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2022 certified surveyors are still at a loss when preparing for the exam? Teach you how to take the exam hand in hand?

2022-07-07 23:31:00 Direct employment from the ground up

Recently, it is the registration time for registered surveyors . There are many partners who are interested in some issues of registered surveyors . Is how to register a registered surveyor ? Is it worth trying ?

Because it takes a lot of time and energy to prepare for the exam . In addition to hoping that this certificate will help me in business , I definitely hope to bring more income to myself . that , Today, I will answer the question of registered surveyors !

  What is a registered surveyor ?

Registered surveyors refer to those who have obtained 《 Certificate of the people's Republic of China for certified surveyors 》 And professional and technical personnel engaged in surveying and mapping activities after registration according to law . Those who have obtained certificates through experiments , Be employed as a unit with surveying and mapping qualification , After registration , Can register to practice in the name of a surveyor . Important positions in surveying and mapping activities need to be held by registered surveyors .

In accordance with the relevant provisions , The exam is held once a year , Implement a unified national program 、 Unified proposition . The exam is divided into three subjects ( Comprehensive surveying and mapping capability 、 Surveying and mapping management and laws and regulations 、 Surveying and mapping case analysis ). If the examination result is qualified within one examination year , You can obtain the qualification certificate of registered surveyor , The certificate is valid nationwide .

The passing rate of registered surveyors in recent years is about 3% about . Many class a units , Because there are many majors to apply for , Minimum need 10 Only registered surveyors can meet their needs .

Using range

( One ) Technical design of Surveying and mapping project ;

( Two ) Technical consultation and evaluation of Surveying and mapping projects ;

( 3、 ... and ) Technical management of Surveying and mapping project 、 Guidance and supervision ;

( Four ) Quality inspection of Surveying and mapping results 、 review 、 Identification of ;

Registration conditions

All citizens of the people's Republic of China , Abide by national laws 、 statute , Abide by professional ethics , And meet one of the following conditions , You can apply for the qualification examination of registered surveyors :

( One ) Obtained a college degree in surveying and mapping , Have been engaged in surveying and mapping business for 4 year .

( Two ) Bachelor degree in surveying and mapping , Have been engaged in surveying and mapping business for 3 year .

( 3、 ... and ) Obtain a double bachelor's degree including a surveying and mapping major or graduate from a surveying and mapping major , Have been engaged in surveying and mapping business for 2 year .

( Four ) Master's degree in surveying and mapping , Have been engaged in surveying and mapping business for 1 year .

( 5、 ... and ) Get a doctor's degree in surveying and mapping .

( 6、 ... and ) Those who have obtained other professional qualifications or degrees in science or engineering , Their working years in surveying and mapping business have increased accordingly 1 year .

Conditions for exempting some subjects

For those who meet the registration conditions for the qualification examination of certified surveyors , And in 2005 year 12 month 31 A person who was recently appointed as a senior engineer for professional and technical positions , No test 《 Comprehensive surveying and mapping capability 》 subject , Only participate 《 Surveying and mapping management and laws and regulations 》《 Surveying and mapping case analysis 》2 A test for two subjects .

How to sign up

The registration website for registered surveyors is China personnel examination network . The registered surveyor examination adopts online registration 、 Online payment method , Implement the system of notification and commitment . Candidates must register before registration , The subsequent operation of registration can only be carried out after the qualification verification is passed .

Eligibility criteria

The Ministry of human resources and social security issued 《 About 33 Notice on matters related to the implementation of relatively fixed qualification standards in the vocational qualification examination for professional and technical personnel 》 since 2022 Since, a relatively fixed qualification standard has been implemented for the examination of registered surveyors : The qualification standard of each subject is the full score of the test paper 60%, That is, the eligibility criteria are 72 branch .

After obtaining the certificate , Have the opportunity to be a surveying and Mapping Team Leader 、 Surveying and Mapping Project Manager 、 Surveying and mapping management engineer and other positions ! Interested partners , You can leave a message below ~

The above is the detailed information of the registered surveyor certificate shared with you . After reading it, do you know more about the qualification certificate of registered surveyors , Those in the wait-and-see stage please act as soon as possible , Candidates who are already preparing, please continue to work hard . I will continue to bring you more latest news about registered surveyors .


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