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Seven years' experience of a test engineer -- to you who walk alone all the way (don't give up)

2022-07-07 23:51:00 Little brother said test


Unknowingly, in the software testing industry , I've got to get up and down 7 years . Along the way, I also left many stories that I can't forget . I was confused when I first entered the industry , There are pits on the road of learning technology , There is the sadness of tapping the code overnight, and there is also the joy of welcoming the successful launch of the project , There are too many moments worth remembering , It's all because I took the road of testing , And I will go all the way !

I started my testing career after graduation , Many classmates and friends around have changed careers , To choose a more suitable way .

Two days ago and a factory back from Shanghai CTO Have dinner together , Talking about the development of software testing , In fact, software testing has changed a lot unconsciously , A few years ago, the software testing industry was still a tuyere , With the continuous transfer of personnel and graduates crazy into the software testing industry , At present, software testing industry “ The gap ” It's almost saturated . Of course , What we are talking about is that there are few job requirements for the most basic functional testing , And automation 、 performance 、 Security and big data testing that may appear in the future 、AI There are still a lot of opportunities for testing .

Many friends who want to ask some questions about the software test engineer industry will come to us , Here 7 Years of testing experience , We see too many people who want to improve testing technology without clear direction , Deeply experience the technical pain point of testers , And test this role in the Internet company's treatment and status is far less than other positions , There will even be a lot of people who think that testing can be replaced at any time in the company , not essential .

So in the software testing industry, if only manual testers don't do testing , What else can we do ? The only way is to keep learning , I hope I can survive the layoff , Or the company went out of business , I can have more competitive advantage in the market . Because there are more opportunities to interview , So I got in touch with more testers , It's because in this bad environment , Plus the impact of this year's epidemic , I do the same for “ If you don't do the test , What else can I do ” And anxiety .

Problems related to the transition from functional testing to automation :

For historical reasons , Most testers , The first contact is pure functional interface testing , With years of work , I will be exposed to some common testing tools , Like catching bags , database ,linux etc. .

I majored in Computer Science in University , Have certain programming basis . My software testing career started to be like most testers , At the beginning, I did software function test in an e-commerce company .

My fans left a message a few days ago asking me , Functional testing in first tier cities , If you set a small goal , Want to get 200000 a year , What skills are needed ?

  • 1. First of all, you must be familiar with the business process of the whole product 、 Business is the foundation , This ensures that when the product iterates quickly 、 Not only ensure the integrity of new functions , And fast return to the original function is not affected .
  • 2. Then we need to master some common testing tools to assist testing :
Web End test : Browser developer tools ,network、console Console 、 Compatibility test
Mobile app test :( Android /IOS/ipad End ) The whole process of testing , Compatibility test 、 Stability test , Fluency test 、adb Common commands
Server side : Master interface test 、 Use the bag grabbing tool 、 How to check the integrity of interface
Linux: Commonly used shell command , Check the error log
Database test : Familiar with database table structure , Master common addition, deletion, modification and query sql sentence , It is easy to analyze the test results .
Use of common tools :SVN/git Version control tools 、postman、jenkins Application packaging and construction

let me put it another way , If you get a new product test function , If you can go through the table structure of the database , And analyze the system log to get familiar with the product business quickly , Explain your test thinking , The ability of functional testing has been excellent .

At that time, I did software testing in Shanghai and mastered the above skills , In the company will improve the efficiency of the work , Relatively easy , This led me to have plenty of time , Pick up programming language , Originally used java Language , And then learn all kinds of automated testing technology , I thought automated testing was particularly interesting , And it's amazing , It aroused my strong interest .

It turned out Python Language is becoming more and more popular , And I found out python It's especially suitable for test engineers who are weak in programming .

python It can also be used for crawling , use python I can also write some timing scripts , Database script , Very efficient .

Current situation of testing industry

The trend of testing industry , When you interview a test engineer at any level, you will ask if you can automate the test , So automated testing has become a necessary skill , Not bonus items .

let me put it another way , Using open source testing tools is not enough to raise the company's salary or move to a large Internet factory . Because the real implementation of enterprise automation testing must be done by a team .

When you're familiar with these open source frameworks , You'll find that some frameworks are interlinked , So based on these open source frameworks , We build our own testing framework .

According to the actual testing requirements of the company, we can independently package the testing framework suitable for the project , Practical landing . Establish own technical system , Get a set of effective automated testing scheme , From bronze to King .

This allows our automation team to focus more on the test case design itself , To improve product quality , The purpose of improving efficiency .

Some methods of learning

The content of learning must be based on your own work , In this way, we can turn the learned technology into work experience . So how do we software test engineers in the tedious and repetitive manual testing work , Slowly expand and accumulate Testing Technology , Establish own technical system ?

Most testers , The first contact is pure functional interface test , With years of work , I will be exposed to some common testing tools , Like catching bags , database ,linux etc. .

But there is a common problem , Now most enterprises are agile development mode , It's easy to fall into the fast iteration of versions .

So that there is no time and energy to learn some advanced and mainstream testing technology , Like a programming language 、 Automated test tool 、 Test framework building 、 Test platform development .

Even if you squeeze time to force yourself to study , I don't know where to start , Those fragmented things , It can only let you know , It's hard, it's hard to digest .

When you want to form your own output , When doing projects with your own ideas and techniques , You have to go back to that knowledge frame to learn .

Tips on learning software testing : Don't fragment information learning , That's not learning , There should be decision-making learning , Systematic learning , Learn how to solve problems .

My original intention is simple : Make software testing easier ! Share learning materials , Interview questions 、 Technical dry cargo . Many people also asked me , Is there a shortcut to learning software testing ? I think taking fewer detours is the biggest shortcut . The information of the system is the best learning method for functional testing to automatic testing and even test development !

At the right age , Select the appropriate position , Try to give full play to your advantages .

My path to automated testing , I can't leave the plan of each stage all the way , Because I like planning and summarizing , therefore , My friend and I spent some time to compile the following 《 Automatic test engineer learning route 》, Also sorted out a lot 【 Network disk resources 】, Friends in need can At the end of the article, you can get the link of online disk for free . I hope it will bring you help and direction .

1. Automated testing is a must Python Programming content

2. Web UI Basic content of automated testing

3. Web UI The actual content of automatic test

4. APP UI Basic content of automated testing

5. APP UI The actual content of automatic test

6. API Basic content of interface automation test

7. API Actual content of interface automation test

8. CI/CD Continuous integration of special technologies

9. The actual combat technology of automated test framework

The above is a knowledge architecture diagram of the development direction of automation test engineers I sorted out for you . I hope you can follow this system in 3-4 The construction of such a system will be completed in three months . so to speak , It's a process that's going to kill you , But as long as you get through it . Life will be much easier in the future . It's just that it's hard at the beginning , Just take the first step , You're halfway there , When we look back on this journey after it's finished , You're bound to feel a lot .

Here's a message for you :

Make yourself stronger : Think about it , If you want to keep doing it in the testing industry , Your experience and testing skills are far from enough , You need to advance , You need to enrich your technology stack ! What are we waiting for? !

A little help

Finally, thank everyone who reads my article carefully , Watching the rise and attention of fans all the way , Reciprocity is always necessary , Although it's not very valuable , If you can use it, you can take it

​ These materials , For those who want to advance 【 automated testing 】 For our friends, it should be the most comprehensive and complete war preparation warehouse , This warehouse also accompanied me through the most difficult journey , I hope it can help you ! Everything should be done as soon as possible , Especially in the technology industry , We must improve our technical skills . I hope that's helpful …….


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