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Is Zhou Hongyi, 52, still young?

2022-07-08 00:09:00 Intelligent relativity

The theory of intelligent relativity

Author Chen xuanbin

last year 7 month 24 Japan ,“ Uncle in red ” Zhou Hongyi released his first video , Officially settled in B standing . To 7 month 2 End of day , A total of 23 Article Video , fans 2.3 ten thousand , Except for the first video 65 Wan broadcast , There is only one 9.3 Ten thousand plays and one 2.1 Million videos , other 20 All videos are 2 Played within 10000 . This achievement is in B There is only one station “ Knee region ”UP The Lord is not even , Let alone the head UP Main or waist UP Lord .

This year, , Zhou Hongyi 52 year ,360 Also already 17 Year old , For today's Internet market , Are not too young . Maybe , In the new generation of young people DNA in , It's gone “ By 360 control ” Fear .

Although it is past the age of life , But Zhou Hongyi seems to be actively trying to integrate into today's young people .

In the first video , He admits :“ I appreciate B Stand in such a young way of communication and atmosphere ”, And promise to settle B Stand one without goods , No chicken soup , Just want to be with B The young people of the station share some feelings and experiences of doing network security . And then , He's at the end of the video , also “ When in Rome, do as the Romans do ” Like a “ One key, three links ”, It really smells like a wave .

however , Have to say , It may be the first time in B The reason why the station sends videos ,“ Uncle in red ” It seems a little reserved , In the video , His eyes twinkled , Look up at the sky , Never looked directly at the camera , Talk to yourself endlessly .

This kind of feeling , It's like we were called to the stage to endorse when we were in school , I'm afraid I forget my words , Inadvertently, instinctively staring at the ceiling , It's like what you want to say is written on the ceiling .

So absent-minded , There must be something more important than greeting young people .

It was also last year , The 9th Internet Security Conference (ISC 2021) On , Compared with sharing network security experience with young people , At this time, Zhou Hongyi's more urgent task is to convey to the market and society 360 Ideas and ideas for network security .

“360 Want to fulfill a dream , That is to get through everywhere 、 Safety system of various industries , Form mutual query of Threat Intelligence and data , Build a national distributed security brain .” At the conference , Zhou Hongyi changed his sharp words in the past , Converged the edge , In a more open 、 The tolerant attitude explains to the outside world 360 Next, do the goal of network security .

Really “ The leader in red ” Turned into “ Uncle in red ”, The two performances before and after seem to indicate the transformation of Zhou Hongyi , And it is also affecting the future 360 Market path .

01 “ Uncle in red ” Love noisy

Zhou Hongyi was born in Huanggang, Hubei , I have been a great man since childhood , Excellent academic performance does not say , Often others need to spend all their energy to learn knowledge , And he only needs to spend a third of his energy .

This also led to his inability to adapt to school education , Often chat and joke in class 、 Mischievous , And since childhood, I have always adhered to the idea of taking action whenever it is necessary , Fight with others 、 Contempt for authority is also common .

There is a , Because he was naughty in class, the angry teacher directly hit him on the head with a ruler , cannot restrain one's anger . Just after school , When everyone leaves the classroom , He sneaked into the school classroom again , Break the ruler into two pieces , Then simply stick it with glue . Wait until the next day , When the teacher waved the ruler again , The yardstick was directly disconnected in the air , The funny scene caused the whole class to laugh .

remember , Until adulthood , Zhou Hongyi's concept has not changed , bring 360 In the industry, it's really 360° Make enemies on all sides , High profile declaration of war .

later , I went to middle school , Zhou Hongyi began to contact computers . But the conditions trapped at that time were limited , Zhou Hongyi can only learn by reading computer manuals and newspapers , It became the Enlightenment of his computer major .

recall , He said :“ I don't know how to program , It's just fun .”

play , It has become a kind of nature and decision-making guidance of Zhou Hongyi , Most of him don't want to “ play ” Things of , Will not do .

Facing the college entrance examination , He just doesn't want to “ play ”, Plan to complete the entrance examination through other channels , I think that must be cool . I heard that I won the place in the physics competition , You can walk to the University , So he went to sign up for the competition , For this reason, it also spent a lot of time preparing for the war .

Who knows , The night before the exam , He has insomnia , Uncontrollable excitement and wishful thinking in the brain , Constantly wasting his energy and mentality . The results are clear , He failed in the exam , Miss your place , Fail to do as you wish .

Back to high school , The huge gap made him even more reluctant to take the college entrance examination , Lost in confusion . And that's when , South China University of technology sent a message to admit Zhou Hongyi .

It turned out that the high school head teacher Xu Liang thought that Zhou Hongyi was good in all aspects , I sent letters of recommendation to several universities , See if you have a chance to help this smart boy .

The fastest reply is from South China University of Technology , But the major admitted is food engineering . This makes Zhou Hongyi is entangled , He decided early on to learn computer , Food engineering is not at all interested .

Zhou Hongyi stood at the crossroads of life , Go straight to the college entrance examination , Turn right and go directly to South China Institute of technology to study food engineering . Thinking for a long time , I love to be noisy in my bones 、 Not admitting defeat still can't make Zhou Hongyi ruthlessly study a major he doesn't want to read .

When he was about to confess to his parents , The signal light for turning left is on —— The teacher from the Admissions Office of Xi'an Jiaotong University came to Zhou Hongyi's School , He asked Zhou Hongyi , Xi'an Jiaotong University has a teaching reform class , I learned computer and communication , Do you want to come to their school ?

Zhou Hongyi readily agreed , stay 1988 In, he entered the computer department of the school of telecommunications, Xi'an Jiaotong University to study , Later, due to excellent academic performance , Continue to be recommended to study in the Department of systems engineering of the school of management .

02 Entering the rivers and lakes , Dare to be a fighter

In those days 3Q War , Smoke of gunpowder , But this is just that most people realize Zhou Hongyi “ Fighter ” The beginning of one side .

1995 year 7 month , After graduate school , Zhou Hongyi joined Founder Group , From programmer to deputy director of Founder R & D Center . however , At that time, founder's business focus was not in the Internet field , Software is not valued , Zhou Hongyi found it boring , You have the idea of quitting and starting a business .

1998 year , Zhou Hongyi set up Guofeng Internet software company with Fang Zheng's old colleagues , And created 3721 Website . At the end of the same year ,3721 Launch Chinese website , It is the first Chinese Internet service .

2002 year , Zhou Hongyi and his 3721 Welcome a strong opponent , Robin Lee and his Baidu search .

In the resource building of Peking University , Zhou Hongyi met Robin Lee for the first time , Two people sit opposite each other . Zhou Hongyi is an acute child , Take the lead , He's like a machine gun , There was a lot of clattering , About how to promote 、 How to make plug-ins , Finish what you want to say in a flash .

In sharp contrast to him , Sitting opposite, Robin Lee looked very quiet , He listened attentively , Don't say anything , Until finally, I slowly said :“ I think 3721 In essence, what we do is search , There will be competition in the future .”

The cooperation is over . Same year 6 month , Baidu launched the address bar plug-in , And 3721 for IE entrance , And implement “ Let users choose Baidu at the same time 3721 Delete ” The strategy of .

Zhou Hongyi was very angry , When I was a child “ Shoot when you need to ” As soon as I get angry , Clapping is a tit for tat reaction : You delete , I also delete . besides , He also improved user uninstallation through technology 3721 The difficulty of , This also achieved the title of the father of rogue software .

As competition intensifies ,2003 year 9 The month and 10 month , Baidu sued one after another 3721 Unfair competition , Zhou Hongyi and Robin Lee meet again , check evidence of both parties at court .

In court , The presiding female judge asked Zhou Hongyi :“ Baidu accuses you of deleting their things , Did you do it ?”

Robin Lee rushed to answer :“ He must have done it .”

Zhou Hongyi saw this , Smile and answer :“ I did it. , But he did it first . All the bad things I did , He did it all .”

Once upon a time, the female judge was amused on the spot . Last , After this dispute, both of them returned to calm ,2004 year 1 month ,3721 Sell yourself to Yahoo , Zhou Hongyi also joined Yahoo China .

It is worth mentioning that , During Yahoo China , Zhou Hongyi used “ search ” stay MP3 The search field has surpassed Baidu , adopt “1G Free mailbox ” Make Yahoo's email business the second in the industry , And with Lianzhong 、 Ctrip 、 Dangdang 、265 etc. 12 Professional websites set up e-mail alliance , Close to Netease city , It really made the big brother pinch a cold sweat .

03 360 Era

2005 year , Zhou Hongyi resigned as president of Yahoo China , Wander far away .

2006 year , Zhou Hongyi invests in Qihu 360 Technology Co., Ltd , And served as Qihoo 360 Chairman of the board of directors . Then , He quickly launched free security software “360 Safety guard ”, Hit the domestic network security market , Directly changed the competition logic of the whole industry .

The purpose of this is also very clear , Is to kill other competitors . Zhou Hongyi recalled , Pale face , Say :“ It turns out that I was young at that time , Want to kill your competitors , Just made a free , But I didn't expect to say , Our Chinese Internet users especially like free security ......”

Free mode quickly makes 360 Have a firm foothold in China's Internet market , Then Zhou Hongyi began to quickly layout the browser 、 game 、 Search for 、 Desktop Management 、 Compression software and other modules , Blossom everywhere , Sometimes even if users don't pay attention, they may be bundled and installed on their own computers “360 Family bucket ”.

In the meantime , Because the advertisement pops up 、 Bundled installation and other reasons ,360 Word of mouth fell rapidly , But at the same time, it also ushered in brilliant 360 Time .3Q After the war, , qihoo 360 Listed on the New York Stock Exchange ,2013 In, the stock price rose all the way to 94 dollar , The market value broke through and stabilized at 100 Over 100 million US dollars .

In those years , stay “TABLE” Under the domestic Internet pattern ,360 Occupy a pole properly . however , With the advent of the mobile Internet era ,360 Gradually showed fatigue ,“360 Mobile phone guard + Mobile phone browser ” The dual drive mode of has not been reproduced PC The glory of the Internet Era .

This time, , Zhou Hongyi fell into confusion again .

360 What is it? ? What kind of company to be ? What kind of products and services are needed in the new market ? A series of questions haunted his mind , Forcing him to stop , Decided to shut down for three months .

After leaving the customs , He became low-key ,“ I'm no longer in public relations as I used to ‘ profligacy ’ 了 , I hope to 360 An environment for peaceful development .”

Trade your peace 360 Peace , Zhou Hongyi and 360 Are trying to change .

however , Soon after they chose peace , China's Internet market has ushered in a more turbulent period , Mobile mobile games 、 Movies 、 e-sports 、 New formats such as short videos are emerging in endlessly , Giants and rookies who occupy new entrances rise in the wind , Master almost all the highlights of this era .

360 Instead, I'm a little old , Do something occasionally 、 Get some hardware , But they failed to stir up too much spray .

Try to ask , Lian Po too old , Whether can food ?

04 Return to network security , reengineering 360

Time returned to a memory moment of Zhou Hongyi , On that day , The leader of a national regulatory department found Zhou Hongyi , Mention to him , The country has great concerns and expectations about internet security , Also hope that 360 Return to the corporate responsibility of building the core technical capacity of network security , Become an important force in safeguarding national security .

This aroused Zhou Hongyi's mind , Privatization 、 Go home 、 Government and enterprise security 、 A lot of actions and concepts such as safe brain flow into your brain , Just like the night before the physics contest , Uncontrollable excitement and planning imagination stimulated him .

2015 In the first half of , The domestic stock market is improving , The Shanghai index is from 3234 The point rises to the highest 5178 spot , China concept stocks are on the rise of a wave of repatriation . Zhou Hongyi naturally saw this phenomenon , Think it will be 360 A rare opportunity to return home .

Same year 6 month , Zhou Hongyi announced by internal letter ,360 Will withdraw from U.S. stocks , Start privatization process , Delisting work in 2016 year 8 The month is basically completed .

The time is one month earlier than expected ,2016 year 7 month ,360 Complete privatization , Delisting from NYSE , And return two years later A stocks .

After that , Zhou Hongyi's more speeches and views are increasingly focused on the field of network security , In most of his speeches ,“360” Unconsciously, there is a suffix “ Government and enterprise security ”.

Just as Zhou Hongyi gradually became 360 Find out the way to the next era , The internal differentiation once again hit him in the head , That is Qi Xiangdong's departure .

If Zhou Hongyi is 360 The number one person of , Then Qi Xiangdong is 360 The second in command . Two people focus on each other C End products , A focus B Enterprise security at the end ; One shouted in front of the stage , One is in charge behind the scenes , Both led 360 The development of , Both colleagues , More of a comrade in arms .

3Q One morning during the war ,360 The headquarters welcomes 30 Raids by multiple Police . Qi Xiangdong hurriedly called Zhou Hongyi on his way to work , Say :“ Here comes the company 30 Multiple police , You run . Look where you can fly now , Just fly over first . Let's talk about the rest later .”

Listen. , Zhou Hongyi turned around and went to the airport , Fly to Hong Kong , hold 360 Entrusted to Qi Xiangdong .

Qi Xiangdong was once a comrade in arms behind Zhou Hongyi , But now he and his qi'anxin ran to Zhou Hongyi , Become 360 One of the most powerful competitors for the security of government and enterprises .

2019 year 4 month , Two people complete “ Separation ”.

Divorced from 360 after , Qianxin introduced China Electronics as the second largest shareholder , Promoted to “ National cyber security team ”. According to Guoxin Securities Research Report , At present, Qianxin has entered 90% The above central government departments 、 Central enterprises and large banks , Firmly grasp a considerable part of the market share of government and enterprises .

At this moment , What needs to be changed is not only 360, Zhou Hongyi himself . So at this Internet Security Conference , Many of his speeches are related to the past “ The leader in red ” one 's behavior is different , as if he were not the same person .

Zhou Hongyi has changed , He denied his best product breakthrough method , To be frank “ Network security can no longer be regarded as an appendage of informatization , Rely on stacking fragmented products to try to solve the changing safety problems , Instead, we should face the security challenges , With ‘ Fight 、 against 、 Offensive and defensive thinking ’ For guidance , Systematic construction of safety capacity .”

He is trying to recreate one with new tactics and new framework 360. if , On the stage , What else does this person have to do with the past “ The leader in red ” Something similar , Maybe it's that bright red coat .

Now he , Still active on the stage 、 On various government and enterprise security conferences and content platforms , And more is in reflection 360 And the strategic thinking of implementing the security of government and enterprises , There are many fewer words against the sky and the earth and against the colleagues .

Zhou Hongyi , Has it changed ?

Getting older , People are also calm and introverted a lot .

However, red clothes are on the body , On the highland of network security , He is still a proper fighter , Raise your arms and shout :“ There's never been a time when it's quiet , Invisible cyber attacks happen at any time , It's a fight , We should use the idea of war , Confrontational thinking to guide the development of network security , Network security can have the right direction .”

He and 360, Still firing !

lately 360 And gave up the capital increase of Nezha automobile , With “0 element ” Price transfer Nezha car 3.532% Equity of .

What is Lao Zhou insisting on , What are you giving up ?

reference :

1. 《 The disruptors : Zhou Hongyi autobiography 》

2. 《 The first half of Zhou Hongyi's life :3Q War 、3721、 Behind the scenes story of Yahoo China 》

3. 《 Seven years from fighter to hermit , What did Zhou Hongyi experience ?》

4. 《“ The leader in red ” Zhou Hongyi , Stories of entrepreneurship in those years 》

5. 《 Over the years ,360 Enemies everywhere 》

* The pictures in this article are all from the Internet

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