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Orthodontic precautions (continuously updated)

2022-07-07 23:47:00 Microelectronics and solid state electronics - Yu Chi

What are the main complaints
Doctors have many orthodontic programs , Don't follow the doctor's guidance
Doctor or assistant
Bone nail injury to the root of the tooth will cause the tooth to be unable to retain
The removal of wisdom teeth may cause nerve paralysis
The more a big guy with a team , The more impossible it is to operate by yourself 【1】

The key of orthodontics is periodontium  

【2】 Wisdom teeth in can push , Doctor's advice for removal , In fact, it is just to avoid doctor-patient disputes caused by the immobility of wisdom teeth .


Operating process constraints :

Wisdom teeth don't pull out

Do not slice 、 Enamel removal and other tooth injury operations ( Even if there is a black triangle , Also resolutely do not )

Do not use bracket correction 、 Only use yinshimei ( Other invisible braces are rejected )【2】

Do not wash teeth ( Bleeding can hurt gums , Irreversible )

Don't do meaningless tooth movement ( Because the gums shrink 100% There is bound to be , Orthodontists can only be responsible for the corrective part , Unable to control periodontal problems such as the proliferation of bacteria )

Allow uneven teeth caused by improper orthodontic methods ( The main goal is to restore the occlusion of posterior teeth , Others can be appropriately abandoned )


【1】 Orthodontic face-to-face checklist | Be sure to ask the orthodontist 10 A question !_ Bili, Bili _bilibili

【2】 Live action animation case | No occlusion of bilateral posterior teeth , The child chews sideways 、 Eat slowly _ Bili, Bili _bilibili


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