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Mujoco finite state machine and trajectory tracking

2022-07-07 00:28:00 Feisy

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Course content

  1. Realization hold swing1 swing2 stop Switching of four states
  2. Trajectories in different states are generated in different ways

Use the motor to change the position

mujoco Demonstration of finite state machine

Use external force to change the position

If we cancel the motor of the joint , Use external force to control , The effect is as follows

Mujoco Use external force to realize state machine

It looks exactly like the one with motor . Therefore, the function of motor input and external force input is the same

State machine diagram  Insert picture description here

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#include<stdbool.h> //for bool
//#include<unistd.h> //for usleep
//#include <math.h>

//start: q0 = -1; q1 = 0
//intermediate: q0 = 0; q1 = -1.57 (pi/2)
//end: q0 = 1; q1 = 0;

double a0[2]={
double qref[2]={
    0}, uref[2]={

#include "mujoco.h"
#include "glfw3.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"

//simulation end time
double simend = 5;

//state machine
int fsm_state;

#define fsm_hold 0
//const int fsm_hold = 0;
#define fsm_swing1 1
#define fsm_swing2 2
#define fsm_stop 3

const double t_hold = 0.5;
const double t_swing1 = 1;
const double t_swing2 = 1;

//related to writing data to a file
FILE *fid;
int loop_index = 0;
const int data_frequency = 10; //frequency at which data is written to a file

// char xmlpath[] = "../myproject/template_writeData/pendulum.xml";
// char datapath[] = "../myproject/template_writeData/data.csv";

//Change the path <template_writeData>
//Change the xml file
char path[] = "../myproject/dbpendulum_fsm/";
char xmlfile[] = "doublependulum.xml";

char datafile[] = "data.csv";

// MuJoCo data structures
mjModel* m = NULL;                  // MuJoCo model
mjData* d = NULL;                   // MuJoCo data
mjvCamera cam;                      // abstract camera
mjvOption opt;                      // visualization options
mjvScene scn;                       // abstract scene
mjrContext con;                     // custom GPU context

// mouse interaction
bool button_left = false;
bool button_middle = false;
bool button_right =  false;
double lastx = 0;
double lasty = 0;

// holders of one step history of time and position to calculate dertivatives
mjtNum position_history = 0;
mjtNum previous_time = 0;

// controller related variables
float_t ctrl_update_freq = 100;
mjtNum last_update = 0.0;
mjtNum ctrl;

// keyboard callback
void keyboard(GLFWwindow* window, int key, int scancode, int act, int mods)
    // backspace: reset simulation
    if( act==GLFW_PRESS && key==GLFW_KEY_BACKSPACE )
        mj_resetData(m, d);
        mj_forward(m, d);

// mouse button callback
void mouse_button(GLFWwindow* window, int button, int act, int mods)
    // update button state
    button_left =   (glfwGetMouseButton(window, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT)==GLFW_PRESS);
    button_middle = (glfwGetMouseButton(window, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE)==GLFW_PRESS);
    button_right =  (glfwGetMouseButton(window, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT)==GLFW_PRESS);

    // update mouse position
    glfwGetCursorPos(window, &lastx, &lasty);

// mouse move callback
void mouse_move(GLFWwindow* window, double xpos, double ypos)
    // no buttons down: nothing to do
    if( !button_left && !button_middle && !button_right )

    // compute mouse displacement, save
    double dx = xpos - lastx;
    double dy = ypos - lasty;
    lastx = xpos;
    lasty = ypos;

    // get current window size
    int width, height;
    glfwGetWindowSize(window, &width, &height);

    // get shift key state
    bool mod_shift = (glfwGetKey(window, GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT)==GLFW_PRESS ||
                      glfwGetKey(window, GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT)==GLFW_PRESS);

    // determine action based on mouse button
    mjtMouse action;
    if( button_right )
        action = mod_shift ? mjMOUSE_MOVE_H : mjMOUSE_MOVE_V;
    else if( button_left )
        action = mod_shift ? mjMOUSE_ROTATE_H : mjMOUSE_ROTATE_V;
        action = mjMOUSE_ZOOM;

    // move camera
    mjv_moveCamera(m, action, dx/height, dy/height, &scn, &cam);

// scroll callback
void scroll(GLFWwindow* window, double xoffset, double yoffset)
    // emulate vertical mouse motion = 5% of window height
    mjv_moveCamera(m, mjMOUSE_ZOOM, 0, -0.05*yoffset, &scn, &cam);

//This function is called once and is used to get the headers
void init_save_data()
  //write name of the variable here (header)
   fprintf(fid,"t, ");
   fprintf(fid,"q0, q1, q0ref, q1ref ");

   //Don't remove the newline

//This function is called at a set frequency, put data here
void save_data(const mjModel* m, mjData* d)
  //data here should correspond to headers in init_save_data()
  //seperate data by a space %f followed by space
  fprintf(fid,"%f, ",d->time);
  fprintf(fid,"%f, %f, %f, %f ",d->qpos[0],d->qpos[1],qref[0],qref[1]);

  //Don't remove the newline

void set_torque_control(const mjModel* m,int actuator_no,int flag)
  if (flag==0)

void set_position_servo(const mjModel* m,int actuator_no,double kp)

void set_velocity_servo(const mjModel* m,int actuator_no,double kv)

void generate_trajectory(double t0, double tf, double q_0[2],double q_f[2])
  int i;
  double tf_t0_3 = (tf-t0)*(tf-t0)*(tf-t0);
  for (i=0;i<2;i++)
    double q0 = q_0[i], qf = q_f[i];
    a0[i] = qf*t0*t0*(3*tf-t0) + q0*tf*tf*(tf-3*t0); a0[i] = a0[i]/tf_t0_3;
    a1[i] = 6*t0*tf*(q0-qf); a1[i] = a1[i]/tf_t0_3;
    a2[i] = 3*(t0+tf)*(qf-q0); a2[i] = a2[i]/tf_t0_3;
    a3[i] = 2*(q0-qf); a3[i] = a3[i]/tf_t0_3;
void init_controller(const mjModel* m, mjData* d)
  fsm_state = fsm_hold;
  set_position_servo(m,1,0); //set pservo1 to 0
  set_velocity_servo(m,2,0); //set vservo1 to 0
  set_position_servo(m,4,0); //set pservo2 to 0
  set_velocity_servo(m,5,0); //set vservo2 to 0

void mycontroller(const mjModel* m, mjData* d)
  //write control here
  int i;
  double t;
  t = d->time;
  //start: q0 = -1; q1 = 0
  //intermediate: q0 = 0; q1 = -1.57 (pi/2)
  //end: q0 = 1; q1 = 0;
  if (fsm_state == fsm_hold && d->time >=t_hold)
    fsm_state = fsm_swing1;
    double q_0[2]={
    0}; double q_f[2]={
    q_0[0]= -1; q_0[1] = 0;
    q_f[0]= 0.5;  q_f[1] = -2;
    generate_trajectory(t_hold,t_hold + t_swing1,q_0,q_f);
  if (fsm_state == fsm_swing1 && d->time >=t_hold+t_swing1)
    fsm_state = fsm_swing2;
    double q_0[2]={
    0}; double q_f[2]={
    q_0[0]= 0.5; q_0[1] = -2;
    q_f[0]= 1;  q_f[1] = 0;
    generate_trajectory(t_hold+t_swing1,t_hold + t_swing1+t_swing2,q_0,q_f);
  if (fsm_state == fsm_swing2 && d->time >=t_hold+t_swing1+t_swing2)
    fsm_state = fsm_stop;

  //start: q0 = -1; q1 = 0
  //intermediate: q0 = 0; q1 = -1.57 (pi/2)
  //end: q0 = 1; q1 = 0;
  double q0, q1;
  double kp = 500, kv = 50;
  if (fsm_state == fsm_hold)
    //q0 = -1; q1 = 0;
    qref[0]=-1; qref[1]=0;
    uref[0]=0;  uref[1]=0;
    d->ctrl[0] = -kp*(d->qpos[0]-qref[0])-kv*d->qvel[0];
    d->ctrl[3] = -kp*(d->qpos[1]-qref[1])-kv*d->qvel[1];

    // d->ctrl[1] = q0;
    // d->ctrl[4] = q1;
  if (fsm_state == fsm_swing1) //generate trajectory
    //q0 = 0; q1 = -1.57;

    for (i=0;i<2;i++)
      qref[i] = a0[i] + a1[i]*t + a2[i]*t*t + a3[i]*t*t*t;
      uref[i] =      a1[i] + 2*a2[i]*t + 3*a3[i]*t*t;
    d->ctrl[0] = -kp*(d->qpos[0]-qref[0])-kv*(d->qvel[0]-uref[0]);
    d->ctrl[3] = -kp*(d->qpos[1]-qref[1])-kv*(d->qvel[1]-uref[1]);

    // d->ctrl[1] = q0;
    // d->ctrl[4] = q1;
  if (fsm_state == fsm_swing2) //generate trajectory
    //q0 = 1; q1 = 0;

    //double qref[2]={0}, uref[2]={0};
    for (i=0;i<2;i++)
      qref[i] = a0[i] + a1[i]*t + a2[i]*t*t + a3[i]*t*t*t;
      uref[i] =      a1[i] + 2*a2[i]*t + 3*a3[i]*t*t;
    d->ctrl[0] = -kp*(d->qpos[0]-qref[0])-kv*(d->qvel[0]-uref[0]);
    d->ctrl[3] = -kp*(d->qpos[1]-qref[1])-kv*(d->qvel[1]-uref[1]);

    // d->ctrl[1] = q0;
    // d->ctrl[4] = q1;
  if (fsm_state == fsm_stop)
    qref[0]=1;  qref[1]=0;
    uref[0]=0;  uref[1]=0;
    d->ctrl[0] = -kp*(d->qpos[0]-qref[0])-kv*d->qvel[0];
    d->ctrl[3] = -kp*(d->qpos[1]-qref[1])-kv*d->qvel[1];

    // d->ctrl[1] = q0;
    // d->ctrl[4] = q1;

  //write data here (dont change/dete this function call; instead write what you need to save in save_data)
  if ( loop_index%data_frequency==0)
  loop_index = loop_index + 1;

// main function
int main(int argc, const char** argv)

    // activate software

    char xmlpath[100]={
    char datapath[100]={



    // load and compile model
    char error[1000] = "Could not load binary model";

    // check command-line arguments
    if( argc<2 )
        m = mj_loadXML(xmlpath, 0, error, 1000);

        if( strlen(argv[1])>4 && !strcmp(argv[1]+strlen(argv[1])-4, ".mjb") )
            m = mj_loadModel(argv[1], 0);
            m = mj_loadXML(argv[1], 0, error, 1000);
    if( !m )
        mju_error_s("Load model error: %s", error);

    // make data
    d = mj_makeData(m);

    // init GLFW
    if( !glfwInit() )
        mju_error("Could not initialize GLFW");

    // create window, make OpenGL context current, request v-sync
    GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(1244, 700, "Demo", NULL, NULL);

    // initialize visualization data structures
    mjv_makeScene(m, &scn, 2000);                // space for 2000 objects
    mjr_makeContext(m, &con, mjFONTSCALE_150);   // model-specific context

    // install GLFW mouse and keyboard callbacks
    glfwSetKeyCallback(window, keyboard);
    glfwSetCursorPosCallback(window, mouse_move);
    glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(window, mouse_button);
    glfwSetScrollCallback(window, scroll);

    double arr_view[] = {
    89.608063, -11.588379, 5, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000};
    cam.azimuth = arr_view[0];
    cam.elevation = arr_view[1];
    cam.distance = arr_view[2];
    cam.lookat[0] = arr_view[3];
    cam.lookat[1] = arr_view[4];
    cam.lookat[2] = arr_view[5];

    // install control callback
    mjcb_control = mycontroller;

    d->qpos[0] = -1;

    fid = fopen(datapath,"w");

    // use the first while condition if you want to simulate for a period.
    while( !glfwWindowShouldClose(window))
        // advance interactive simulation for 1/60 sec
        // Assuming MuJoCo can simulate faster than real-time, which it usually can,
        // this loop will finish on time for the next frame to be rendered at 60 fps.
        // Otherwise add a cpu timer and exit this loop when it is time to render.
        mjtNum simstart = d->time;
        while( d->time - simstart < 1.0/60.0 )
            mj_step(m, d);

        if (d->time>=simend)

       // get framebuffer viewport
        mjrRect viewport = {
    0, 0, 0, 0};
        glfwGetFramebufferSize(window, &viewport.width, &viewport.height);

          // update scene and render
        mjv_updateScene(m, d, &opt, NULL, &cam, mjCAT_ALL, &scn);
        mjr_render(viewport, &scn, &con);
        //printf("{%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f};\n",cam.azimuth,cam.elevation, cam.distance,cam.lookat[0],cam.lookat[1],cam.lookat[2]);

        // swap OpenGL buffers (blocking call due to v-sync)

        // process pending GUI events, call GLFW callbacks


    // free visualization storage

    // free MuJoCo model and data, deactivate

    // terminate GLFW (crashes with Linux NVidia drivers)
    #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(_WIN32)

    return 1;

