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C cat and dog

2022-07-07 23:33:00 Bobo in summer

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 class //Pet Define a pet class (Pet):
        string name; // Define private member fields in this class name Name and age Age , And set its corresponding public attributes ;
        public string Name
            get {
     return name; }
            set {
     name = value; }
        int age;
        public int Age
            get {
     return age; }
            set {
     age = value; }
        public virtual void cry()// This class includes two methods : It's called Cry(), Eat something Eat();
            Console.WriteLine(" I'm a pet , My name is {0}, I {1} Year old ",this.name,this.age);
        public virtual void eat()
            Console.WriteLine(" I'm a favorite pet ");
        public Pet() {
     } // Complete the parameterless and parametric construction method of this class ;
        public Pet(string name, int age)
            this.name = name;
            this.age = age;
 class Dog:Pet// Define the subclass of a pet dog (Dog):
        public override void cry() // Covering the parent class Cry(),Eat() Method ; Add ways to watch the door GuardEntrance()
            Console.WriteLine(" I'm a dog , My name is {0}, I {1} Year old ",this.Name,this.Age);
        public override void eat()
            Console.WriteLine(" I like eating ");
        public void GuardEntrance()
            Console.WriteLine(" I like to watch the door , ha-ha ");
        public Dog() {
     } // Complete the parameterless and parametric construction method of this class ;
        public Dog(string name, int age) : base(name, age) {
class Cat:Pet // Define the subclass of pet cats (Cat):
         public override void cry() // Covering the parent class Cry(),Eat() Method ;
            Console.WriteLine(" I'm a cat , My name is {0}, I {1} Year old ",this.Name,this.Age);
        public override void eat()
            Console.WriteLine(" I like it ");

        public void GuardEntrance()// Increase the cat's own unique method of catching mice HuntMice();
            Console.WriteLine(" I like reading ,");
        public Cat() {
     }// Complete the parameterless and parameterized construction of this class 
        public Cat(string name, int age) : base(name, age) {
                Pet pet1 = new Dog(" Xiao Huang ",3);

                Pet pet2 = new Cat(" The small white ", 2);

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