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Relevant methods of sorting arrays in JS (if you want to understand arrays, it's enough to read this article)

2022-07-07 23:59:00 Xiao Zhang, run quickly.

         Our front-end programmers are working , In addition to enjoying what you write every day “ Beautiful pages and code groups ” outside , What we contact most in our work is Array .

         So why do you say that : We can think of , All the data on our page 、 picture , Words etc. , We can't always maintain a state , Then this page is very limited for our later use , You could even say , This page is unusable . What we need Data can change in real time 、 to update .

         So here comes the question , The amount of data we need for a page is very huge , How do we save and use our data ? Now , Our array appears . In the process of getting work , We can find out , The data returned by the backend , More or less Array type data , Then we must master how to use this array , Get the data we need from your array .

One 、 The concept of array

         An array is a collection of data , Each of these data is called an element . In the array , You can store any type of element . Arrays are an elegant way to store a set of data under a single variable name .

Two 、 Array creation

        JS There are two ways to create arrays provided in : Literal creation and Built in function creation

        2、1 Create an array of literals

var arr=[];// Create an empty array 
var arr1=[1,2,3,4,'red',true];// Each element in the array should use “ comma ” separate 

         2、2 utilize new Create an array by creating a built-in function

var arr = new Array();// Create a new array 

Be careful :Array()  A Use capital letters  

3、 ... and 、 Number to get array elements

        Index of array

                Indexes ( Subscript ): The ordinal number used to access an array element ( Array of The subscript is from 0 At the beginning

var arr = [" The small white "," Xiao Huang "," Little black "," Xiaohong "]

Reference no. :      0         1        2        3

Format :        Array name [ Reference no. ]   

  Four 、 Traversal array

        After reading the introduction above , I believe you have a preliminary understanding of arrays , So how can we get all the elements in the array ? That's what we're going to talk about next   Traverse  .

Traverse : That is to access every element in the array from beginning to end .

       4、1 Utilization cycle , Traversal array

var arr = ["red","green","blue"];
    for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){

        Be careful : Because our array index number uses 0 At the beginning , therefore i The initial value of must be 0 

         4、2 for...in Traversal array

for(var k in  Array ){
    k  Subscript subscript 
     Array [k]   The element corresponding to the subscript 

expand : Bubble sort

        Bubble sort : It's an algorithm , Arrange and display a series of arrays in a certain order ( From large to small or from small to large ).

        The idea of bubble sort : Compare two elements at a time , If they are in the wrong order , Just exchange them .

Case study

var arr = [5,4,3,2,1]
    for(var i = 0;i <= arr.length - 1;i++){  // The outer loop controls the number of trips ( Loop through the entire array )
        for(var j = 0;j <= arr.length - i -1;j++){  // Inner loop control times 
         //  Use  if  Judge , Exchange the values of two variables ( What we use here is : Exchange the values of the current two variables through the third variable )
            if(arr[j] > arr[j + 1]){
                var temp = arr[j];
                arr[j] = arr[j + 1];
                arr[j + 1] = temp;

5、 ... and 、 Array API

        The use of arrays can greatly facilitate our use and operation of data , And the official has also encapsulated a large number of array related API(JS Predefined functions or methods in ), To provide our development efficiency .

API purpose remarks
toString() Convert an array to a string The elements are separated by commas
join() Convert an array to a string You can specify between elements Separator symbol , The default is comma ” Separate
reverse() Flip array
sort() Sort the array The default is Unicode Sort
concat(arr1,arr2,arr3,...) Splicing multiple arrays

arr1,arr2 Represents the array to be spliced

Return value : Returns the spliced array , The original array will not change

indexOf() Check whether there is an element in the array Return value : Returns the subscript , If you can't find it , return  -1
slice(start,end) Intercept array elements

start: The starting subscript ;end: Ending subscript , It doesn't contain end In itself

end It's empty , Cut to the end ;end It's a negative number , Said the bottom

Return value : Returns the intercepted element , The original array will not change

splice(start,end) Delete array elements

start: The starting subscript ;count: Deleted length

count It's empty , Indicates deletion to the end ;count It's a negative number , Said the bottom ;count by 0, Indicates to insert

Return value : Return deleted elements , The original array will change

push() Add elements at the end of the array Return value : return - Length of array , The original array will change
pop() Delete an element at the end of the array Return value : Deleted elements , The original array will change
unshift() Add an element at the beginning of the array Return value : Returns the length of the array , The original array will change
shift() Delete an element at the beginning of the array Return value : Return deleted elements , The original array will change

         In our usual development process , If we can skillfully use the correlation of writing arrays API, Then our development efficiency will be greatly improved , If I feel that the above introduction is not very detailed , Then you can go to the following website , There is a specific introduction

Array - JavaScript | MDN

  6、 ... and 、 Higher order functions of arrays

        6、1 every  Determine whether each element of the array meets the conditions

every( function ): Array of Every element Will be processed through functions , Determine whether the specified conditions are met

Function receive 3 individual Parameters  value、index、array ( Fixed order , The parameter name is optional , Unused parameters may not be written ) Pictured :


every() Of Return value : Each element of the array , After function processing , All meet the requirements , Then return to  true, As long as one does not meet the conditions , Then return to  false .

  Case study 1: Determine whether each element in the array is a positive number

      // every:  Every element of the array meets the condition 
      let nums = [11, -2, 45, 767, 32, 4, 5]
      //  Determine whether the array has   every last   All positive numbers. 
      // every( function ):  Each element of the array will be processed by functions ,  Determine whether the specified conditions are met 
      //  Function receive 3 Parameters ,  It's a fixed sequence ,  The parameter name is optional 
      var res = nums.every((value, index, array) => {
        console.log(' value value:', value)
        console.log(' Subscript index:', index)
        console.log('array:', array)
        //  Conditions :  The value is a positive number  > = 0
        return value > 0 //  Meet the conditions   return true
      // every Result :  Each element of the array ,  After function processing   All are true,  The end result is true,  It is false
      console.log(res ? ' All positive numbers. ' : ' Not all positive numbers ')

  Case study 2: Determine whether each element in the array is odd

var a = [11, 22, 33, 44, 55]
      //  Judge : a Are all odd numbers in 
      var res = a.every((value, index, array) => {
        //  Odd number :  Yes 2 Remainder   result 1 Of 
        return value % 2 == 1
      //  Omit 1:  Parameters not used in the method body ,  You can omit it 
      res = a.every(value => {
        return value % 2 == 1
      //  Omit 2:  Method body of arrow function ,  There is only one line ,  Omit {return }
      res = a.every(value => value % 2 == 1)
      //  Omit 3:  Implicit type conversion  0 false  1 really 
      res = a.every(value => value % 2)
      console.log(res ? ' It's all odd ' : ' Not all are odd numbers ')
      var b = [32, 43, 12, 45, 67]
      //  Judge b Whether each value in is greater than 20
      var res = b.every(value => value > 20)
      console.log(res ? ' all >20' : ' Feidu >20')

        6、2 some( In the array At least one Meet the conditions )

some(): As long as the array There is one The element satisfies the condition , Just go back to true

Function receive 3 individual Parameters  value、index、array ( Fixed order , The parameter name is optional , Unused parameters may not be written ) , and every The same parameters as .

some() Of Return value : Array As long as there is one Satisfied , some The result is that true, None , Just go back to false

  Case study : Determine whether there are even numbers in the array

      // some:  At least one   Satisfied 
      var nums = [11, 22, 3, 5]
      //  To determine if there is   even numbers 
      var res = nums.some(value => {
        //  All the parameters   Same as  every  Method 
        return value % 2 == 0
      //  Simplify grammar :
      res = nums.some(value => value % 2 == 0)
      //  As long as there is one in the array that meets the condition , some The result is that true
      console.log(res ? ' There are even numbers ' : ' No even number ')

        6、3 map( An array of map )

map(): mapping -- Each value of the array , After the transformation, a new array is formed

Function receive 3 individual Parameters  value、index、array ( Fixed order , The parameter name is optional , Unused parameters may not be written ) , and every The same parameters as .

map() Of Return value :map() Method Returns a new array , The element in the array is the value after the original array element calls the function .

    // map:  mapping -- Each value of the array ,  After the transformation, a new array is formed 
    var nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
    //  Put each value of the array  x2,  Get the new array 
    var res = nums.map(value => {
      return value * 2
    //   Simplify writing  return The return value of ,  Will form a new array 
    res = nums.map(value => value * 2)
    console.log('res:', res)

        6、4 filter( Array filtering )

filter(): Array filtering —— Filter the qualified elements and return a new array , The original array remains the same

Function receive 3 individual Parameters  value、index、array ( Fixed order , The parameter name is optional , Unused parameters may not be written ) , and every The same parameters as .
filter() Of Return value : When filter Filter out qualified values , Meeting Returns a new array

Be careful :filter Empty arrays will not be detected

Case study 1: Find all even numbers

      // filter:  Filter --  Combine the elements that meet the conditions into a new array 
      var nums = [11, 2, 43, 65, 76, 8, 87, 9]
      //  Find all even numbers 
      var res = nums.filter(value => {
        return value % 2 == 0
      //  simplify 
      res = nums.filter(value => value % 2 == 0)
      console.log('res:', res)

  Case study 2: Find out who meets the requirements

var emps = [
       { name: 'mike', salary: 8999, age: 39 },
       { name: 'lucy', salary: 6999, age: 31 },
       { name: 'tom', salary: 4999, age: 32 },
       { name: 'john', salary: 3999, age: 25 },
      //  Mission 1:  Find out all   Salary   Greater than 5000 People who 
      var res = emps.filter(value => value.salary > 5000)
      //  Mission 2:  Find out all   Age   Less than 35  People who 
      var res = emps.filter(value => value.age < 35)

        6、5 forEach( Traversal array , Instead of for loop )

forEach(): Simply traverse the array , Used to replace for loop

Function receive 2 Parameters :value,index( Usage and every The method is consistent )

forEach no return value

  Case study : utilize forEach Traversal array , And modify the values in the array

      // forEach:  Simply traverse the array ,  Used to replace  for  loop 
      var names = ['mike', 'lucy', 'lily', 'john']
      // forEach no return value 
      names.forEach((value, index) => {
        console.log('value:', value)
        console.log('index:', index)
      // for Loop through array writing :  Too complicated   So basically not 
      // for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++ ) {
      //   let value = names[i]
      // }
      var emps = [
       { name: 'mike', salary: 8999, age: 39 },
       { name: 'lucy', salary: 6999, age: 31 },
       { name: 'tom', salary: 4999, age: 32 },
       { name: 'john', salary: 3999, age: 25 },
      //  Take everyone's salary +1000,  Age +2
      emps.forEach(value => {
        // +=  Full write format of 
        //  utilize  =  Assignment symbol ,  To modify the   Original value 
        value.salary = value.salary + 1000
        value.age += 2

        6、6 reduce( inductive 、 Merge )

reduce(): inductive , Merge —— You can put the elements in the array , Sum it up into a value

Function receive 2 Parameters :sumvalue(sum: Initial value ,value: The value of the current element )

reduce() Writing :

  var res = nums.reduce((sum, value) => {
        //  Parameters 1: sum,  The result after each accumulation 
        //  Every time I traverse ,  Add up the value to sum.  The return value is new sum The sum of the 
        return sum + value
     }, 0)

reduce() Simplification of :

res = nums.reduce((sum, value) =>sum + value, 0)

  Case study : Calculated total price

      var products = [
       { name: 'iphone1', count: 3, price: 8888 },
       { name: 'iphone2', count: 5, price: 2888 },
       { name: 'iphone3', count: 1, price: 4888 },
       { name: 'iphone4', count: 13, price: 6888 },
      //  Calculate the total amount 
      // 0  yes  sum  The default value of , sum=0
      var total = products.reduce((sum, value) => {
        //  Multiply and divide first   Add and subtract 
        return sum + value.count * value.price
     }, 0)


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