts reached 100,140,897, Official breakthrough 1 Billion . since 2017 Since its establishment in , Wave field TRON Develop rapidly , And built a complete ecosystem .2021 year 12 month , Wave field TRON Founder sunyuchen announced in an open letter , Wave field DAO establish , This means that the wave field network is completely decentralized . With the world's first super mortgage stable currency USDD Launch , Wave field is at the forefront of the industry on the road of decentralization .

Regarding this , Well known industry media CoinDesk Published the title 《 De centralization : It's unstoppable , Or wishful thinking ?》 The article , Pointed out that “ Wave field sets an example , Integrate decentralization into its technology and governance , Let us have a glimpse of the future of the Internet ”.

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Here is the full text of the article :

No matter where on the Internet , Aggregation platforms and intermediaries can always explore market opportunities , With paid access 、 Paid drainage and paid approval make a lot of money .Web2 It is the age of intermediary —— From mass advertising services to online ticket booking monopoly platforms , Everything is closely related to the intermediary . Economists call it “ Rent seeking ”.

The recent shocks in the traditional financial market and cryptocurrency market show , The centralized world scenery belonging to the intermediary is no longer .Meta(Facebook) The share price has halved only this year , Money circle centralization giants have also laid off workers , Its share price fell by the same extent as Meta Be roughly the same .

The next generation Web3 The core of the platform is decentralization . Changing from centralization to decentralization is a challenging process —— Platform system 、 Business model 、 Customer relations, etc. must be completely reconfigured —— And those enterprises with decentralization as the core will lead this new wave .

Wave field is one of the representatives . The organization is committed to accelerating the process of Internet decentralization through blockchain technology and decentralized applications , By your excellency sun Yuchen on 2017 year 9 Founded in , since 2018 year 5 Since the main online line in January, it has developed rapidly .

2018 year 7 month , Wave field ecological completion and BitTorrent Integration of , The latter provides decentralization Web3 Service pioneer , With more than 100 million monthly live users . In recent years , The wave field network performs brilliantly , The total number of public chain users has exceeded 100 million , The number of transactions reached 34 Billion . Besides , Wave field version USDT Stabilize the currency circulation at 2021 year 4 Month exceeds Ethereum USDT, Ranked first in the world .

Wave field walks in Web3 The forefront of the times , Further promote the development of decentralization through technology and governance . On a technical level , Wavefield provides developers with an operating system for deploying decentralized applications . Wave field blockchain adopts a three-tier architecture , Including the storage layer 、 Core layer 、 application layer . Due to the use of proof of interest (PoS) Mechanism , Rather than the working proof commonly used by many blockchains (PoW) Mechanism , Wave field chain can be used as the main blockchain platform to carry daily activities , Not subject to high energy consumption 、 The trading speed is slow PoW Mechanism limitations . Wave field believes that its proxy rights and interests prove (DPoS) Consensus mechanism can meet all future needs .

At the governance level , Wave field network in 2021 year 12 Month achieved complete decentralization , Now it has become a distributed autonomous organization completely governed by the community (DAO). Wave field DAO to grant authorization 27 name “ Super representative ” Account for wave field network , The super representative is responsible for verifying all transaction data broadcast on the network and packaging them into blocks .

Elected 27 Super representatives are responsible for regular maintenance of wave field network . Users who participate in governance not only contribute to the development of the network and community , You can also get rewards .

Because decentralization touches the interests of many global industry giants , This trend is not irreversible . Achieving decentralization requires not only a lot of investment , Support development , Enterprise leaders like wave field are also needed . Wave field sets an example , Integrate decentralization into its technology and governance , Let us have a glimpse of the future of the Internet .


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