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Home appliance industry channel business collaboration system solution: help home appliance enterprises quickly realize the Internet of channels

2022-07-07 23:27:00 Digital commerce cloud network


Development dilemma of traditional offline channels in household appliance industry

1、 Full role integration of home appliance industry channel providers , Minimize communication costs

2、 Strengthen channel connection , Home appliance industry channel intelligent management system to improve collaboration efficiency

3、 The channel business management platform system of household appliances industry accurately monitors , Flexible cargo management

4、 Efficient development of both supply and marketing , The cooperative service platform of home appliance distributors has rapidly expanded the scale of channels

5、 Channels communicate smoothly inside and outside , Home appliance channel websites improve sales conversion efficiency

6、 The whole business data collection of the home appliance channel business collaboration system , Speed up business decisions

China is a big country in the production and consumption of household appliances , It has a trillion level huge home appliance market . In recent years , With the rapid development of e-commerce platforms , China's household appliances market channels have also undergone drastic changes —— Online e-commerce channels are rising rapidly , And showing a trend of gradually replacing the traditional offline channels .

Development dilemma of traditional offline channels in household appliance industry

As a traditional household appliance consumption mode that has existed for decades , Offline channels have considerable advantages in purchasing experience , For example, consumers can personally contact all kinds of household appliances in stores , In particular, the appearance and size are more intuitive , And you can also get explanations from the salesperson , This is unmatched by online channels . But there are still some disadvantages in traditional circulation channels :

1、 The brands of offline stores of traditional household appliances are complex 、 There are many kinds , The work done in product display and experience is not in place ;

2、 Some salespersons have poor professionalism , It is difficult to recommend according to the personalized needs of consumers ;

3、 The decoration and atmosphere of some home appliance malls are difficult to make consumers feel at home .

There are many similar problems in traditional offline circulation channels , Directly lead to offline stores of household appliances 、 The emotional bond between home appliance brands and consumers is insufficient , The conversion rate and consumption stickiness of potential buyers are not enough .

The current situation of household appliances retail channels , It is far beyond the scope that traditional manufacturers can grasp . With 2020 The advent of the epidemic in , It has accelerated the reform of market channels in the household appliance industry , Channel strategy is taking the road of online and offline integration , This will quickly die out for the traditional offline distribution mode . therefore , Traditional household appliance enterprises also need to make major changes in channel side management , Actively welcome the arrival of digitalization , Apply emerging Internet technologies , Build an intelligent management system of channel providers to realize the channel management of home appliance e-commerce , To meet the increasing quality requirements of consumers .

Digital business cloud helps traditional household appliance enterprises to empower channels , Build Digitalization for channels , Visual operation system . The home appliance industry channel business collaborative service platform can provide real-time insight into market dynamics 、 Precise promotion strategy and other powerful functions , Create a one stop shop 、 The whole process 、 Automated home appliance distributor collaboration system , Quickly expand and lock customers , Accelerate the return of funds , Optimize the third flow of channels , Create an exclusive channel intelligent management system for household appliances industry , Clearly manage channel orders , Accurately grasp the channel inventory , The home appliance distributor system helps enterprises quickly realize the Internet of channels .

picture source : Digital quotient cloud

1、 Full role integration of home appliance industry channel providers , Minimize communication costs

Through the cooperative service platform of home appliance industry channel providers , Build up the upstream and downstream ordering and purchasing of household appliances industry 、 Inventory report , Channel service system The data link is naturally unblocked , Leave no data dead space , The establishment of home appliance channel coordination system can greatly reduce the communication cost of various roles .

2、 Strengthen channel connection , Home appliance industry channel intelligent management system to improve collaboration efficiency

By establishing a collaborative service platform for home appliance distributors , Channel providers can place orders online on their websites 、 Order tracking 、 Transaction reconciliation and commercial report inventory data , The home appliance channel management platform realizes the transparency and collaborative operation of channel information .

3、 The channel business management platform system of household appliances industry accurately monitors , Flexible cargo management

Through the home appliance channel management platform , The fund flow of the channel service system is accurately monitored , Accurate calculation of dividends of channel agents , Big data analysis of product profits by the home appliance distributor collaboration system , The channel business system provides the most accurate strategic decision support for household appliance enterprises .

4、 Efficient development of both supply and marketing , The cooperative service platform of home appliance distributors has rapidly expanded the scale of channels

The home appliance distributor system helps home appliance enterprises quickly find efficient ways to expand their channels , Through the channel management platform, sales organizations can quickly find the products provided by household appliance enterprises , Through the home appliance channel coordination system , Build strong channel sales with network branches .

5、 Channels communicate smoothly inside and outside , Home appliance channel websites improve sales conversion efficiency

Build instant messaging inside and outside the home appliance industry channel system 、 Knowledge sharing 、 Team motivation 、 Commission reward 、 Business competition , Through the intelligent management system of home appliance industry channel providers, we can effectively improve the sales conversion rate of home appliance channel organizations .

6、 The whole business data collection of the home appliance channel business collaboration system , Speed up business decisions

Through the home appliance industry channel system , Purchase orders can be 、 Differentiated price 、 Inventory dynamics 、 Dealer data 、 Data such as control rules are analyzed uniformly on the channel business management platform of household appliances industry , Quickly complete data analysis and business insight on the channel website .

future , Changes in sales channels of household appliances industry , It will not only affect the competitive pattern of household appliance brands , It will also accelerate the elimination of the catalytic industry , Matthew effect . Oriented by digital transformation , Restructuring the business model has become an inevitable trend of industry transformation , The construction of intelligent management system for channel merchants will help traditional household appliance enterprises accelerate their transformation and upgrading , Improve the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises , Break through market competition .

< In this paper, the number quotient cloud • Original by cloud craftsman , The content only represents the author's personal opinion , Commercial reprint please contact the author for authorization , For non-commercial reprint, please indicate : Digital cloud original >


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