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Anaconda+pycharm+pyqt5 configuration problem: pyuic5 cannot be found exe

2022-07-07 23:54:00 yanyanyanyyyyy

stay ui turn py There are always errors in the file :ImportError: DLL load failed while importing QtCore: The specified module was not found . It is found that the reason is the local configuration PyUIC Use G:\Anaconda3\python.exe This path is not successful , Need to find pyuic5.exe file .

But never found pyuic5.exe file , Query many tutorials , Discover the use of anaconda The environment is not pyqt5-tools, You need to download it by yourself .

But in the use of pip After downloading the command , stay site-packages Only... Exists in the file py5-tools file ( The full path G:\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages), And in the G:\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\qt5_applications\Qt\bin Found in uic.exe file , After trying the file, I found , This is going to be ui File conversion to c++ file .

Then I tried many ways , Finally, try to pyqt5 and pyqt5-tools Use pip Command uninstall , Reuse pip Command to download again , Eventual success , stay G:\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages The directory also exists successfully pyqt5-tools file , and pyuic5.exe Also successfully appeared in G:\Anaconda3\Scripts Next .

