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Emotional post station 010: things that contemporary college students should understand

2022-07-08 00:05:00 Cloth scholar Python

One 、 Precautions for class committee of college students

1. No lies , Not all the truth

Class committee , Especially the monitor and the Secretary of the League branch , It is a bridge between Counselors and students , It is also an important way for counselors to understand the situation of students , therefore , The first thing the class committee must do is not cheat the counselor .

The class committee must give real feedback on the situation in the class , Especially when there are contradictions among students 、 quarrel 、 a fist fight 、 Turn over the wall and go out 、 Want to 、 Bar drinking and other things .

Some class members feel that things are not big , There is no need to let the counselor know , It seems that he betrayed his classmates . There is also when the counselor asked , The class committee still doesn't say , And continue to hide , I think counselors are easy to cheat .

Actually, think about it , If something big happens , As a student , Can you take responsibility ? In the end, it's not the counselor who takes responsibility ?

therefore The most taboo thing for counselors is that the class committee deceives others !

If you are defined by a counselor as a liar , After that, important things will definitely not be handed over to you , I won't consult you if I know the situation of my classmates , For example, things like appraising excellent people and joining the party first , The counselor will definitely think before handing it over to you , This class member loves to lie , There may be something wrong with your character , Put him in charge , Will he play favoritism , Give the quota to someone close to him ?

therefore , The class committee must follow a principle for counselors : No lies , But if you don't want to tell the truth , You can't say it all , But we must not deliberately hide .

2. Where there is work , Must be implemented

Some class members , The work arranged by the counselor , Neither implementation , Nor reply .

If the work is difficult , Feel awkward or unable to do , Tell the counselor about the difficulties at the first time . Let the counselor have time to change , Or help you solve . One of the main functions of counselors is to solve problems that cannot be solved by the class committee .

Whether in school or later to society , Facing the work arranged by the leader , We must implement , If you have difficulties, please give feedback in time , Never learn ostrich , I feel like burying my head in the sand , No one else will see you , I think the leader will forget after a period of time , There is no need to do , This idea is very dangerous .

3. Who is responsible for you , Whose do you listen to

You will meet all kinds of teachers in school , Of course, some teachers will ask you to help do something .

If you have the opportunity to help the teacher do something , Of course it's a good thing , First, exercise yourself when doing things . Second, contact different teachers , You can also learn a lot from it .

however , We must have our own principles , What can help , What can't be helped , Touching the bottom line must not help , Activities of each of us , Be above your bottom line , Others stepped on your bottom line , You haven't reacted yet , Then you can only be bullied .

So helping others is done without violating principles .

Of course, the most important thing is , Who is responsible for you , Whose do you listen to . Counselors are the most important and direct person in charge of your school , So listen to the counselor , Because it's his responsibility to have problems .

If you listen to other teachers , Done something wrong , Who is responsible for you ? Counselor ? sorry , You did it without telling the counselor , Counselors will not carry this pot .

Are other teachers responsible for you ? sorry , You have no evidence .

therefore , Only you can bear the consequences !

therefore , Bear in mind , Who is responsible for you , Whose do you listen to !

4. Get down to business , This book is divided into people

Some class members think they are outstanding , Through all kinds of lies, the students and teachers play around , Need to know “ Good and evil are rewarded in the end , Heaven is good at reincarnation , Look up , Who can heaven spare !”

Others can be fooled by you , Probably not because you are smart , It's not because you're good at cheating , But because others trust you . however , Trust this thing , Once broken , It's impossible to recover .

As a counselor teacher , I really like those who work for the class steadfastly , Serve the students , At the same time, he should be a man , Don't engage in those messy schemes , There are those calculators who use their mental energy in learning , It's not more important to use it in growth ?

Two 、 Precautions for college students

1. Be cognizant of 1.01 Of 365 The power and 0.99 Of 365 The difference of power

Bai Yansong once said in his speech to college students :

“ What I fear most is , I'm in a bad mood every day , In a flash 4 Years have passed , Then I feel even worse .
If you are in a good mood every day , Make a little progress every day ,4 Years add up , General 985 211 I can't beat you ”

Bai Yansong once said “ This is not an era of sprinting , But an era of long-distance running ”

Let's figure it out :
1.01 Of 365 Power =37.78343433289, The result is far greater than 1;

1 Of 365 Power =1;

0.99 Of 365 Power = 0.02551796445229, The result is far less than 1;

1.01=1+0.01, That is to make progress every day ,1.01 Of 365 Power, that is to say, make a little progress every day , A year later , You will make great progress , Far greater than “1”;

1 It means standing still , A year later, you are still standing still , Or that one? “1”;

0.99=1-0.01, That means you step back a little every day , You will be in a year , Far less than “1”, Left far behind by others , Will be “1” Nothing can be done .

Share with you my motto :“ Be upright and honest 、 For a long time ”

Write so much for the time being , I'll add something later


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