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jeecg master-slave database read-write separation configuration "recommended collection"
2022-07-31 15:49:00 【Full stack programmer webmaster】
1、修改Dbconfig.properties数据库配置文件: 注意:The names of the attributes of the slave library should be distinguished from the attribute names of the master library,The property name will be used later in the configuration file.
#数据库配置 主库-写入库
validationQuery.sqlserver=SELECT 1
#数据库配置 从库-读库
#更新|创建|验证数据库表结构|不作改变 默认update(create,validate,none)
2、修改spring-mvc-hibernate.xml配置文件 2.1、配置数据源2:Copy the original data source configuration,做以下修改: 1) 数据源的名称name需要重新命名; 2) Set the link property of the database to Dbconfig.properties中数据源2的属性值.
<!-- 配置数据源2 -->
<bean name="dataSource_slave" class="com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource"
init-method="init" destroy-method="close">
<property name="url" value="${jdbc.url.jeewx.slave}" />
<property name="username" value="${jdbc.username.jeewx.slave}" />
<property name="password" value="${jdbc.password.jeewx.slave}" />
<!-- 初始化连接大小 -->
<property name="initialSize" value="0" />
<!-- 连接池最大使用连接数量 -->
<property name="maxActive" value="250" />
<!-- 连接池最大空闲 -->
<property name="maxIdle" value="20" />
<!-- 连接池最小空闲 -->
<property name="minIdle" value="5" />
<!-- 获取连接最大等待时间 -->
<property name="maxWait" value="60000" />
<!-- <property name="poolPreparedStatements" value="true" /> <property
name="maxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize" value="33" /> -->
<property name="validationQuery" value="${validationQuery.sqlserver}" />
<property name="testOnBorrow" value="false" />
<property name="testOnReturn" value="false" />
<property name="testWhileIdle" value="true" />
<!-- 配置间隔多久才进行一次检测,检测需要关闭的空闲连接,单位是毫秒 -->
<property name="timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis" value="60000" />
<!-- 配置一个连接在池中最小生存的时间,单位是毫秒 -->
<property name="minEvictableIdleTimeMillis" value="25200000" />
<!-- 打开removeAbandoned功能 -->
<property name="removeAbandoned" value="true" />
<!-- 1800秒,也就是30分钟 -->
<property name="removeAbandonedTimeout" value="1800" />
<!-- 关闭abanded连接时输出错误日志 -->
<property name="logAbandoned" value="true" />
<!-- 开启Druid的监控统计功能 -->
<property name="filters" value="stat" />
<!--<property name="filters" value="mergeStat" /> -->
<!-- OracleThe connection is to get field annotations -->
<property name="connectProperties">
<prop key="remarksReporting">true</prop>
2.2、Configure the data source set:
<!-- 数据源集合 -->
<bean id="dataSource"
<property name="targetDataSources">
<map key-type="org.jeecgframework.core.extend.datasource.DataSourceType">
<entry key="dataSource_jeecg" value-ref="dataSource_jeecg" />
<entry key="dataSource_slave" value-ref="dataSource_slave" />
<!-- <entry key="mapdataSource" value-ref="mapdataSource" /> -->
<property name="defaultTargetDataSource" ref="dataSource_jeecg" />
2.3、定义AOPslicer,关于AOPThe grammar of Baidu can be consulted by yourself,The focus is on the following: (1) org.jeecgframework.core.interceptors.DataSourceAspect类需要实现,This class is mainly used to dynamically switch the database; (2) The expressions here are mainly set for this packageCommonServiceAll methods are faceted; (3) DataSourceAspect类中必须实现before方法,The specific implementation of dynamic switching of the database is controlled here.
<!-- 定义AOP切面处理器 -->
<bean class="org.jeecgframework.core.interceptors.DataSourceAspect" id="dataSourceAspect" />
<!-- 定义切面,CommonService的所有方法 -->
<aop:pointcut id="txPointcut" expression="execution(* org.jeecgframework.core.common.service.*.*(..))" />
<!-- 将切面应用到自定义slicer上,-9999保证该切面优先级最高执行 -->
<aop:aspect ref="dataSourceAspect" order="-9999">
<aop:before method="before" pointcut-ref="txPointcut" />
package org.jeecgframework.core.interceptors;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;
import org.jeecgframework.core.extend.datasource.DataSourceContextHolder;
* 定义数据源的AOP切面,通过该Service的方法名判断是应该走读库还是写库
* @author yaoxy
public class DataSourceAspect {
* 在进入Service方法之前执行
* @param point 切面对象
public void before(JoinPoint point) {
// 获取到当前执行的方法名
String methodName = point.getSignature().getName();
if (isSlave(methodName)) {
// 标记为读库
} else {
// 标记为写库
* 判断是否为读库
* @param methodName
* @return
private Boolean isSlave(String methodName) {
// 方法名以query、find、get开头的方法名走从库
return StringUtils.startsWithAny(methodName, "query","find","get");
实现原理: 1) 判断AOP切面处理的CommonServiceWhether the name of the method called in the class contains the query keyword at the beginning; 2) 如果CommonServiceThe called method contains the query keyword,调用DataSourceContextHolderSwitch the library to read from the library,Otherwise switch to the main library for write operations. 4、DataSourceContextHolderAdded the method of master-slave switching
ackage org.jeecgframework.core.extend.datasource;
*功能:Class to get and set the context,主要负责改变上下文数据源的名称
public class DataSourceContextHolder {
private static final ThreadLocal contextHolder=new ThreadLocal();
public static void setDataSourceType(DataSourceType dataSourceType){
public static DataSourceType getDataSourceType(){
return (DataSourceType) contextHolder.get();
public static void clearDataSourceType(){
* 标记写库
public static void markMaster(){
* 标记读库
public static void markSlave(){
5、Enumeration class for data sourcesDataSourcetypeAppend the newly added slave database data source name to
package org.jeecgframework.core.extend.datasource;
public enum DataSourceType {
总结: The read and write analysis of the application layer involves the following5个文件,see folder【Application layer read-write separation setting file】:
实现的原理:利用Spring AOPThe principle of slice processing,Before the method that operates on the database is executed, it is judged whether to read or write according to the name of the method,进行主从/Switch between read and write databases.
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